Friday, January 24, 2020

Essay --

According to the oxford dictionary, the definition of women’s rights is â€Å"rights possessed by women, esp. as considered to be equal with those of men† ("Women’s rights"). Ever since women have existed, they have been stereotypically been looked at as weaker than men because of society’s typical gender roles. Women have fought for equal rights although out Americas’ history and because of their determination, the women of today’s society can now vote in presidential elections, serve in congress alongside men, and obtain jobs that were labeled as jobs that only men could do. The women that got the ball rolling when it came to getting equal rights were Elizabeth Sady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. They came up with the idea to hold a convention, which would later be coined the Seneca Falls convention, to advocate about the equal rights that women should have. They got the idea from there experience at the World Anti-Slavery meeting ("S eneca Falls Convention"). During the meeting, they were denied the opportunity to speak from the floor or to be seated as delegates just because they were women ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Mott and Stanton left the hall in disappointment and began discussing ways in which they could change the discrimination that they and many other women encountered throughout their lives ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Furthermore, in July of 1848 The Seneca Falls Convention, which was organized by Staton, Mott and three other women named Martha Coffin Wright, Jane Hunt and Mary Ann McClintock, was held in Seneca Falls, New York in Wesleyan Church chapel and lasted two days. On the first day although originally planned for women only, saw the arrival of approximately 100 to 300 men and women; and even though ... thing. That is why after almost twenty years of rivalry they decided to end their differences and merge together to form the National American Women Suffrage Association and further strengthen the fight for women to vote by focusing on the state level (â€Å"Women’s Suffrage†). The efforts of the association and of all the women who had fought for women’s rights since the Seneca falls convention because on May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment, and 2 weeks later, the Senate also passed it. After Tennessee became the 36th state to pass the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment passed its final test winning with an agreement of three-fourths of the states; and lastly, on august 26, 1920, the Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification. The way women were treated in the United States would dramatically change forever. Essay -- According to the oxford dictionary, the definition of women’s rights is â€Å"rights possessed by women, esp. as considered to be equal with those of men† ("Women’s rights"). Ever since women have existed, they have been stereotypically been looked at as weaker than men because of society’s typical gender roles. Women have fought for equal rights although out Americas’ history and because of their determination, the women of today’s society can now vote in presidential elections, serve in congress alongside men, and obtain jobs that were labeled as jobs that only men could do. The women that got the ball rolling when it came to getting equal rights were Elizabeth Sady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. They came up with the idea to hold a convention, which would later be coined the Seneca Falls convention, to advocate about the equal rights that women should have. They got the idea from there experience at the World Anti-Slavery meeting ("S eneca Falls Convention"). During the meeting, they were denied the opportunity to speak from the floor or to be seated as delegates just because they were women ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Mott and Stanton left the hall in disappointment and began discussing ways in which they could change the discrimination that they and many other women encountered throughout their lives ("Seneca Falls Convention"). Furthermore, in July of 1848 The Seneca Falls Convention, which was organized by Staton, Mott and three other women named Martha Coffin Wright, Jane Hunt and Mary Ann McClintock, was held in Seneca Falls, New York in Wesleyan Church chapel and lasted two days. On the first day although originally planned for women only, saw the arrival of approximately 100 to 300 men and women; and even though ... thing. That is why after almost twenty years of rivalry they decided to end their differences and merge together to form the National American Women Suffrage Association and further strengthen the fight for women to vote by focusing on the state level (â€Å"Women’s Suffrage†). The efforts of the association and of all the women who had fought for women’s rights since the Seneca falls convention because on May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment, and 2 weeks later, the Senate also passed it. After Tennessee became the 36th state to pass the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment passed its final test winning with an agreement of three-fourths of the states; and lastly, on august 26, 1920, the Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification. The way women were treated in the United States would dramatically change forever.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Business Leader Essay

