Sunday, August 23, 2020

Essay on Issue Arising on Rental Income Tax for Rental Property

Question: Expound on theEssay on Issue Arising on Rental Income Tax for Rental Property. Answer: Investment properties 2017 Act and Australian Tax Office guidelines are set to control on when and how rental pay is surveyed and perceived just as its arrangements on when rental salary passable findings are pertinent. The 2017 Australian Rental Property Act supposedly defines rental pay as any sum paid as lease when you permit an individual to live or utilize your investment property. It is an installment of the administration of permitting the occupant to utilize your premises Poterba(2008). It is for the most part paid over an understanding between the landowner and the occupant or an operator who sets terms of installment just as the lease rate payable just as installment courses of events i.e whether month to month, quarterly or every year. Australian Tax Office necessitates that any sum earned as rental pay or identifying with the investment property should all be incorporated as available pay and further recorded as rental personal government form after coercion to the reasonable conclusion. Australian Tax Office has set rules on all the group of costs identifying with investment property whether previously, during or after the development of the investment property. Australian Tax Office permits land owners to guarantee quick duty conclusion cost on any cost identifying with the rental element any semblance of the executives office charge, installment of enthusiasm on the credit gave to back the property development Reinhardt (2006). It further blueprints, more on their huge thought to the land owners, whose account cost or the advance installment esteem in their advance amortization plan, supposedly is more than the arrival on venture or marginally not as much as what they get. Henceforth are permitted to guarantee a reasoning on it a viewpoint alluded to as negative equipping in Australian Tax Office counsel. This negative equipping perspective for the most part causes the land owner to work on a misfortune that is claimable in accordance with charge law on their pay whether pay or any venture pay at the purpose of documenting expense form Saarimaa(2011). Nonetheless, in the event that the land owners compensation are insufficient to set off the rental misfortune generally sent for future settlement during the following money related year Hulse (2014). Prompt cost reasonings are just relevant if the property supposedly is promoted for lease purposes just as in the event that it is a leased private property McGr egor-Lowndes (2009). In like manner, on the off chance that it is a private property under development, the land wherein it is building its reality gives the proprietor to guarantee the finding. The accompanying plot costs are what named prompt finding, i.e., water and sewerage rates, land rates, cleaning costs, inhabitants publicizing cost, i.e., printing magazines or even TV and through web implies among different costs straightforwardly identifying with the property before its full inhabitance Antoniades (2014). With all the above rules set up by ATO, I accept we are presently ready to order the particular bunch and situation the administration account issue falls just as having the option to offer fitting treatment on the finding. The main thing to concede about the administration bookkeeper is that he possesses a leased property henceforth we anticipate that him should either be appreciating salary from it or trusting income from it in no time and in like manner we envision him to be at present acquiring costs or sitting tight for consumptions as inhabitance continues Hulse(2012). The current issue is that the administration bookkeeper won't sign his rental assessment form with the charge that the intrigue and costs guaranteed are in opposition to the free bookkeeping standards present for the most part on the grounds that inside those four months of guarantee there was no pay he was making. I wish first to welcome the administration bookkeeper concern and mindful sense on charge matters and further educate him that Australian Tax Office has set rules on how costs and premiums should rewarded whether after or before rental pay is earned. In the event that we break down the costs and enthusiasm for the specific situation, we discover that they were acquired inside the four months time frame when there was no salary created from the rents. On the off chance that, at that point permitted I wish to term this as a quick deductible recompense cost that is satisfactory in the duty office. These quick costs meet all requirements for reasoning chiefly in light of the fact that there is an admissive viewpoint that it is acquired on the investment property claimed by the administration bookkeeper Marcus (2013) as educated by the bookkeeper that it was caused four months prior when the property was not producing salary by any stretch of the imagination. By accepting that the intrigue cost in the administration bookkeeper issue, is that one of financing an advance that he gained to acquire the investment property. Subsequently an overall methodology of negative outfitting supposedly occurs since we are seeing him paying the home loan though the investment property has not yet begun creating pay for him henceforth held in a rental misfortune circumstance Burke (2012). At this position, we expect legitimate claimable procedure led by the administration bookkeeper where he can guarantee the cost settle the duty part of his other salary from consultancy administration or his low maintenance instructing work. If not ready to set it off from his compensation he has, in this manner, an opportunity to convey it forward for the future case on the rental pay. Imprint you, this situation of guaranteeing the rental misfortune in future, as I would see it; I get it is the thing that applies to the administration bookkeeper. Because the people are petitioning for him, the government form is guaranteeing for him the cost he caused four months prior though in all actuality there was no salary being created that identified with the expense Fane (2005). Both of the two methodologies, i.e., the one whose intrigue named as the immediate cost or the last named as negative equipping are both under the condition of the presence of the investment property possessed by the administration bookkeeper makes him worth the case according to Australian Tax Office counsel. Having depleted the two situations on the intrigue cost, I, in this manner, wish to exhort the administration bookkeeper by enlightening him not to stress regarding the expense form recorded by the firm identifying with intrigue guarantee in light of the fact that the activity and the documenting done is according to the set Australian guideline set up Pivo(2008). The administration ought to in like manner be seen marking the government form without dread or favor since all procedure included agreed to Australian expense law Pivo (2008). On the off chance that this intrigue was regarded as net investment property shortfall, something that in my view I think it is was the thought made on the marked expense form; we envision seeing the IT6 name. Illuminating the Australian Tax Office that the misfortune is revised at the available rental pay for the month earned because of the idea of Australian assessment framework that esteemed government Lai (2008).As per the law the exist a room of setting of a misfortune on future pay yet endless supply of verification past sensible uncertainty, which whenever done out of vindictiveness the citizen is charged and punished under the demonstration of tax avoidance. Anyway enthusiasm on borrowings is boosted to land owners up to the degree of an advance whose amortization period is 5year and underneath. For any derivation to be named suitable the law expects the claimer to introduce every single important report to validate the case and henceforth from this I guess the firm before record return and case the intrigue costs they had a wide back up of archives sealing capability for the set-off. I, accordingly, finish up by advising the consultancy firm to reclaim the expense form to the administration record and urge him to sign it. Because it is as indicated by the Australian Tax Office and similarly give him important duty conditions just as a duplicate of this paper to back up the reasons why the firm thinks the intrigue cost is a piece of his reasonings. By doing so will hoist question in him just as giving fulfillment on the equivalent. As much as we are concentrating with the derivation angle raised by the administration bookkeeper, let us not neglect to consistently report all the income pay create by the property whether earned to expected to be earned. In a perfect world deductible reasonable costs were acquainted with net-off duty risk over the salaries earned by them, subsequently pardoning substances that can legal use this benefits for the mitigate to do so compliant with Australian Tax Office desire set up. Most available income earned thus includes costs that should be settled off in order to proclaim the available pay accessible. Australian Income Tax Act 2017 further gives guidance on how and when rental salary is earned just as when is it worth being oppressed for charge purposes. This foundation of enthusiasm on cost both for quick and that on rental misfortune supposedly boosts capital consumption, fundamentally to people who use methods for advance or home loan to back the task along these lines making most financial specialists in Australia inclining toward putting resources into genuine homes and rentals more than in private living arrangement. The defer they access from Australian Tax Office is the thing that causes this. Increasingly impressive motivations on intrigue rental misfortune cost is been seen improving lodging improvements in Australia Blessing (2011). At long last, I wish to express that for anybody to appreciate every one of these advantages identifying with rental intrigue cost, obviously, they should enroll with the Australian Tax Office first for charge purposes and second for the case they should deliver all the costs claimable at the hour of detailing. This is relied upon to be seen in the case of intrigue cost by the administration account whereby he was normal however his operators the firm that, as he documents the arrival he in like manner need to join the rental intrigue cost misfortune claimable. References Antoniades, H., 2014. Lodging Affordability in Australia: The National Rental Affordability Scheme v. Open Housing and Welfare Programs. In Asian Real Estate Society nineteenth International Confe

