Saturday, August 31, 2019

Federal Civil Procedure

I. Personal Jurisdiction – in what state can the P sue the D? a. Two step-analysis i. Satisfy a statute AND ii. Satisfy the constitution (due process) b. In Personam Jurisdiction – jurisdiction over person, not property, b/c of some contact b/t D and forum state i. Statutory Analysis 1. Every state has statutes allowing jurisdiction based on domicile, presence instate when served w/ process, and consent (implied or actual). 2. Long-arm statute ( allows jurisdiction over non-residents ii. Constitutional Analysis (International Shoe) 1. Test ( Does D have â€Å"such minimum contacts w/ the forum so that exercise of jurisdiction does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice† 2. Factors a. Contact – some tie b/t D and forum i. Purposeful Availment – D’s voluntary act 1. i. e. D ships goods into forum state or D uses roads or causes effects in forum state ii. Foreseeability – D would get sued in this forum b. Fairness i. Relatedness – b/t contact and the claim 1. not always necessary to have relatedness if have substantial ties w/ the forum a. i. e. D domiciled there, business there, served w/ process there can be sued in that state under general jurisdiction ii. Convenience – forum ok unless puts D at a severe disadvantage in the litigation iii. State’s interest – provide forum for its citizens TIP: My parents frequently forgot to read childrens’ stories M – minimum contacts P – purposeful availment F – foreseeability F – fairness R – relatedness C – convenience S – state’s interest II. Subject Matter Jurisdiction – in what court? Federal courts only hear two types of cases: diversity of citizenship and federal question a. Diversity of Citizenship Cases i. Citizens of different states 1. Complete diversity rule ( no diversity if ANY P is a citizen of the same state as any D, at the time the case is filed 2. Citizenship a. Human – can only have one place of citizenship i. Domicile – 1. presence instate AND 2. subjective intent to make permanent home b. Corporation – can have more than one place of citizenship i. State where incorporated AND ii. One state principal place of business 1. Only one PPB a. Headquarters OR i. Most use this to designate unless all activity is in one state b. Most production or service activity c. Un-incorporated associations i. Use citizenship of ALL ITS MEMBERS d. Decedents, minors, incompetents i. Look to their citizenship NOT the representative’s citizenship ii. Amount in controversy – good faith allegation the claim in the complaint exceeds $75,000. 00, exclusive of interest and costs 1. Aggregation – adding together two or more claims to meet amount in controversy requirement a. Need one P and one D b. Joint tortfeasors – use total value of claim, irrelevant of the # of parties 2. Equitable Relief – if either test met, then it’s OK a. P’s viewpoint: does injunction cover loss of value by more than $75k? OR b. D’s viewpoint: would it cost D more than $75k to comply w/ the injunction b. Federal Question – claim â€Å"arises under† federal law c. Supplemental Jurisdiction – no federal jurisdiction b/c no diversity or FQ, BUT may still be able to get into federal court i. Test 1. common nucleus of operative fact – arise out of same transaction or occurrence as underlying claim ii. Limitation 1. can not use to overcome lack of diversity in a diversity of citizenship case BUT 2. Can use to overcome lack of diversity in a FQ case 3. Can use to overcome amount in controversy in diversity cases d. Removal – allows D’s to have case filed in state court â€Å"removed† to federal court i. What cases? – if case could be heard in federal court ii. Where? – ONLY to the federal district court embracing the state court iii. When? – no later than 30 days after service of the first removable document e. Erie Doctrine III. Venue IV. Service of Process V. Pleadings VI. Joinder of Parties VII. Discovery VIII. Pretrial Adjudication IX. Conferences and Meetings X. Trial, Judgment and Post-trial Motions XI. Appeal XII. Claim and Issue Preclusion

Friday, August 30, 2019

Elie Wiesel Quotes Essay

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"To forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"When a person doesn’t have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be def ined by his or her attitude toward gratitude.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"There is divine beauty in learning†¦ To learn means to accept the postulate that life did not begin at my birth. Others have been here before me, and I walk in their footsteps. The books I have read were composed by generations of fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, teachers and disciples. I am the sum total of their experiences, their quests. And so are you.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Human suffering anywhere concerns men and women everywhere.† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed†¦.Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never.† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"One person of integrity can make a difference.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"If the only prayer you say throughout your life is â€Å"Thank You,† then that will be enough.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Only the guilty are guilty. Their children are not.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Write only if you cannot live without writing. Write only what you alone can write.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Which is worse? Killing with hate or killing without hate?† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right questions.† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must — at that moment — become the center of the universe.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only raci sts make them† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Then came the march past the victims. The two men were no longer alive. Their tongues were hanging out, swollen and bluish. But the third rope was still moving: the child, too light, was still breathing†¦ And so he remained for more than half an hour, lingering between life and death, writhing before our eyes. And we were forced to look at him at close range. He was still alive when I passed him. His tongue was still red, his eyes not yet extinguished. Behind me, I heard the same man asking: â€Å"For God’s sake, where is God?† And from within me, I heard a voice answer: â€Å"Where He is? This is where–hanging here from this gallows†¦Ã¢â‚¬  That night, the soup tasted of corpses.† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"For in the end, it is all about memory, its sources and its magnitude, and, of course, its consequences.† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"Think higher, feel deeper.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win. † ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must – at that moment – become the center of the universe.† ― Elie Wiesel, The Night Trilogy: Night/Dawn/The Accident â€Å"I shall always remember that smile. From what world did it come from?† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"For the survivor who chooses to testify, it is clear: his duty is to bear witness for the dead and for the living. He has no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be no t only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.† ― Elie Wiesel, Night â€Å"I don’t want my past to become anyone else’s future.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"We must not see any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person a universe with its own secrets, with its own treasures, with its own sources of anguish, and with some measure of triumph.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Most people think that shadows follow, precede or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories.† ― Elie Wiesel â€Å"Night is purer than day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning. The tragedy of man is that he doesn’t know how to distinguish between day and night. He says things at night that should only be said by day.† ― Elie Wiesel, Dawn