Business leaders have the ability to create opportunities, build products and systems, and inspire others to action. Please describe a time you created an opportunity, built a new product or system, or inspired others to act. The example you provide and elaborate upon may come from your professional endeavors, academic pursuits or civic engagements. I had my first taste of business activity when I just finished my high school. In that summer break, I was invited by three best friends to run a small business with a night market stall in a college zone nearby. We were so excited to take a tiny adventure independently as young adults. In the first several days, we tried our best with zealous cries of selling and lavish hospitality. However, due to the bleak business, the team was overcome by big frustration when we burned out our impulsive passion. Honestly speaking, the idea of giving up kept running in our mind. When the team sat down and started to talk about how to finish this littl e adventure properly, the sadness on our faces suddenly triggered my fighting spirit. As a future freshman at business school in xxx University, I didn’t feel resigned to terminate my first business trial without any hard effort yet. Meanwhile, I felt responsible for cheering them up as a good friend. Thus, I made a proposal and convinced them to have another try together. Firstly, we called off our regular attendance as venders, and took field observation for several days instead. We went to the night market respectively and talked to different venders every evening. Through communication with various venders, we learned some practical knowledge and skills, and further figured out our weaknesses and relevant solutions. Secondly, after taking personal conversations with some college students about their demands, I found out that our goods couldn’t meet their needs. Therefore, I optimized our purchase list and volunteered myself to take the duty of purchasing new goods. After several days of teamwork, we surprisingly noticed that our team spirit, confidence and passion had been revitalized, and restarted our business. As a result, our business began to make profit gradually. A month later, we not only sold out all of our goods, but also made a good profit, which was much mor e than our previous loss. Although it was a tiny business trial for about a month, I valued it as an opening show of my personal business world.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How Does Nitrogen Oxide Pollution Affect the Environment

NOx pollution occurs when nitrogen oxides are released as a gas into the atmosphere during the high-temperature combustion of fossil fuels. These nitrogen oxides consist mainly of two molecules, nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2); there are other nitrogen-based molecules considered to be NOx, but they occur in much lower concentrations. A closely related molecule, nitrous oxide (N2O), is a significant greenhouse gas that plays a role in global climate change. Where Does NOx Pollution Come From? Nitrogen oxides form when oxygen and nitrogen from the air interact during a high-temperature combustion event. These conditions occur in car engines and fossil fuel-powered electricity plants. Diesel engines, in particular, produce large amounts of nitrogen oxides. This is due to the combustion features characteristic of this type of engine, including their high operating pressures and temperatures, especially when compared to gasoline engines. In addition, diesel engines allow excess oxygen to exit the cylinders, diminishing the effectiveness of catalytic converters which prevent the release of most NOx gases in gasoline engines. What Are the Environmental Concerns Associated With NOx? NOx gases play an important role in the formation of smog, producing the brown haze often observed over cities, particularly during the summer. When exposed to the UV rays in sunlight, NOx molecules break apart and form ozone (O3). The problem is made worse by the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the atmosphere, which also interact with NOx to form dangerous molecules. Ozone at the ground level is a serious pollutant, unlike the protective ozone layer much higher up in the stratosphere. In the presence of rain, nitrogen oxides form nitric acid, contributing to the problem of acid rain. Additionally, NOx deposition in the oceans provides phytoplankton with nutrients, worsening the issue of red tides and other harmful algae blooms. What Are the Health Concerns Associated With NOx? Nitrogen oxides, nitric acid, and ozone can all readily enter the lungs, where they create serious damage to delicate lung tissue. Even short-term exposure can irritate the lungs of healthy people. For those with medical conditions like asthma, just a short time spent breathing these pollutants has been shown to increase the risks of an emergency room visit or hospital stay. Approximately 16% of houses and apartments in the United States are within 300 feet of a major road, increasing exposure to hazardous NOx and their derivatives. For these residents—especially the very young and elderly—this air pollution can lead to respiratory diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis. NOx pollution can also worsen asthma and heart disease and is tied to elevated risks of premature death. What Role Does NOx Pollution Play in the Volkswagen Diesel Scandal? For a long time, Volkswagen has marketed diesel engines for most vehicles in their fleet. These small diesel engines provide ample power and impressive fuel economy. There were concerns over the cars nitrogen oxide emissions, but those were appeased as the little Volkswagen diesel engines met the stringent requirements policed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board. Somehow, few other car companies seemed to be able to design and produce their own powerful but thrifty and clean diesel engines. It became clear why in September 2015, when the EPA revealed that VW had been cheating the emissions tests. The automaker had programmed its engines to recognize testing conditions and react by automatically operating under parameters that produce very low amounts of nitrogen oxides. When normally driven, however, these cars produce 10 to 40 times the maximum allowable limit. Sources EPA. Nitrogen Dioxide – HealthEPA. Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) – Why and How They Are Controlled This article was written with assistance from Geoffrey Bowers, Professor of Chemistry at Alfred University, and author of the book Understanding Chemistry Through Cars (CRC Press).