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dealing with Death in Whitman’s O Captain! My Captain! and Tennyson’s C

Managing Death in Whitman’s O Captain! My Captain! also, Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar Life and demise are repeating subjects in writing; they are not regularly alluded to straightforwardly, however are derived from allegorical language. In Walt Whitman’s sonnet entitled â€Å"O Captain! My Captain† from his collection of sonnets, Leaves of Grass, he depicts the death of Abraham Lincoln using an all-inclusive representation. Additionally, â€Å"Crossing the Bar,† by Lord Alfred Tennyson, from his assortment of verse, Demeter and Other Poems, implies one’s groundwork for their own passing. Now and again, the two creators use comparable methods, utilizing different allegorical language gadgets, for example, broadened similitudes, lingual authority and configuration, which all work to feature their disparities in significance. Using symbolism, the authors’ sonnets conjure different feelings however wind up prompting the conversation of two unique excursions, one that is elegiac in memory of an authentic figure, and the other relevant to each one of the individuals who are confronting death. The two sonnets share some basic attributes, as both make nautical references and manage different phases of death. The two creators use capitalization to put accentuation on the titles of the characters in the sonnet. As in Whitman’s sonnet, he tends to the subject of the sonnet as â€Å"O Captain! My Captain,† who is the one driving the â€Å"ship† (2) that is approaching the port. This is a mention to President Abraham Lincoln, who drove the United States after the Civil War. Tennyson’s sonnet talks about when one will be â€Å"put out to sea† (4) to see the â€Å"Pilot face to face† (15). The subject in Tennyson’s sonnet comes up short on a name, and thusly can be applied to any individual, yet the â€Å"Pilot† (15) alludes to t... ...n, analogies and symbolism to memorialize the fallen commander, Abraham Lincoln and to give him the best possible commendation for his work for the United States. Tennyson’s subject is getting ready for the finish of his time, which is exhibited through word decision and symbolism. Using abstract gadgets, one can see the genuine likenesses between the two sonnets, as both talk about death related subjects through nautical similitudes, yet additionally feature the genuine contrasts in topics and implications among Whitman and Tennyson’s sonnets. Works Cited Alfred Lord Tennyson. Ed. J.D. Robins. 1997. College of Toronto. 28 Oct. 2002 Walt Whitman. Ed. Ian Lancashire. 2002. College of Toronto. 28 Oct. 2002 4713 1 Marlow ENGL.12.05

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Trifles, a Feminist Drama - Literature Essay Samples

Susan Glaspell’s one-act play called Trifles can best be described as a feminist drama. Having first been performed in 1916, and having been written by a woman, the play itself is one of a kind, which is why it is still taught to this day. There are very few characters, which serves to distinguish differences between men and women and allows for the audience to see that women can fight back in a patriarchal society. The plot itself shows how women can come together and do what they believe is right, even if it is considered wrong by men and the rest of society. By using a feminist lens while analyzing the plot and the characters, especially in relation to a woman’s job in a marriage and to the distinction of genders for Mrs. Wright’s judgment, one can see that Glaspell’s work criticizes the overly dominant role of men in society, as the women decide to stand firm in letting a guilty woman go free. Femininity and fighting the patriarchy is the overarching theme throughout the entirety of the play, as it highlights a society where women are neglected and belittled yet find a way to fight back against an unjust society. The idea that women’s wants and needs were entirely overlooked by men, particularly husbands, is evident as Hale says, â€Å"I didn’t know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John† (Glaspell). This demonstrates that Mr. Wright simply did not care what his wife thought and would not change his ways for her. The belittling of women, especially when it comes to their hard work, is best seen in a line which contains the title of the play, thus drawing the audience’s attention. â€Å"Well, women are used to worrying over trifles† (Glaspell), said by Mr. Hale when Mrs. Wright worries about her jars of preserves, shows that men think women’s worries and efforts go towards insignificant details, while Mrs. Hale underst ands how hard putting preserves into jars is. Glaspell could have simply left her commentary regarding the treatment of women there, but instead goes further by showing women standing up to men. As the County Attorney looks around the Wrights’ kitchen, he comments on the dirty towels and says that Mrs. Wright was â€Å"not much of a housekeeper† (Glaspell), to which Mrs. Hale responds to defend women and to talk back to the patriarchy. Afterward, the County Attorney says â€Å"loyal to your sex, I see† (Glaspell), highlighting the division between the genders. Such a division between the sexes can best be seen when one looks at the characters and their roles in the judicial system. In the play, a group of farmwives decides to let guilty Mrs. Wright go free after she killed her husband. Such a decision shows women coming together and fighting for one another, and when one sees that those representing the justice system are men, demonstrates the idea of fighting back against men. The characters who represent the law are George Henderson, the County Attorney, and Henry Peters, the Sheriff, so their primary goal is to put away Mrs. Wright if she is guilty of a crime. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hales, on the other hand, are in charge of figuring out if Mrs. Wright is guilty, which she is, but they choose to hide the truth to let Mrs. Wright go free, thus fighting society’s idea of justice, which symbolizes men and the patriarchy. The difference between the sexes can also be seen in the women and men’s notions of justice. In the play, me n see justice as punishing someone who is guilty, no matter the reasoning behind the crime, while women do not believe someone should be punished if their offense was due to reasonable reason. Due to the female characters’ ideology regarding justice, Mrs. Wright is said to be innocent and is thus let free. The reasoning behind their definition of justice and their choice to let Mrs. Wright go free is because of how women are treated in a marriage, as well as in society. Mr. and Mrs. Wright’s marriage represents a typical marriage within a patriarchy, especially when it comes to Mr. Wright’s treatment of his wife and Mrs. Wright’s role within the marriage. Mrs. Hale’s description of Mr. Wright as a â€Å"hard man† (Glaspell) who is considered good simply because â€Å"he didn’t drink, and kept his word as well as most, I guess, and he paid his debts† (Glaspell) shows that men were considered to do their part by merely paying debts and not drinking, but it is shown throughout the play that he was not an ideal husband, as he treated his wife harshly and did not care what she wanted, as previously mentioned. A woman in a marriage, as shown in the play, must keep the house clean and often cook, as seen by her worries over her jars of preserve s and the men’s criticism over the dirty towels, saying she was not doing what she was supposed to do. By looking at what Mr. and Mrs. Wright both did for their marriages, one can see that the man was not expected to do much, while the woman was supposed to do everything around the house. Such ideals, especially when combined with the fact that women were neglected, shows the reasoning behind Mrs. Wright murdering her husband and the women choosing to let her get away with it. The roles of the characters, especially in relation to justice and marriage, throughout the play serve to justify the events occurring within the plot. Glaspell’s work allows for the true injustice of a patriarchal society to be seen while conveying a profound message that women, when coming together, can fight for their beliefs. Her primary way of expressing the idea that women must fight for feminism is by showing a clear division between the men and women in the play, whether in their beliefs, their commentary, or their role in the plot itself.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay about Racism in Othello - 862 Words