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Competing in the global arina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Competing in the global arina - Essay Example Vertical integration is brought about in any business by increasing or decreasing the control a firm has over its inputs and distribution of outputs and services. This would include both backward and forward integration. Backward integration is the control over inputs or supplies, whereas, forward integration is the firm’s control over its outputs or supplies. Full vertical integration occurs when a firm incorporates a value-chain of a supplier and/or that of a distribution channel into its own value chain.2 This could happen in two ways: when a firm expands its activities directly in other countries or through acquisition of existing companies in these countries. Horizontal integration involves expansion of the business at the same level of the value chain.This could be done through acquisitions or expansions into related or unrelated products, but at the same level of the value-chain. To launch a new product, ample research must have been carried out to determine the suitability of the product in the new market. If only there is a demand for a product, it should be launched in the new country/market. To launch a new product, the market/consumer population must be ready for its launch. The consumer should be aware of the benefits of the product and must be ready to experiment with the new product/service. To be able to successfully launch a new product in a foreign country, the company should have core competencies in manufacturing the product. A product will be accepted in a foreign market, if and only if it is better than the existing products available in that market/country. The manufacturer should make sure that his products/services are the best in the country and there is no competition. This might require integration in some form: either vertical or horizontal; to ensure the competitiveness of the products. Decisions regarding the time of launch of product and pricing would have to be carefully worked

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Homeland Security - Essay Example All crimes not considered capital were punishable through public torture, mutilation, or embarrassment (McCorkle 321). Flogging was common. Branding with a hot iron was frequently practiced in Britain and sometimes in the British Colonies in North America. The stocks or the pillory were used for lesser crimes (McCorkle 321-2). Numerous crimes or repeat offenses were considered capital crimes, and executions were public events. The death penalty was the final solution offered to compensate for all the other defects of the criminal justice system. The Massachusetts Assembly in 1736 issued a decree that a thief, on the first conviction, be fined or whipped. On the second, the offender would pay triple the fines and be forced to sit on the gallows platform with a noose around his (or her) neck, followed by thirty lashes at the whipping post (Miller 66). For the third offense, the culprit was taken to the gallows and publicly hanged. In his book  The London Hanged  (1992), Peter Linebaugh notes that those hanged for capital offenses in eighteenth century London were overwhelmingly from the working class, and particularly from trades experiencing the onset of craft-destroying manufacturing (Miller 42). The rise of capitalism had resulted in substantial increases in pauperism and petty thievery, which became rampant all through Europe with the decline of the feudal system. In England, steps were taken as early as 1557 to address this problem through the construction of houses of correction or workhouses, the first of which was Bridewell in London. This type of institution quickly spread throughout Britain and the Continent. Unruly apprentices, beggars, â€Å"strumpets,† vagrants, and rogues were sent to the houses of corrections, where they were manacled, flogged, and forced to carry out hard labor (Parker 105). These institutions were widely regarded as

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hair ans Fiber Analysis Relating to Homicides Research Paper

Hair ans Fiber Analysis Relating to Homicides - Research Paper Example â€Å"Anthropology is the study of humans, their culture and their biology. Anthropology can be divided into the study of human biology and human culture† (Houck & Siegel 183). This includes the study of the past and present elements and features of a given social classification of people. Forensic anthropology therefore seeks to merge the concept of anthropology with forensic sciences which provides evidence based on the unique features of a given perpetrator of a murder. This means that forensic anthropology makes the use of social grouping and classification to match the features of a given suspect to provide the broad classification of the possible perpetrator of a given crime. Aside being used in courts, forensic anthropology may be of use in the investigation of human rights abuses like genocides and the examination of mass graves to attain further details of crimes (Haviland et al 10). Details of skeletal anatomy can help establish various social classifications of vict ims like age, sex, population affiliation and stature of deceased (Haviland et al 10). The differences between people can be attributed to several factors and situations. This is the main essence of anthropology. It seeks to study our differences based on our unique features and skeletal structures. Forensic anthropology therefore try to apply our differences based on dominant findings in relation to â€Å"... human evolution, paleopathology (study of bone diseases in antiquity), physiology and morpoplogical adaptatiosn to various environmental conditions and osteology (study of bone structures† (Brickley & Ferllini 5). These differences ultimately lays the foundation for the identification of differences amongst people. This provides the basis for the classification of victims and their murderers. This can therefore become the basis for the identification of these people in a competent court of judicature and the ultimate conviction of such perpetrators. However, the use of forensic anthropology in a court of law can come with difficulties. This is because there is the need for some standards to be observed in the usage of external evidence in a trial which can determine the future of a suspect. It is therefore necessary for some safeguards to be erected to prevent the misuse of anthropology in court cases and the broad generalizations of situations that could potentially cause the miscarriage of justice. This paper examines the use of hair and fiber analysis, a sub-unit of forensic anthropology as evidence in court. It examines the components of hair and fiber analysis in homicide cases and its appropriateness as evidence in court. It looks at the various cases where it has been used and its limitations in court cases. In arriving at this end, two major landmark cases will be examined: the OJ Simpson Trial (1994) and the Daubert Case (1993). Hair & Fiber Analysis in Homicide â€Å"Hair and fiber analysis are important to examine a victim and events t hat took place at the place of murder through to the place of dumping the body† (Houck 123). This implies that hair and fiber analysis can provide important components of a murderer in a case that can enable the identification of such a criminal to come much easier. Hair and fiber analysis provide a way through which the hair of the perpetrators of a murder which fell off at the scene of the crime