Racism is inextricably linked to the story of Othello and presents several universal themes, still prominent in modern society. It is this that questions what sort of message Shakespeare intended to convey to his audience; was Othello the black ‘moor’, portrayed as a tragic hero? Or did his character eventually come to resemble the prejudices of which he was a victim? A text rich with ethical debate, Othello is a story of black and white, culture, fate, and ultimately good versus bad. Racial ‘otherness’ is a crucial part of the text; it is with this that Shakespeare crafts a journey in which Othello is initially presented proud, with dignity and respect, then painfully contorted into the mould that Iago has created, eventually turning†¦show more content†¦However these positive factors are outweighed by the deep rooted hatred of ‘the Moor’s’ race on Iago’s behalf; the initiation of Iago’s dark scheming which eventually results in Othello’s downfall. Closely associated with the racism in the play at the beginning is a more generalized fear of the unknown—in this case race is the otherness that separates Othello. Characters such as Brabanzio, after being startled by the news of his daughter’s affair with â€Å"the Moor† is convinced that this foreigner is using trickery and dark magic to engage Desdemona. Even though at this point he does not even know that Roderigo and Iago are refe rring to Othello, he knows that since it is a colour man they are speaking of that some dark â€Å"savage† arts must be at work. He accuses Othello (here the unknown man of colour) of witchcraft and wonders how, â€Å"against all rules of nature† his lovely daughter could have fallen â€Å"in love with that what she feared to look on†. Othello is also conveyed as a proud man who cripples under the pressure of manipulation and eventually becomes a beast, a murderer and hence, fulfils the prejudices with which his enemies brand him. It is evident in the final scene that Othello has truly transformed into a ‘killer’, and subsequently fits theShow MoreRelatedRacism In Othello1694 Words   |  7 PagesWhy Would You Think That? Without a doubt, Othello is one of Shakespeares most confrontational pieces of literature. The play has had a tremendous impact on literature for many years. It was written in a time where there was racial segregation, which many people cant believe that there was a successful black leader. Othello, is a very high ranking official in the Army (a powerful general) and is married to a young, white girl named Desdemona. Knowing when this play was written itsRead MoreRacism In Othello Analysis829 Words   |  4 Pagesof Racism in Othello.† Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 3, Oct. 1993, p. 304. In this article, the author relates the idea of primal scene to racism in â€Å"Othello†. Primal scene is a psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud. This theory claims once a child imagines or sees their parents having sexual relations they will be unable to repress this image from reappearing in their mind. The author relates this theory to the play â€Å"Othello† byRead MoreRacism In Othello Essay941 Words   |  4 Pagesputs forward the argument that Elizabethan Englishmen saw the African Natives as being barbarous and treacherous. These views are present in Shakespeare’s Othello through the characters of Iago, Rodrigo and Brabantio. However, these opinions were not shared by most of the characters until tragedy strike s and darkness of jealousy consumes Othello. Shakespeare expresses the racial prejudice that is evident in his period through the characters of Iago, Roderigo and Brabantio. The play starts with IagoRead MoreRacism in Shakespeares Othello2768 Words   |  12 PagesRacism in Othello Racism seems to be a big concern in Shakespeare’s tragic play, Othello. 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When referring to Othello, the otherRead MoreRacism In Othello Essay1414 Words   |  6 PagesShakespeare’s Othello depicts the downfall of a highly respected war general and explores themes such as jealousy, gender, and deception. The exploration of these themes evinces the racial, cultural, and social climate of Venice. The primary philosophies of the seventeenth century about race are a substantial part of Othello’s doubt and insecurity, which ultimately lead to his tragic demise. The encounter between worlds with differing values and ideas plays a consider able role in the context of Othello. ThereRead MoreTheme Of Racism In Othello1811 Words   |  8 PagesThe one subject that seems to be of most interest is the subject of racism in the story and poem of Shakespeare`s Othello. Whether or not it is believable, racism can be connected to almost any subject for the story`s theme. It can be the reason for a motive such as jealousy and can be the reason for our main character’s insecurities. Readers need to keep in mind that Othello is the only Black character in the story, maybe even the only black person in the whole island, and ask theme selves why aRead More Othello: Racism Essay1909 Words   |  8 PagesOthello: Racism  Ã‚        Ã‚   Just how serious is the problem of racial prejudice in William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello? Is it pervasive or incidental? This essay intends to answer questions on this subject. Blanche Coles in Shakespeare’s Four Giants maintains that the racial discrimination in the play may be overstated by critics: In the first scene, Roderigo has referred to Othello as â€Å"thick lips.† No other character in the play attributes any such negroid features to Othello, and itRead MoreEssay on Racism in Shakespeares Othello2541 Words   |  11 PagesRacism in Othello      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samuel Taylor Coleridges Literary Remains is just one of the essays that presents an attack on Shakespeare for his lack of realism in the monstrous depiction of a marriage between a beautiful Venetian girl, and a veritable negro, in Othello. He sees Shakespeares transformation of a barbarous negro into a respected soldier and nobleman of stature as ignorant, since at the time, negroes were not known except as slaves. (Appendix) The extract seems to raiseRead MoreEssay Race and Racism in Othello1793 Words   |  8 PagesIn What Way Would A Modern Audience React To The Way Race And Racism Is Portrayed In Othello? In the Sixteenth century, as we see clearly from Othello and other works of both Shakespeare and Cinthios original version of Othello, race was a topic of great debate and discussion. Today, in the twenty-first century the debate retains its controversy and passion. However, attitudes towards race have taken a dramatic turn during the last century. In the developed world people are now living in an

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Law And Ethics Dental Fraud For Profit - 1406 Words

Law and Ethics: Dental Fraud for Profit Tessina Jernigan DA 10/21/2015 Dentistry is a unique and beautiful healthcare field. We as individuals whom work in the dental office can impact the lives of those around us. There are those who abuse the system, instead of having the patient’s best interest at heart. This causes many patients to become fearful, and loose trust within the professionals whom work in the dental field. Not only are there ethical issues that arise across the country; there are legal issues as well. It is common that the two go hand-in-hand. Dental insurance fraud is one of the most common hardships that people come across. Dental fraud not only affects the company that pay for the care, it affects the business in which it occurred, it affects those who pay for the insurance, and ultimately the patient. The patient should be the primary concern of the whole dental team. I have personal experience with dental professionals abusing dental insurance. I had unnecessary treatment performed on healthy teeth, just so the office would u se every bit of available insurance, and then some more that I was responsible for. It was very traumatic event for myself. I went from having a few filings to needing an inlay, to then being told I needed a root canal, after the individual got the inlay stuck in my tooth. I refused the root canal treatment. I was numbed seven times that day, and by the end of it all I felt everything. It made no sense at all.Show MoreRelatedEthics Programs For Colorados Benefit Trusts Essay2266 Words   |  10 Pagesat the mercy of the ethical compasses of only a few. As you may know, these individuals and their families have medical, dental, vision, and life â€Å"insurance† through a self-funded trust plan instead of a traditional insurance company. 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Effects of Having an Ofw Parents free essay sample

Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered on the respondents regarding on the effects of having an OFW parents. Table 1 shows that 35% are mother, 40% are father and 25% of the respondents are both parents are working abroad. This means that more father works abroad than mother and only few of the parents both work abroad. Mostly, the father is the one working for the family to sustain mainly the financial needs of the family but due to the absence of father (single-mom), they have to work hard for their children. Table 1 Parent/s who work abroad | f| %| Mother| 7| 35| Father| 8| 40| Both| 5| 25| Total| 20| 100| Table 2 shows that the reasons of parents for going abroad are bigger salary (3. 05), good career opportunities (3. 05), good work/private work balance (2. 90), challenging job (2. 45), and experience something new (2. 75). This means that the primary reason for parents for working abroad are to have a bigger salary to sustain the needs of their children and to have good career opportunities for the security of the family. On the other hand, challenging job is not the reason of the parents for working abroad. Philippine government offers a low salary even in some professionals like nurses, engineers and teachers that’s why many would prefer to work as a domestic helpers or office clerks and leave their professional jobs in the Philippines because in most cases, they’ll get paid higher overseas. And also discrimination in having job opportunities is implemented. In this case, overage applicants which comprises the age of the parents are given the least opportunity so they decided to work overseas. Another is the school which they have graduated, which is practically not necessary, is also a big factor to the employers in the country. Doing a job is about doing it well competitively. Table 2 Reasons why parent/s choose to work abroad | WM| Verbal Interpretation| Rank| Bigger Salary| 3. 05| Agree| 1. 5| Good career opportunities| 3. 05| Agree| 1. 5| Good work/private work balance| 2. 90| Agree| 3| Challenging job| 2. 45| Disagree| 5| Experience something new| 2. 75| Agree| 4| Total| | | | Table 3 illustrates that the benefits of having parent/s working abroad are meeting their needs including wants (2. 95), sending them to a good school (2. 95), learning to be independent (2. 80), having a decent living (3. 05), and assuring a better future. This only shows that the most benefit of having parent/s that work abroad is to have a decent living while the least is to learn to be independent. Table 3 What are the benefits of having parent/s who work abroad? | WM| Verbal Interpretation| Rank| They can meet our needs including wants as well. | 2. 95| Agree| 3| They can send us to a good school. | 2. 95| Agree| 3| We learned to be independent. | 2. 80| Agree| 5| We can afford a decent living. | 3. 05| Agree| 1| We can assure better future. | 2. 95| Agree| 2| Total| | | | Different Problems Encountered as a Child of an OFW Table 4 demonstrates the problems, with respect to their home and family relations, which children of an OFW encounter in the absence of their parent/s. These are the feeling that they don’t have a home (1. 95), not getting along well with their brother/sister (2. 00), not getting along well with their mother/father (2. 15), and also the feeling of anxious and lonely most of the time (2. 10). This means that these problems do not exist to them as a child of an OFW. Table 4 Home and Family Relations | WM| Verbal Interpretation| Rank| I feel that I don’t have a home. | 1. 95| Disagree| 4| I do not get along well with my brother/sister. | 2. 00| Disagree| 3| I do not get along well with my father/mother. | 2. 15| Disagree| 1| I am anxious and lonely most of the time. | 2. 10| Disagree| 2| Total| | | | Table 5 displays the problems, in accordance to the respondents’ moral values, which children of an OFW encounter in the absence of their parent/s. These are being unable to determine right from wrong (2. 15), being confused on some moral questions (2. 10), having troubled or guilt conscience (1. 90), easily giving in to temptations (2. 20), and having a certain bad habit (2. 15). With corresponds to their moral values, the respondents do not viewed the above problems as a problem of an OFW child. Table 5 Moral Values | WM| Verbal Interpretation| Rank| I am unable to determine right from wrong. | 2. 15| Disagree| 2| I am confused on some moral questions. | 2. 10| Disagree| 4| I am having troubled or guilt conscience. | 1. 90| Disagree| 5| I am easily giving in to temptations. | 2. 20| Disagree| 1| I am having a certain bad habit. | 2. 15| Disagree| 2| Total| | | | Table 6 presents the problems, with respect to education aspects, which children of an OFW encounter in the absence of their parent/s. These are being inspired to study well (2. 40), affecting their punctuality in attending classes which includes being late (2. 55), receiving low grades (2. 10), and not having support from family members when doing their school related activities. This means that most problem that a child of an OFW encounter is not receiving support from family members when doing their school related activities. This is because their parents are away so they have to do that on their own or by the help of their friends. On the other hand, receiving low grades is not their problem. Students of an OFW still study well even if their parent/s is not around to support them. Table 6 Education Aspects | WM| Verbal Interpretation| Rank| I am inspired to study well. | 2. 40| Disagree| 3| I t affects my punctuality in attending classes. | 2. 55| Agree| 2| I receive low grades. | 2. 10| Disagree| 4| I don’t have support from family members when doing my school related activities. | 3. 25| Agree| 1| Total| | | | Table 7 shows the problems, in accordance to the respondents’ general well-being, which children of an OFW encounter in the absence of their parent/s. These are longing for parental care (2. 40), experiencing confusion on gender boundaries (2. 00), experiencing reversal of gender roles (2. 15), having poor social adjustment (1. 50), and putting burden to girl children in performing household chores (2. 20). This means that as a well- being, respondents do not experienced the above stated problems and strongly disagree they are having a poor social adjustment because in the absence of their parent/s, they usually have their friends to socialized. Table 7 General Well-being | WM| Verbal Interpretation| Rank| I am longing for parental care. | 2. 0| Disagree| 1| I experienced confusion on gender boundaries. | 2. 00| Disagree| 3| I experienced reversal of gender roles. | 2. 15| Disagree| 4| I have poor social adjustment. | 1. 50| Strongly disagree| 5| Burden of girl children in performing household chores| 2. 20| Disagree| 2| Total| | | | Table 8 illustrates the three different ways of communication the respondents communicate with thei r parent/s abroad which are internet (60%), phone (40%), and airmails. Due to the innovation of modern technology, most of the respondents communicate with their parent/s abroad through internet and phone. Today, airmails or paper mails are not been used in communicating. Table 8 Ways of Communication to Parent/s Working Abroad | f| %| Internet| 12| 60| Phone| 8| 40| Airmail| 0| 0| Total| 20| 100| Table 9 demonstrates the frequency of communication between the parent/s abroad and their children. 30% of the respondents admitted that they have their communication almost every day, 3-5 times a week, and 1-2 times a week. Only 10% of the respondents have their communication once a month. Table 9 Frequency of Communication | f| %| Everyday| 6| 30| 3-5 times a week| 6| 30| -2 times a week| 6| 30| once a month| 2| 10| Total| 20| 100| Table 10 below displays the ways parent/s working abroad help their children in solving their problems. Most parents working abroad give advices to their children regarding to their problem (35%). They also cheer up (20%) their children when they have problems to increase their children’s confidence in solving problems that they’re facing. Other way s are having a heart to heart to talk until the problem is solved (10%), sharing stories and past experiences with regards to the problem (10%), and also giving their support o their children (10%). Table 10 How does parent/s working abroad help their children in solving their problems? | F| %| They give me advices regarding to my problems | 7| 35| We always talk until my problem is solved. | 3| 15| They cheer me up when Im down. | 4| 20| They share stories to me regarding to my problem. | 3| 15| They always give their support on me. | 3| 15| Total| 20| 100| Table 11 presents the recipient of the money earned by the parent/s working abroad. Mostly, the money is managed by the father or mother that is left (75%). If both parents are working abroad, the money is been given to manage by other older relatives (15%) like grandfather or grandmother and also by an older sister or brother (10%). Table 11 Who is the recipient of the money earned by the parent/s working abroad? | F| %| Mother/father| 15| 75| Sister/brother| 2| 10| Other relatives| 3| 15| Total| 20| 100| Table 12 above presents the way of managing the money earned by parent/s working abroad. It shows that the money is being used primarily for household allowance (3. 50) in buying the daily needs of the family and next is for the education purposes or school allowance (3. 0) in paying the educational fees and daily allowance of the students in the family. The respondents also admitted that they used the money for the medication (2. 95) of the family whenever someone has been hospitalized or get sick. On the other hand, they refused that the money earned by their parent/s abroad is being used for shopping (2. 10) or buying luxury items. Table 12 How is it being used? | WM| Verbal Interpretation| Rank| Medication| 2. 95| Agree| 3| Household Allowance| 3. 50| Agree| 1| School Allowance| 3. 20| Agree| 2| Shopping| 2. 10| Disagree| 4| Total| | | |