Monday, August 26, 2019

Wooden Post Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Wooden Post Ltd - Essay Example Study of the case of ELITE HOTELS GROUP plc was done and the observations are indicated in the criteria for judging the adequacy of the solution. A vision of the WOODPOST LTD after consolidation is also conceived and presented at the end. The paper ends with a conclusion as also indicating the learning outcome. On strategic analysis of the market of WOOD POST LTD, the following three options are offered as viable long term strategies by a business consultancy firm of international reputation, to overcome the slow down of the business due to recent growth in United Kingdom market. For investment purposes, the 'life' of the project is assumed to be 10 years. All the cash flows are expressed in 'real' terms (that is, after allowance for inflation). In view of the relatively risky nature of the project, the Finance Director of WOODEN POST asserted that the 'normal' hurdle rate of 8% 'real' should be increased to 10%. But this has produced some debate among members of the management team some of whom considered that the effective cost of capital was zero since existing cash resources will be used. Quite apart from all these factors, further investigations into the acquisition established that cash

Sunday, August 25, 2019

SWOT Analysis of St. Austin Primary School Essay

SWOT Analysis of St. Austin Primary School - Essay Example This essay stresses that the school enjoys a good relationship not only with the neighbors but also with the school stakeholders. Periodic audience between the school administration and the students ensures that problems are solved as soon as they arise. There are periodical meetings between the teachers and the parents and this ensures that the two parties act in a synchronized manner as far as bringing up the child is concerned. There are parent days once per year where the students, teacher and students come together. This paper makes a conclusion that the school possesses a lengthy history, been in existence for thirty years now. This means that the school has laid down infrastructures as far as education provision is concerned. It has a fully stocked library and laboratories. It also has a powerful network of alumni. These are prominent people in the society and provide inspiration to our student and staff. The school is very expensive, it been a private enterprise. This locks out students that deserved an opportunity to study at our school since they cannot meet the costs. The school is said to be rigid as far as religion goes. It is run exclusive on Roman Catholic principles. This alienates students of other faiths like Muslim and Protestants. The school has been in existence for a period of thirty years. Due to this, it finds it very hard to deviate from its tradition and embrace new ways of life. It is accused of still running the business of education the old school way.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

SISCO Marketing Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SISCO Marketing Plan - Case Study Example This being the first year of operation in the financial and mortgage industry, SISCO has developed its own customer base, thus cultivating its own niche market. An aggressive marketing will however lead to a growth of its customer base, thus making its presence widely known in Jeddah. SISCO's core business shall be the supply of financial services to both individuals and business owners, who have interests in the mortgage and property development industry. Following a study of the target market, the information acquired will hence help the company to better serve the needs of the customers. The kingdom is witnessing a change in demographics of home development. Previously, individuals build at least 98 percent of the homes, whereas developers only handled the remaining 2 percent. The trend is however rapidly changing owing to a drastic rise in both the building materials, and a corresponding increase in development cost The sector is bound to witness a rapid growth, and which will continue onto the following year. This saw investment into real estate increasing by more than two folds by the end of 2007. This review, which was provided by the Global Investment House, also reported of an annual growth in the sector of 115.9 percent, and which now stands at SAR 100.4 billion. In almost all the segments in this market, demand almost always surpasses supply. While this trend is expected to hold in coming years, real estate prices, as well as rental will more than likely remain buoyant. 9. Market trends: The real estate market in Saudi Arabia has remained buoyant, thanks to the availability of sustainable demand. As long as there is an economic expansion, there will be a resultant creation of investment opportunities in the region. Demand will thus continue picking up, fuelled by an influx of increased rates. In addition, population growth in the kingdom has been forecasted to continue growing annually at a rate of 2.5 percent, to reach 25.66 million at the end of 2009. At the same time, there shall be a decline in the average house hold size from 5.5 to 5.2 persons for the periods 2005-2009. This will in turn lead to a corresponding increase in housing demand, which has been estimated to be at 1 million units by the end of the same period. This translates into an increase of 200,000 units per year on average. Jeddah is also witnessing a growing trend, in which high rise and luxurious apartment are being designed and developed by real estate developers of repute (Parker 2007). 10. Market needs: There is a dire need to supply over 200,000 housing units per year. In order to achieve this, a total of 280 million square meters of land is needed. Further, SAR 500 billion needs to be invested in the sector to be able to construct the 1 million housing units. In order to quench this thirst for housing units, the availability of sufficient financial mechanisms are needed (Parker 2007). 11. SWOT Analysis: This is a description of the company's strengths, weaknesses, threats and