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Table of Contents Long-Term Care Insurance Medicare Medicaid Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) References Long-Term Care Insurance Coverage varies widely depending on the provider and the needs of the customer. In addition, different states have different home care and assisted living facilities and these vary the cost of the long-term care insurance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Long-Term Care Insurance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These include home care, living assistance, and daycare for adults. The long term insurance packages also contain tax benefits such that the beneficiary does not need to pay tax on the payments received (Health and Human Services Paying For Long-Term Care, 2010). Beneficiaries obtain financial coverage of long-term care. The long-term care insurance allows one to make use of their savings and life insurance for other purposes. Under the federal program members ben efit from a group rate lower than individual payment rates. To qualify for long-term insurance, the purchaser should not have a preexisting medical condition. Anyone above 18 years may purchase long term insurance. Limitation may come in because purchase of long-term insurance from non-qualified companies jeopardizes ones benefits. Secondly, monthly premiums are expensive (All About Long Term Care, 2010). Medicare Medicare is a form of insurance. It exists in three forms namely Medicare as hospital insurance, Medicare as medical insurance and Medicare as prescription drug coverage. In addition, there are medical advantage plans provided by private companies. They encompass one or more of the other categories of Medicare. Medicare covers hospitalization bills, doctors’ fees and drug costs depending on the type of Medicare. Qualification for Medicare is only available to people above the age of 65. People with certain disabilities and falling below the age also qualify. The ben eficiary has to pay regularly for the program. Medicare limitation is that the financial compensation under Medicare may be insufficient to cover all long-term costs (Who pays for long-term Care?, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Medicaid With Medicaid, the beneficiary receives long-term home care within their community or in a nursing home. With Medicaid, the beneficiary does not have to leave their home, instead they can ask for care provisions at home. Members must be earning low incomes and have limited resources to access Medicaid. Limitations for Medicaid are that the beneficiary can only access the service form a licensed facility for Medicaid. Moreover, the facility must have a capacity for caring for the patient (Center for Medicare Medicaid Services, 2010). Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) Long-term costs are taken care by monthly fees and entry f ees. In addition, there is a centralized care within communities for all beneficiaries. Members get nursing services, healthcare services and social services. All members have access to assisted facilities and may live alone or in shared apartments. The requirements for CCRC include a provision that the beneficiary must be able to purchase the monthly payments for care. There is also an entry fee that is payable at the beginning of the contract period. On payment of extra fees, beneficiaries also get care in assisted facilities. However, this provision only exists in some CCRC programs. Otherwise, one automatically benefits from a lifetime contract after paying normal fees (Health and Human Services Paying For Long-Term Care, 2010). Limitations for CCRC are that continuing care has a high purchase price. The program also has an entry fee that might be non-refundable. Provisions vary with the type of CCRC with some having no provision for other long-term care costs. Thus, the benefic iary has to pay for extra care. The beneficiary has to relocate to an assisted facility or nursing home (Health and Human Services Paying For Long-Term Care, 2010). References All About Long Term Care. (2010). Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Long-Term Care Insurance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Center for Medicare Medicaid Services. (2010). Web. Health and Human Services Paying For Long-Term Care. (2010). Web. Who Pays for Long-term Care? (2010). Web. This essay on Long-Term Care Insurance was written and submitted by user Arthur Figueroa to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Feeding of goats Essay Example