Rituals in Modern and Ancient Society Research Paper

Rituals in Modern and Ancient Society - Research Paper Example While many of these rituals have stayed with our species since they were originally constructed so many eons ago, not all of them have retained the same structure. Our human race is prided in its ability to adapt to changes in time and circumstances, and our rituals are not exempt from this fact. By looking at the ancient rituals of birth and the transition to adulthood, and then comparing them to our modern practices, one can see how our society has adapted our rituals to match the changes of the human race. The rituals surrounding birth are perhaps the ones that have seen the most change throughout time. In the early years of the human race, the complete process of birth, from conception to the birth of the child, was not wholly understood. Without physicians or a sound understanding of the workings of the human body, people were not immediately aware of how a child was conceived. As such, this beautiful miracle of life was truly that to early civilizations - a miracle. A pregnant woman was revered by the whole society, and the birth of the child was a celebration that everyone partook. As science and medicine advanced, providing insight into the functions of the body that allow for conception and birth, rituals were altered to acknowledge these natural, wondrous processes. In ancient Greece, birthing rituals were based on superstitious belief. The room in which the mother would give birth would be checked for knots, which were believed to delay or prevent birth. Once the mother went into labor, she would crouch over a birthing stool where two midwives would massage her stomach and a third would be waiting to catch the baby. After the birth of the baby, both mother and child would be cleaned as birth blood was thought to be unlucky. A sign would then be made on the baby’s forehead to protect them from curses caused by the evil eye (Byrne, 2006). In China during the late 1800s, a Taoist priest would whisper prayers to the mother while she was in labor to encourage an easy birth. After the child was born, they would not be washed for three days to diminish any influences of evil. Zuni Indians of the 1890s conducted birth in silence; despite the pain she no doubt experienced, a woman in labor was not allowed to speak. Instead, the women of her fami ly would groan and cry for her. Six days after the birth, the child would be presented to the Zuni gods, a ceremony attended by all members of the tribe. In ancient Indonesia and Malaysia, women were not allowed medicine for pain relief, and the birth took place within the home since the first cry of the baby was in loyalty to the parents and should be heard in the home. A priest would whisper prayers and scriptures to the child so that the first words the baby would hear would be those of faith. Many of these rituals have withstood the sands of time, though they may not be immediately recognizable. The major difference between birthing rituals in ancient times and in modern times is that the practices of the ancient were required, while women in the modern era are virtually unlimited in how they give birth (Rouhier-Willoughby, 2003). Midwives are common, though not necessarily required, and they help soothe the mother and make the delivery easier. In some religious settings, a prie st is present to bless both child and mother. Some women do not use medication during birth, fearing that the medication might harm their child, and the location of the birth varies from one woman to another. Many are conducted in the maternity wards of hospitals, some are done in special birthing centers that promote natural births, and others are done in bathtubs in the homes of the mothers-to-be. After the birth of a child, the next milestone in their life is the transition into adulthood.

Friday, August 23, 2019

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

History - Assignment Example A. Boxer rebellion is the outcome of a rebellious action from a group called ‘Boxers’ which was a Righteous and harmonist group in china. The main aim of this group was to get rid of all the foreign influence present in china and retain their own cultural heritage. During 1899, this group was battling against Christian foes in which many foreign officials got killed. This group was the reason for weakening the power of chin dynasty and also influenced the republic revolution which made china a republic nation. 4 . Lin Zexu -Lin Zexu was the scholar and official of high moral conduct in the Qing dynasty of china. He was famous for his ardent fight against the opium trade to protect his people from destruction. 5. Pu Yi – the Last Emperor of China – Pu Yi was the youngest Chinese emperor who was given the throne by the empress Dowager cixi in 1908.He was a cruel emperor and often tortured his servants for minor offences and was dethroned during the Chinese revolution. 6. Constitution of 1890 in Japan – The Japanese leaders in 1890 formed a constitution called â€Å"meji constitution† to impress the westerners of their power and strength. In this constitution the supreme power was with the emperor and other had minor rights to vote. 7. Treaty of Shimonoseki – This treaty is also known as Treaty of Maguan and was signed on April 17, 1895 between Japanese Empire and Qing Dynasty of China. According to this treaty the China mainly acknowledged the independence of Korea and renounced any belonging to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Darwin as the New Mythology Essay Example for Free