Feeding of goats Essay Example Feeding of goats Essay Feeding of goats Essay Introduction Feed is really of import for farm animal as for dairy or beef/mutton intent. To acquire a maximal net income from any farm animal a good eating direction and feeding harmonizing to alimentary demands is necessary. If eating is non harmonizing to demand, most of the provender food is loss and there is no consequence on the public presentation of the carnal.feed is a individual most cost in any farm animal elevation. About 64 % cost is on feeding excepting the labour. Good managemental patterns decrease the provender cost. The chief accent in this article is on the alimentary demand of caprine animals, feeding patterns which promote good wellness and increase immune map and ultimately addition production of meat and milk from caprine animals. Goats are really good browser i.e. they merely eat immature foliages of workss. By age, strain, production system either milk or meat, sex, organic structure size, physiological province and clime we can find the alimentary demands of caprine anim als. Feeding patterns is as that it can run into the protein, energy, vitamins and minerals demands. Goat consumes feed 3-4 % of their organic structure weight on dry affair footing. This feed consumption is change harmonizing to the phase of the animate being, organic structure weight, palatableness and physiological province of the animate being. Alimentary demands of dairy and mouton caprine animals Foods which are more of import for caprine animals Carbohydrates It includes sugars, amylum and fibres. Sugar and amylum are present in grains while fibres contain cellulose. And these saccharides are converted into volatile fatty acid by first stomachs agitation with the aid of bacteriums which are usually resident of first stomachs. Young leaves and fresh grazing lands contain extremely digestible fibre which contain more energy. Energy is presented as Entire Digestible Foods ( TDN % ) . It is recommended that half of the diet of the caprine animal is consist of hay or grazing land to minimise the high energy related diseases. Energy demands are varies harmonizing to physiological provinces of caprine animals e.g. care, gestation, lactation and growing. Dairy childs require more energy as comparison to grownups. It is recommended that high energy ration is fed at the clip of lactation. Proteins : Proteins are of import for organic structure growing. Different proteins are broken and change over into amino acids which are finally absorb in little bowel. These aminic acids are form organic structure proteins i.e. ( musculuss ) . This interruption down is occurs in first stomachs. Eatages, soyabean repasts, canola repasts and barly are the good beginning of proteins. During growing protein demands are increased and besides in milk synthesis. Always organize a cost effectual ration is made because protein is a expensive provender point. Water Good quality H2O is ever offers to caprine animals. Decrease H2O consumption can leave a negative consequence on public presentation of the caprine animals. If caprine animals are on high protein diets, they consume more H2O. Vitamins and mineral Goats require vitamins and minerals for their proper operation of different systems. Vitamin A, D, E and K is must be in provender because caprine animals can non do these vitamin in the organic structure. Although other vitamins are formed in the organic structure. Vitamin B is formed in the first stomachs and it is indispensable for caprine animal metamorphosis. For proper operation of immune system vitamin C is required. Both the micominerals and macrominerals are indispensable in caprine animal diets. 2:1 ratio of Ca and P is recommended. When minerals are added in provender, maintain in head that some eatages have high in some minerals while less in other minerals. Fat Fat is besides a good beginning of energy for caprine animals. Dairy caprine animals when browse they can devour some sum of fat besides. Excess energy is stored in the signifier of fat in the organic structure and during lactation high energy is required and this fat is use as an energy beginning. Feeding patterns for caprine animals The procedure by which nutritionary demands of caprine animals is relate with the alimentary ingredient of the provender is called as eating patterns. It can better productiveness. The chief aims of good provender patterns are 1-minimize provender cost and 2-increase carnal public presentation. Feeding of caprine animal childs For new born child foremost three yearss are really critical. The immature is merely like a non-ruminant because first stomachs is non developed, and meets their demands from foremilk and subsequently from milk. Colostrums contain high degree of proteins, globulins, and fat and milk solids. If child is non separated from dike merely after pull the leg ofing, child should have foremilk at least for first three yearss. If child is separate so it should be given milk replacer up to 8-12 hebdomad or until weaning age. ( The procedure by which child is separate from dike ) . Weaning age for meat purpose caprine animal is about three months while for dairy caprine animal it should be 3-4 yearss but depends upon the pattern. Kid starting motor should be incorporating 11 % fibre and 16 % petroleum protein and good quality hay for first stomachs development. Herd replacing eating From ablactating to up till 6 month of age child starting motor is used at the rate of 0.25-0.5 kg/day. Together with good grazing land and high quality eatages macro and micro minerals should be added in the grain mix which contains 16 % petroleum protein. When carnal grow at engendering age from six months to onward they require grain mixture about 0.5-1 kg/day, rough protein 14-16 % and vitamin E and A in provender. 25 % protein is non recommended in turning replacing. The genteelness is depends upon the weight and age of the does. Blushing ration is besides used for dairy caprine animals ; it is the addendum of energy and protein one month prior to engendering clip. Or when vaulting horse is introduced in herd. For meat caprine animal it is non necessary. Feeding of meat does in early gestation ( non-dairy ) In first 90 yearss of gestation meat caprine animals require foods for growing and care. For foetal growing extra foods are less require. From good quality eatages, minerals, salts and vitamin E and A is sufficient for dry caprine animal. Small sum of protein is necessitating if eatages are non good quality. Feeding of meat does in late gestation ( non-dairy ) During the last 60 yearss of gestation particularly 4-6 hebdomads prior to pull the leg ofing 12-14 % petroleum protein and grain mixture, good quality grazing land and hay is recommended. Feeding dairy does in early lactation Dairy does necessitate extra foods for milk production, some extra foods are necessitating for foetus. For multiple foetuss more protein and energy is required. Ingrain mixture with 12-14 % protein, good quality hay and salt mineral mixture is recommended. Far-off prohibitionist does feeding Dry period is recommended for maximal milk production. Last 2 months are of more attending for pregnant does. These 2 months are divided into two stages 1- Far-off dry period and 2- close-up dry period. Far-off dry period is the clip period in which does are dry merely 3 hebdomads before pull the leg ofing. Mammary system is repair during dry period and mammary cells are besides regenerates. Dry affair consumption is about 2-2.5 % of organic structure weight. 12-14 % protein in grain mixture is recommended. Feeding of passage or Close-up prohibitionist does The last 3 hebdomads of gestation is called as close-up dry period or passage period. In this period alimentary demand are increase dramatically while feed consumption is decrease about 35 % . At this phase carnal need more protein and energy to avoid the negative energy balance Nursing does feeding In first few month of lactation more foods are required by does to run into their demand for milk production and for childs. About 16 % petroleum protein is recommended along with vitamins and minerals. Feeding child for meat intent After 3 months of age i.e. weaning clip doelings are separated from clasping. Bucklings are kept for meat and doeling for replacing of herd. For meat purpose weirdo eating is done in this pattern extra addendums are fed to increase the growing rate 30-35 kilogram before 6 months. Creep eating is a good pattern to increase the weight addition. It is consists of maize, oats or pull the leg of grower mixture which contain 14-16 % of protein and fiber about 10 % . Slaughter at the age of 6 months is good pattern. Feeding for milk production Particularly in early lactation does are in negative energy balance, so good managemental pattern can increase the milk production and less opportunity of disease. At 6-8 hebdomads of lactation milk production is at extremum while feed intake extremums at 3-4 months of lactation. In first month of lactation animate being lose about 0.5-1 kilogram organic structure weight/week. But at four months lactation does derive weight 1-2 kg/month. 3-4 % adding if fat in diet can increase energy degree of diet to run into the demands in early lactation, high degree of protein is besides required. The ideal temperature for milk production is 50C-250 C. To diminish the emphasis on the dairy caprine animals following points are keep in head. Give less sum of provender more often Quality eatages should be given To keep pH attention deficit disorder buffer in provender For addition fibre digestion give barm Fed fat to increase energy degree Cool H2O is provide in summer

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Antimitotic Prodrugs Advantages And Disadvantages