Darwin as the New Mythology Essay It has been a major struggle for the scientific community to understand the persistence of religious belief. After centuries of writing by rationalist thinkers, it remains a mystery why so many continue to believe in the old gods. The survival of religion has been though revolution, political and economic change and every conceivable alteration of consciousness throughout the ages. â€Å"Common sense† would then say that religion, in some very real sense, is true, is righteous and factual if it has survived so many changes. Buckert, however, holds that the only way to explain this persistence, short of admitting there is much truth behind it, is that it assists humanity in adapting to changing environments: in short, making religion part of the Darwinian universe. This review will revolve around the methods used by the author in deriving his conclusion, really on the basis that his treatments of the specific cases are so lacking in detail as to be purely superficial. Hence, the real meat of the book lies in methodology, the â€Å"suggestion† of alternate ways of looking at religion. Buckert begins by making the claim that nearly all researchers on religion hold: that there are undeniable similarities among all religions, regardless of their background or geographical origin (4-6). There is the ubiquity of prayer and sacrifice, the saturation of symbol and other forms of communication within groups, and ultimately, the creation and maintenance of group solidarity, itself an important ingredient in winning the struggle for survival (13). Ultimately, the book makes a single argument: religion makes sense because it assists in the struggle for survival. Even institutions such as self sacrifice and the rejection of competition among certain religions are in fact adaptive behaviors that maintain the solidarity necessary to function in a hostile world. There is no specific reason who religion and religious ideas specifically are necessary for this, nor does this explain the persistence of belief, though it may offer a suggestion as to its ancient origin–which are two different arguments. One interesting (and irritating) feature of this book is that there is no real â€Å"argument† given in the standard sense, rather than a series of suggestions loosely held together by what might be called â€Å"popular Darwinism. † This singular suggestion, that religion â€Å"works† for maintaining solidarity is certainly nothing new, and offers such a superficial view of disparate religions that it remains merely a suggestion, a means of planting doubts among readers who are followers of a certain religious system. Religions such as Christianity or Islam are described in one or two sentence snippets, clearly â€Å"sacrificing† detail for the sake of a smoothly running argument, the ultimate drawback of this work. Giving this thesis in more detail, the author brings this thesis to bear on such objects as guilt, hierarchy, meaning and gift giving–all of these exist in the realm of biology and the world of problem solving within the context of group solidarity, itself a biological mechanism. Again, all of these are described in a few lines, providing a superficial context for the generalizations upon which the book is based. Guilt, for example (cf 103-105), is the beginning of problem solving. Natural disasters, disease, etc. are inevitably met by questions such as â€Å"why us? † Hence, guilt fixes blame so that the group can then go about the business of reinforcing its solidarity to fix the problem. Uses of guilt and shame are constant to punish deviants and maintain solidarity, not to mention reinforcing the world of hierarchy and authority relations. â€Å"Meaning† is offered, on the most general level possible, as finding a purpose in a universe of â€Å"infinite complexity† (26). Of course, Darwin himself could also serve these ends. â€Å"Sacrifice† is treated in an interesting, yet radically general way, as the utilitarian doctrine as sacrificing the part for the whole. In other words, the author uses the example of an animal chewing off its own foot to get out of a trap. Human sacrifice is something like that. This is the basic structure of the book and the method of generalization. â€Å"Generalization† here is deliberately called a method because the argument only works (or at least works smoothly) when it functions at a high level of generality. A specialized study of religious systems will bring out so many deviations from this general scheme as to render it useless. Hence, it must remain at a superficial level. What is the most significant element of the book, however, is the methodology itself. The best way to understand the flow and structure of this work is to grasp the methodological assumptions that are inherent in it. None of these assumptions are argued for, and it is assumed that readers will agree a priori. a. Objects in the natural world create the consciousness not just of peoples, but of communities. Consciousness is not considered an autonomous object and free will is rejected implicitly, consciousness is created by the existence of objects in space and time, and hence, is controlled by them. b. Putting this differently, Buckert assumes that consciousness is a material object, itself part and parcel of the world of cause and effect. This is tantamount to holding that the religious objects of worship or fetish are not actually real, but are artifacts, in fact, residual categories, of the enslavement of consciousness to the world of matter and competition. Even more, that all religions are like this and have the same root, regardless of the background, geography or time period in which they develop. c. The beliefs and methods of the modern scientific mind and their conclusions are assumed to be true, and hence, any treatment of religion (or any social phenomenon whatever) must conform to their demands. In other words, instead of couching his phrases in terms of religion according to â€Å"natural selection,† Buckert phrases his approach in terms of â€Å"facts† and â€Å"truth† about the world of material bodies and cause and effect, within which consciousness develops and takes its course. Needless to say, this approach undercuts his own claim to objectivity and scientific rationalism. d. Another major methodological assumption here is that all thought patterns, or patterns of consciousness require a cause, and this cause is provided by group solidarity and the struggle for survival. Putting this differently, each pattern of consciousness, that is, any systematized belief system must have its roots in evolutionary biology to be made sense of. This is to say that any thought pattern that can be traced throughout time in some superficially similar pattern must have a cause with roots in biology. Of course, this means that group solidarity is itself a biological function and hence, all forms of thought that reinforce such solidarity. e. A striking claim made implicitly throughout the book (and made the bedrock of the argument) is that religious claims are ultimately false. Better, not so much false or true but beyond such evaluations because the purpose is survival and competition, rather than claims of truth or falsity. Of course, religious devotees regularly make truth claims, and many of these claims are directly detrimental to their survival or flourishing. The answer to these claims can be found in the â€Å"Escape and Offerings† chapter (chapter two), where the author holds that when one can see sacrifice as beneficial (cutting off an arm that could infect the whole body, for example), the personal sacrifices of martyrs, etc, can be explained (34-38). This is the â€Å"fallacy of equivocation,† since one is using the word â€Å"sacrifice† in two very different senses and contexts. One might see the utility in sacrificing one to save the whole, but this has nothing to do with explaining the desire for martyrdom or the sacrifice of millions in persecutions of religion. â€Å"Sacrifice† is here used in two different senses. f. States of consciousness such as guilt or reciprocation make no sense unless placed in a Darwinian context. This is merely the thesis restated. But implicitly, this argues that states such as guilt are residual categories of the evolutionary process, and hence, are not real, they are epi-phenomena at best. The argument comes down to justifying one’s own feelings of guilt by claiming that these guilt feelings assist in the development of group solidarity, and hence, it is acceptable that I feel them. Again, this is equivocation, making the jump from the collective to the individual within the same argument. In fact, equivocation is just as much central to Buckert as anything else, since the entire structure of the book is a regular back and forth between the animal world and the development of human religion. Hence if it can be justified in the animal kingdom, it is justified in human society, and if in human society, then the individual. g. Finally, Buckert fails to see the self-referential argument involved. If thought processes are part of the biological process and creative of social solidarity (or are derivative from it), then the Darwinian consensus of the modern scientific establishment also then falls into this category. Such a consensus assists biology in developing its rhetorical weapons, its receipt of grant money and its social prestige. How are these not nearly identical to the present argument concerning religion? In conclusion, the Buckert book here under review is a series of logical equivocations and false parallelisms. Ultimately, the book might have worked if the field of ancient religion had been its specific base (and it the author’s field, after all), rather than seeking to answer the question of the persistence of religion over time. Religion in its primitive, polytheistic sense might fit Buckert’s thesis. However, the existence of a sophisticated Christianity in the High Middle Ages, on the other hand, does not so fit. Developed, literate religions such as Islam have created as many barriers to group solidarity as catalysts, and hence, the argument breaks down. One might conclude that since modern societies have developed new means of reinforcing group solidarity, this method of explanation then fails (a priori) to explain why billions still believe.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