Antimitotic Prodrugs Advantages And Disadvantages Abstract The intricate prodrug therapy has made possible the synthesis and identification of novel drug discovery that have significant structural modifications or intermediate derivatives which may facilitated and enhanced therapeutic parameter during in vitro and in vivo studies. Along with improved target delivery of prodrugs provides the capability to not only overcome certain limitation of antimitotic drugs, but to increases the chances to undergo clinical phase trial studies to get in to action. Development of these new prodrugs as improved alternatives gone through from significant challenges; nevertheless these potential therapies also use to analysed and give suggestion about their further development by clinical studies. Introduction Cancer is diseases in which the body’s cells become abnormal and split without control. Cancer cells may show aggression nearby tissues. They may spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body. [1, 2, 3]. Now the days there are mainly three types of treatments are in use surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Among these, surgery and radiotherapy are to be employed for specific treating are and chemotherapy employed during the systemic treatment of metastases in local as well as regional cancer cells. Chemotherapeutic drugs can be divided in to alkylating agents, antimetabolites plant alkaloids (antimitotics), topoisomerase inhibitors, and other antitumor agents. All of these drugs affect the cell division or DNA synthesis and translation, and function in other ways. The proliferation rate is the play the key role in for the effects of these drugs thus; they are not much selective of tumours. Chemotherapy is treatment with drugs that kill cancer cells and make them less active. It is the treatment of disease by chemicals, especially by killing micro-organisms or cancerous cells. In popular usage, it refers to antineoplastic drugs used to treat cancer or the combination of these drugs into cytotoxic standardized treatment regimen. In its non-oncological use, the term may also refer to antibiotics, long time use of chemotherapy consequences natural cell deaths in the treatments of tumour [4]. Sometime these agents produce remission and re-growth which result in proliferation of cancer cells along with resistance of drugs. Although, intense researches have been conducted in the field of cancer, there are some pioneering ideas need to come in this field to decrease toxicities, physicochemical properties and therapeutic index [5]. The use of prodrug is generally established as a strategy to improve the physicochemical, biopharmaceutical or pharmacokinetic properties of pharmacologically potent agents, and thereby increase the develop ability and usefulness of a potential drug [6,7]. The aim of the prodrug establishment is to improve (i) physicochemical properties like solubility, chemical stability, taste and odour etc. (ii) selectivity; (iii) pharmacokinetic and pha rmacodynamic problems and (iv) therapeutic index. Thus; by these improvements, we can overcome the formulation’s challenges of the drugs [8, 9]. The most of the antimitotic prodrugs developed with conjugating prodrug molecules to low to high molecular weight molecules like sugars, enzymes, vitamins, antibodies, polymers and nanoparticals. These are the carriers which transport prodrug in to tumour and drug release with conjugating the drug to the carrier through a spacer that include particular point which make the specific targeting of the drug. These carriers are very complicated in the structure and demand very hard work to make carries linked prodrugs. Hetrogenecity, biodistribution, expression of multidrug resistance, interstitial pressure and amount of the drug reaching to the target site, are the problems which make the task more difficult. Along with that targeting properties will preserved or not with structural changes are major problems in the formulation of carrie r liked prodrug molecules.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Earth Science movie review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Earth Science - Movie Review Example Are any of the characters playing scientists? How are these characters portrayed? Geeky or cool? This movie has many characters playing the role of scientists; extremely part of the movie had its own reason and the parts were clear well. The casts had different roles to play in the movie making the movie to have a flow that to the viewer. The best part of the movie is the coordination that was there between the casts some scenes were direct to the point meaning they did not require any scripting one had to put his words that fit the story well. The target to set by NASA to stop an asteroid on a collision course with the earth was successful (Robert 4). What parts of the movie were scientifically accurate? I.e. what happened that was actually possible and correctly portrayed? The Armageddon movie involves rush thrills narrow escapes and explosions. Extremely thing in the movie is the superb content and it is attractive to the eyes of the viewer; the lighting and the change of scenes i n the movie are correctly timed (Rick 2). The scientists are also extremely well equipped this makes the movie to be real and appealing, this movie if its accuracy is to be compared to talk shows it may be Oprah’s show. ... The directors should have also used the most equipments for astronomy to improve the content. This movie gives many flashlights to the viewer. Were there parts of the movie that may have been possible, but were likely exaggerated for entertainment purposes? The building of a comet that was to head to the earth, the comet had larger bunkers that could keep up to a million people. This was fiction and the fact that they found two hundred thousand people with significant jobs to get into the bunker. At the end, the comet does not hit the earth surface, and people still survive. This part of the movie was exaggerated because in real sense, this is something that can be done but the number of people in the comet seems to be significant, if the number was little this could be argued to be fact (Yoram 9). The number of people, who were in the movie, should be significant because the movie talks about extremely many things at once. Reflect on the movie as a whole. Would it have been as inter esting or entertaining if it had been scientifically accurate? If the movie was scientific it would have been extremely easy for people to understand, if a person many people understand what they see if there is no fiction in the characters taking part in the movie. The scientific technology that in the movie is easy to digest so if any were improvement made then the movie would have been interesting. Some people may just not get in mind what is happening by listening to the words, by watching what is in the movie makes them understand even more and seeing what you have never seen. The word Armageddon is derived from scary thoughts. This word means too many people that it’s destruction of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Peculiarities of Literacy Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Peculiarities of Literacy Education - Essay Example With computer technology text messages and images can move around the screen, produce music and movements, can freeze and navigate images and therefore in this way readers not only adopt the visual image but transform it, in this way, therefore, young people are using computers to construct their own meanings and also adapting to new forms.3 However print text is also important in developing the children's burgeoning development of literacy, there are certain prescribed practices that accompany each type of text, there is a rule that is embedded in each type of text and that the most important thing is to isolate and understand the different practices and the tacit understanding of the children in different subject, hence we must not concentrate purely on the linguistic but also on the multimodal. Children are dealing with greater network of meaning and the literacy curriculum need to match that in order for them to be set for the future, there is a difference between the literacy's children are learning at home and at the literacy class, this differences must be learnt and explored because children feel the differences between the literacy classes and the plugin technology and therefore there is need to help them accept the different literacy experiences in their lives. The text children enjoy at home are electronic, therefore the choice of text in the literacy class need to reflect the multimodality seen in websites by the children in order to appeal their reading behaviour, this would include novels, biographies, columns and poems from best writers that enrich the lives of our students. Further, the texts that touch on the emotional and intellect of readers are likely to move them into a greater depth of understanding. The use of technology, therefore, need to be viewed as the way in which students gain more knowledge and become literate, there is need to incorporate technology and using texts that appeal the reading habits of students, there is also the need to match the differences between the literacy classes and the plug-in technology. Teachers need to redefine reading in a way that it will embrace the interest and the needs of students, Booth outlined twelve steps in which teachers need to revolutionize the way they encourage children to read and this include; redefining what reading means, including comics and magazines in reading programs, including stories in programs because a story is the heart of literacy, helping the students through building strong reading muscles, valuing the responses of students, viewing writing as literacy, recognising the different stage and ages of students, focusing on literacy in every subject, welcoming young people into literacy culture, exploring how words work, understanding that technology is part of literacy and finally turning printed texts into active learning.     

Friday, January 24, 2020

Essay --

According to the oxford dictionary, the definition of women’s rights is â€Å"rights possessed by women, esp. as considered to be equal with those of men† ("Women’s rights"). Ever since women have existed, they have been stereotypically been looked at as weaker than men because of society’s typical gender roles. Women have fought for equal rights although out Americas’ history and because of their determination, the women of today’s society can now vote in presidential elections, serve in congress alongside men, and obtain jobs that were labeled as jobs that only men could do. The women that got the ball rolling when it came to getting equal rights were Elizabeth Sady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. They came up with the idea to hold a convention, which would later be coined the Seneca Falls convention, to advocate about the equal rights that women should have. They got the idea from there experience at the World Anti-Slavery meeting ("S eneca Falls Convention"). During the meeting, they were denied the opportunity to speak from the floor or to be seated as delegates just because they were women ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Mott and Stanton left the hall in disappointment and began discussing ways in which they could change the discrimination that they and many other women encountered throughout their lives ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Furthermore, in July of 1848 The Seneca Falls Convention, which was organized by Staton, Mott and three other women named Martha Coffin Wright, Jane Hunt and Mary Ann McClintock, was held in Seneca Falls, New York in Wesleyan Church chapel and lasted two days. On the first day although originally planned for women only, saw the arrival of approximately 100 to 300 men and women; and even though ... thing. That is why after almost twenty years of rivalry they decided to end their differences and merge together to form the National American Women Suffrage Association and further strengthen the fight for women to vote by focusing on the state level (â€Å"Women’s Suffrage†). The efforts of the association and of all the women who had fought for women’s rights since the Seneca falls convention because on May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment, and 2 weeks later, the Senate also passed it. After Tennessee became the 36th state to pass the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment passed its final test winning with an agreement of three-fourths of the states; and lastly, on august 26, 1920, the Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification. The way women were treated in the United States would dramatically change forever. Essay -- According to the oxford dictionary, the definition of women’s rights is â€Å"rights possessed by women, esp. as considered to be equal with those of men† ("Women’s rights"). Ever since women have existed, they have been stereotypically been looked at as weaker than men because of society’s typical gender roles. Women have fought for equal rights although out Americas’ history and because of their determination, the women of today’s society can now vote in presidential elections, serve in congress alongside men, and obtain jobs that were labeled as jobs that only men could do. The women that got the ball rolling when it came to getting equal rights were Elizabeth Sady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. They came up with the idea to hold a convention, which would later be coined the Seneca Falls convention, to advocate about the equal rights that women should have. They got the idea from there experience at the World Anti-Slavery meeting ("S eneca Falls Convention"). During the meeting, they were denied the opportunity to speak from the floor or to be seated as delegates just because they were women ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Mott and Stanton left the hall in disappointment and began discussing ways in which they could change the discrimination that they and many other women encountered throughout their lives ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Furthermore, in July of 1848 The Seneca Falls Convention, which was organized by Staton, Mott and three other women named Martha Coffin Wright, Jane Hunt and Mary Ann McClintock, was held in Seneca Falls, New York in Wesleyan Church chapel and lasted two days. On the first day although originally planned for women only, saw the arrival of approximately 100 to 300 men and women; and even though ... thing. That is why after almost twenty years of rivalry they decided to end their differences and merge together to form the National American Women Suffrage Association and further strengthen the fight for women to vote by focusing on the state level (â€Å"Women’s Suffrage†). The efforts of the association and of all the women who had fought for women’s rights since the Seneca falls convention because on May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment, and 2 weeks later, the Senate also passed it. After Tennessee became the 36th state to pass the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment passed its final test winning with an agreement of three-fourths of the states; and lastly, on august 26, 1920, the Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification. The way women were treated in the United States would dramatically change forever.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Business Leader Essay

Business leaders have the ability to create opportunities, build products and systems, and inspire others to action. Please describe a time you created an opportunity, built a new product or system, or inspired others to act. The example you provide and elaborate upon may come from your professional endeavors, academic pursuits or civic engagements. I had my first taste of business activity when I just finished my high school. In that summer break, I was invited by three best friends to run a small business with a night market stall in a college zone nearby. We were so excited to take a tiny adventure independently as young adults. In the first several days, we tried our best with zealous cries of selling and lavish hospitality. However, due to the bleak business, the team was overcome by big frustration when we burned out our impulsive passion. Honestly speaking, the idea of giving up kept running in our mind. When the team sat down and started to talk about how to finish this littl e adventure properly, the sadness on our faces suddenly triggered my fighting spirit. As a future freshman at business school in xxx University, I didn’t feel resigned to terminate my first business trial without any hard effort yet. Meanwhile, I felt responsible for cheering them up as a good friend. Thus, I made a proposal and convinced them to have another try together. Firstly, we called off our regular attendance as venders, and took field observation for several days instead. We went to the night market respectively and talked to different venders every evening. Through communication with various venders, we learned some practical knowledge and skills, and further figured out our weaknesses and relevant solutions. Secondly, after taking personal conversations with some college students about their demands, I found out that our goods couldn’t meet their needs. Therefore, I optimized our purchase list and volunteered myself to take the duty of purchasing new goods. After several days of teamwork, we surprisingly noticed that our team spirit, confidence and passion had been revitalized, and restarted our business. As a result, our business began to make profit gradually. A month later, we not only sold out all of our goods, but also made a good profit, which was much mor e than our previous loss. Although it was a tiny business trial for about a month, I valued it as an opening show of my personal business world.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How Does Nitrogen Oxide Pollution Affect the Environment

NOx pollution occurs when nitrogen oxides are released as a gas into the atmosphere during the high-temperature combustion of fossil fuels. These nitrogen oxides consist mainly of two molecules, nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2); there are other nitrogen-based molecules considered to be NOx, but they occur in much lower concentrations. A closely related molecule, nitrous oxide (N2O), is a significant greenhouse gas that plays a role in global climate change. Where Does NOx Pollution Come From? Nitrogen oxides form when oxygen and nitrogen from the air interact during a high-temperature combustion event. These conditions occur in car engines and fossil fuel-powered electricity plants. Diesel engines, in particular, produce large amounts of nitrogen oxides. This is due to the combustion features characteristic of this type of engine, including their high operating pressures and temperatures, especially when compared to gasoline engines. In addition, diesel engines allow excess oxygen to exit the cylinders, diminishing the effectiveness of catalytic converters which prevent the release of most NOx gases in gasoline engines. What Are the Environmental Concerns Associated With NOx? NOx gases play an important role in the formation of smog, producing the brown haze often observed over cities, particularly during the summer. When exposed to the UV rays in sunlight, NOx molecules break apart and form ozone (O3). The problem is made worse by the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the atmosphere, which also interact with NOx to form dangerous molecules. Ozone at the ground level is a serious pollutant, unlike the protective ozone layer much higher up in the stratosphere. In the presence of rain, nitrogen oxides form nitric acid, contributing to the problem of acid rain. Additionally, NOx deposition in the oceans provides phytoplankton with nutrients, worsening the issue of red tides and other harmful algae blooms. What Are the Health Concerns Associated With NOx? Nitrogen oxides, nitric acid, and ozone can all readily enter the lungs, where they create serious damage to delicate lung tissue. Even short-term exposure can irritate the lungs of healthy people. For those with medical conditions like asthma, just a short time spent breathing these pollutants has been shown to increase the risks of an emergency room visit or hospital stay. Approximately 16% of houses and apartments in the United States are within 300 feet of a major road, increasing exposure to hazardous NOx and their derivatives. For these residents—especially the very young and elderly—this air pollution can lead to respiratory diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis. NOx pollution can also worsen asthma and heart disease and is tied to elevated risks of premature death. What Role Does NOx Pollution Play in the Volkswagen Diesel Scandal? For a long time, Volkswagen has marketed diesel engines for most vehicles in their fleet. These small diesel engines provide ample power and impressive fuel economy. There were concerns over the cars nitrogen oxide emissions, but those were appeased as the little Volkswagen diesel engines met the stringent requirements policed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board. Somehow, few other car companies seemed to be able to design and produce their own powerful but thrifty and clean diesel engines. It became clear why in September 2015, when the EPA revealed that VW had been cheating the emissions tests. The automaker had programmed its engines to recognize testing conditions and react by automatically operating under parameters that produce very low amounts of nitrogen oxides. When normally driven, however, these cars produce 10 to 40 times the maximum allowable limit. Sources EPA. Nitrogen Dioxide – HealthEPA. Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) – Why and How They Are Controlled This article was written with assistance from Geoffrey Bowers, Professor of Chemistry at Alfred University, and author of the book Understanding Chemistry Through Cars (CRC Press).