High Compensation Pay Will Influence Employee Motivation

High Compensation Pay Will Influence Employee Motivation This article shows the relationship between high compensation pay and employees motivation in organization. Besides training, job satisfaction, and work environment, compensation pay is one of the factors that can influence employee motivation. Motivation has many theories that support employee will perform better in their job. Compensation pay aspects such as pay or reward package and promotion will lead or boost up employee motivation in order to perform in their work that contributes to organization. There are many theories that explain compensation effect on employee motivation. Many researchers had mentioned about the relationship between compensation pay aspects, pay or reward package and promotion and employee motivation in organization. Higher the compensation pay, employee motivation in organization will increase. Introduction Compensation is the total amount of the monetary and non-monetary pay provided by employer to an employee in return for work performed as required. Wayne. F. Cascio had stated that compensation which includes indirect cash payment and direct payments in the form of employee benefits and incentives that provide by employer in order to motivate employees to perform well for higher levels of productivity is an important component of the employment relationship between employer and employee. According to Milkovich, Newman Gerhart (2011), compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits that give by employer to employee as part of an employment relationship. For monetary pay, it as the return for employee that work or contribute in organization, while for non-monetary pay is provided by employer to an employee in order to motivate employee to perform in their work. Every stakeholder such as employer, manager, shareholder and others have their own perceptive regarding compensation and how compensation affects how they behave. Employee may define compensation as an exchange of service employee contribution or as a reward for a job well done. Employee see compensation as to some reflects the value for their personal skills and abilities, or the return for the education training they have learned or acquired. The pay individual receives for the work they perform in their work is usually the major source of personal income and financial security in their life and so it is very important determinants of an individual economic and social well being. For manager, compensation pay directly influences their success in two ways. Firstly, it is a major expense competitive pressure both internationally and domestically, forces employer to consider whether their compensation decisions is affordable or not. Other studies show that many organization labor cost s account for more than 50% of total costs. And for industries such as public employment or service, this figure is even higher. Compensation is one of the factors that influence employee motivation in organization. The good compensation pay is a good motivator for employee. Employee motivation and behavior influence by compensation by two ways (Milkovich, Newman Gerhart 2011). High compensation pay will lead employee to motivate in doing their job or perform well in their work and performance. If employee did not get compensation pay much as they should get, employee tend to not perform well and motivate to do their job. Compensation pay desired behavior which is motivated employee for better performance. This study would like to investigate the relationship between compensation pay aspects which are pay or reward package and promotion towards employee motivation in organization. The problem After bonuses are distributed, management teams may often be frustrated by the lack of employee motivation. If the employee does not see a direct correlation between performance and bonus, this may lead to a lack of motivation because employees see no reason to perform better. Shun Linda Wang, 2003 Nowadays organization whether small or large, people pay much more attention to their life style and the money they earn from the work than their senior. However, it still remains unclear whether many of employees would continue working if it were not for the money that they earn. Employee will expects their employer give a compensation plan are that it is fair and equitable, that it provides them with tangible rewards matched with their skills and, further, that it provides recognition and employee feel their employer appreciate them. Employer will face big challenge in order to motivate employees in organization. Motivation of employee is an important key to an organization that can lead to overall effectiveness of organization. Basically, employee will do or perform well in their work if their employer provides compensation pay to them. In other word, employee is not motivated in order give full commitment in their work because of compensation pay that they receive from employer is not enough or dissatisfied. Employee will perform better if they see the relationship between compensation pay and performance. Employee tends to motivate and perform better in their job if employer provides high compensation pay. Are wages attached to jobs and do promotions play an important role as a wage determinant? Do expected promotions affect motivation and, once the promotion has been realized, will this make the motivation disappear completely? These questions is the famous question that employer will ask in order perform well towards increase productivity or efficiency of organization. As Herzberg (1968) has argued, just because too little money can affect and demotivate employee, does not mean that more and more money will lead about increased satisfaction, much less increased motivation. But it is reasonable to assume that if employees take-home pay or salary was cut in half, employee morale would suffer enough to not perform well and undermine performance. It doesnt necessarily follow that doubling that employees pay would result in better work or employee will motivate to perform well. According to Schuler and MacMillan (1984), they stressed that Human resource management practices (including com pensation) may give a competitive advantages to one corporation over its rivals in order to retain and motivate their employee in organization. Literature review Motivation is the desire to achieve beyond expectations, being driven by internal rather than external factors, and to be involved in a continuous striving for improvement. (Torrington, Hall, Taylor Atkinson, 2009, p. 276) Motivation, in the context of work, is a psychological process that results from the interaction or relationship between an employee and the work environment and it is characterized by a certain level of willingness to do something. Motivation also defined as the employees are willing to increase their work effort in order to desire that they hold or obtain a specific need (Beardwell Claydon, 2007). According to Arnold (1991), motivation consists of three components: Â · Direction what a person is trying to do? Â · Effort how hard a person is trying to do? Â · Persistence how long a person keeps on trying to do? Motivation of employee was set as the dependent variable in this study. Although the construct of motivation can be operationally defined with the help of similar to variables such as motives, dispositions, needs, and values (Hogan and Hogan, 1990), the field of psychology has not observed a single, crucial measure of employee motivation. Therefore, there is the study that measures motivation by a single straightforward item: How has the level of your work motivation level changed in the last three years? The responses of the study had range from decreased (1) to increased (5). (Takahashi, 2005) Moreover, in a way of accomplishment expected work productivity and job satisfaction motivation is the outmost element to be taken into account (Schultz Schultz, 1998). Mainly, the impacts of motivation on the work performance and productivity will attract attention towards employee motivation in the work environment (Huddleston Good, 1999). Employee with high level of motivation tends to work hard and perform better in their work as compared to the employees with low level of motivation. The understanding of the employees expectations and needs of employees at work signifies the base for their motivation. In order to increase employee satisfaction and motivation with their work, it is important to arrange employees work and the level of satisfaction with work. Motivational models are usually divided in to two between and those, which are process theories that focus on the individuals interactions with their environment and those content theories that which focus on an individuals internal attributes. Expectancy theory is one of the process motivation theory describes motivation as a function of individual or employees perception that they have about their surroundings and they will form the expectation based on these perceptions. The organizational psychology literature includes a number or many motivational theories, but based on Ghazanfar, Chuanim, Khan Bashir (2011) they have selected expectancy theory as their implementation mechanism for some reasons. Firstly, the theory has been subjected to rigorous academic testing that each of its components has been experiment and the result is there is a positive influence or relationship on employee motivation. Other researcher such as Klein (1991), Pritchard and Sanders (1973), and Arvy (1972) give support for the link or relationship between effort and E-P expectancy. Hope and Pate (1988) established that the link between instrumentality and effort is one of be the best supported of the components and measured by Lawler and Porter (1967), Snead and Harrell (1994), Klein (1991), Harrell and Stahl (1984). Pritchard and Sanders (1973) have confirmed the motivational link between effort and valence. Secondly, the theory is easily to understand and very straightforw ard. Developed by Vroom (1964), expectancy theory determines three factors that play an interactive role in motivation. Effort-performance expectancy refers to E-P expectancy that concerns the employees perception which effort is positively linked with level of performance in organization. Maslows theory shows that human needs as a role of the capacity in which the human needs have already been fulfilled. It means that human needs that are fulfilled have a low motivation value. Other than that, Herzberg explains that work satisfaction is based on the presence of intrinsic motivation, while the presence of extrinsic factors will lead to dissatisfaction of work. If there is hygienic factors, workers will be happy with their current work situation. In order to have motivated workforce in organization, the hygienic factors must be satisfied and when motivations are in place. This model is in the same type as the theories of Lewin and Vroom that it is concern with the influence of perception and expectancy on motivation. However, this model is a more comprehensive theory than the other theories. The model is based on the following propositions: The motivational force of an individual is based on how individual see the value of the goal, the power required achieving the goal and the probability that the goal will be achieved. Because of individuals past experience is similar of situation, it will enable to a better self-assessment of the required effort, ability perform well and achieve the goal Performance achievement can be achieved by individual efforts which mean individual understand the task requirement and know their self-assessment of ability. Individual sees performance as lead to both rewards which is extrinsic and intrinsic can give satisfaction if individual feel the rewards are fair. This model is most complete and has enough description of the process of motivation. Performance of employee is usually described as a joint function between both ability and motivation, and one of the primary tasks that employer have to face is motivating employee to perform to the best of their own skill or ability (Moorhead Griffin, 1998). Basically, when economists talk about incentives and motivation, it refers to type of motivation which is extrinsic motivation (Frey, 1997, Benabou and Tirole, 2003). Extrinsic motivation is a type of behavior influence by external interventions, examples your boss give reward in term of money, praise your work, or status (Frey, 1997). This type of incentives works same as quid pro quo: employee has the implicit contract that after perform well in a performance they will receive an external reward. This means that the view of monetary rewards, either in the form of incentive compensation or promotions automatically will increase employee motivation. According to Minner, Ebrahimi, and Watchel (1995), they explain that motivation consists of these three interdependent and interacting elements which are drives, needs, and incentives. As long as organizations have been operated, compensation had recognized as one of major motivator of employees in order to perform better as well as an important tool for organizations. To construct compensation systems, organization must have mutual understanding so that it can be to the organizations structure, strategies, and employees that has been an important area. To use compensation as a motivator to employee motivation, personnel employer must look at four major components of a pay structures in an organization (Popoola Ayeni 2007). These four major components are job rate, which is the importance the organization attaches to each job, payment, which employer give reward to encourage employee based on to their performance, personal or special allowances, like transport allowance and fringe b enefits such as holidays with pay and pensions. According to Akintoye (2000), he highlight that money is still be the most important motivational strategy. Early year 1911, Frederick Taylor and his scientific management associate defined money as the most important factor to motivate employee in order to achieve and improve better productivity. Taylor also defined compensation and performance based pay as one of the major tools management had to motivate employees and to improve their productivity hence reduce turnover. Money sees as an important motivating power in as much as it symbolizes intangible goals like security, prestige, power, and a feeling of accomplishment and success. Sinclair (2005) explained that the motivational power of money with the process of job choice. Sinclair explains that money has the power to attract, retain, and motivate employee in order to increase and improve performance. As example, if an employee gets another job offer, which offers best financial rewards and has same job characteristics with his current job, that employee would be motivated to leave current job and accept the new job offer. Banjoko (1996) states that employers which want to reward or punish their employees, they usually use money. This is can be done through the process of rewarding employees for increase productivity by give recognition to employee so that employee will feel fear of loss of job or other related issues such as no promotion because of not perform well in performance. The eagerness to be promoted and earn improved pay also will motivate employees. Compensation research is more focus on stressing the internal orientation to an individuals reaction to pay. This research orientation is always led by industrial organizational psychologists and has contributed to human resource management practice. The main force for this research has been the suggestion that pay will affects level of job satisfaction of employee and work behaviors or employee motivation (Oshagbemi, 2000). Generally, organizations offer their employees three types of opportunities which are (Ospina, 1996): Promotion. Pay. Challenges at work. According to Kwon (2004) there are two ways promotion provided incentives. First, wage increase upon promotion or promotion premium can be fixing by principal, and let the promotion probability depend on performance. Second, a principal also can fix the promotion probability and let the promotion premium depend on performance. Hence, both promotion probability and promotion premium will base on performance. However, the literature has only focused on the former, and mostly will ignore the final. Remind that when use for performance-based wages, in most previous models of promotion-based incentives, the principal do not have any reason to provide huge incentives, and sometimes promote employees without any reason. Our model highlights the final. Because employees in the model is same and usually makes an investment along the equilibrium path, the principal promotes them based on term unless they realized performance or wages. This is consistent based on seniority-rule in promote emplo yees. But, a wage increase with promotion based on performance in order to provide incentives for investments on job-specific human capital that does not for a new job level. In the extreme case, controlling for term, the promotion probability based whether on performance or on wages. According on a survey amongst all individual employees, Herpen, Cools Praag (2004) found a positive link that effect of promotions on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which leads to the effectiveness of promotion. They show that promotion will affect positively on extrinsic motivation that constant with one of the basic assumptions in the tournament model. Motivation is high in this type when employees think that they will get promotion in the future. Intrinsic motivation is not so much affected by an expected promotion but rather by a recently realized promotion. Without a realized or expected promotion in long period will lead to a decrease of intrinsic motivation (Herpen, Cools Praag, 2004). Promotions should elaborate motivation in many ways. Moreover, there often does not seem to be strong pay for performance within jobs, which only increases the clear importance of promotions for organizational incentives (Hedstrom, 1987). But for internal labor markets, the status of higher positions is more important rather than higher pay because employees tend to perform well to win the competition. Promotion defines an incentive mechanism that gives value to employees that in higher position (Takahashi, 2005). For organizations that want to motivate their employees, they must fully the incentive effects of promotion. Lazear Rosen (1981) stated that promotions have contributed a great deal in theoretical interest, especially in the tournament models. A promotion can be an indication of trust and lead to empowerment, which is correlated positively with intrinsic motivation (Deci and Ryan, 1985). In order to find out the full incentive that effect promotion, organization will analyze the relationship between perceived promotion opportunities and intrinsic motivation. Reward is the benefits that workers can get from perform well in a task, representation a service or discharging a responsibility. (Colin Pitts, 1995, p. 11.) Pay can be as the most important factor that will motivate employees and also can be motivating reward that is received when employees can perform better in a task and service. Individuals will motivate to go out and find a work in order to get pay. Pay is also can be seen as a way in order to value employees work that contributed to organization. Organization will face a problem such as hard to retain good employees in organization if employees feel reward package that they get is unfair and not satisfied. It is because pay can be a powerful demotivator towards employees (Colin Pitts, 1995). It shows that rewards absolutely can influence employee motivation. Inequity in the management of compensation such as performance that measure unfair may give negative impact to the objectives of the company, as employees will not work ha rd but want to get reward so it will lead to expense of contribution. But if the compensation pay is perceived as fair, satisfied and competitive, hence good employees are likely to stay in the organization (Schuler, 1998). Many employees think that reward package is only wages and salaries that employer give as a return of their contribution to organization. Actually the reward package is include bonuses, health insurance, pension schemes, car allowance, beneficial loans, meal allowance, profit sharing, share options and others. (Pitts, 1995, p.13). Efficient reward system can be a good motivator but an inefficient reward system can lead to demotivation of the employees. Reio and Callahon (2004) concludes that both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards motivates the employee resulted in higher productivity. Carraher et al (2006) stresses that there should be an effective reward system in organization in order to retain the quality employees and reward should provide based on their productivity. There many works has been done in order to evaluate the link between rewards and employee motivation and there are many researchers investigated and agreed that reward can give impact on employee motivation. Organization must make sure that policies and procedures to form reward system will increase employee motivation and satisfaction in order to maximize the performance of the employees. Performance-based pay (PBP) is one of the compensation schemes that have link between employee performances with pay. It can be defined as a system of remuneration in which an individuals increase in salary is solely or mainly dependent on his/her appraisal or merit rating (Swabe, 1989). Armstrong (2005) defines it more comprehensively as the process of providing a financial reward to an individual which is linked directly to individual, group or organizational performance. But Schuler (1998) maintains that PBP is not limited to financial rewards, and that non-financial rewards, such as recognition, can also constitute pay for performance. The basic reasons for PBP are performance enhancement for competitive advantage and equity (MIlkovich and Newman, 1996). In this regard, Beardwell and Holden (1995) identify several specific reasons for which managers may introduce PBP. These include: Help in recruitment and selection; Facilitate change in organizational culture; Weaken trade union power; increased role of the line manager; Greater financial control and value for money; Ability to reward and recognize performance; and Encouragement to flexibility. Proposition/ Recommendation Each researcher has their own recommendation regarding this study that investigated the relationship between compensation pay and employee motivation. Organization or employer should understand what influences individuals motivation which determines how they behave and why they behave in a certain way. Organization can use theories of motivation in order to determine level of motivation or factors that can influence employee motivation in organization. One of the theories that organization can be use is the basic one, Maslows theory. Maslows theory shows that human needs are a function of the capacity in which the needs have already been fulfilled. This means that a fulfilled need has a low motivation value. Bishop (1987) suggested that pay is directly related with productivity and reward system depends upon the size of an organization. Compensation pay such as pay or reward package and promotion will influence employee motivation in organization. For efficiency of compensation pay, organization can give compensation pay based on their size of organization. If the organization is big, employer should provided compensation pay that suitable to their employee such as high compensation pay in term of give employee high pay so that employee will motivate and tend to perform well. Consequently, it will increase employee motivation in organization and employee. Herzbergs theory explained that if employer give an opportunities for promotions and actual promotions are highly to motivate higher performance than regular pay structures. This is supported by Maslows earlier needs theory, which ranks self-esteem and self-actualization as higher-order needs compared with physiological needs, which would include pay, as lower-order needs. Promotions do usually increase pay, but the motivational influence stems from recognition, increased responsibility, more challenging work and a personal sense of accomplishment all of which are motivating factors, according to Herzberg. Herzberg even notes opportunities for advancement specifically as a motivator. If employer gives opportunity or promotion to employee, motivation of employee will increase towards to perform better in work because employee feels that employer appreciate their contribution to organization and get recognition from organization. Conclusion and Implication Human resources Compensation pay is one of the most important factors that influence employee motivation in organization. The findings of the present study adds a new perspective on the basis of a new environmental settings to the existing evidence signifying that the work motivation in the organizations is influenced by the satisfaction of the employees with their compensation, which is offered by the organization. The further analysis of the data pertaining to the satisfaction with compensation and work motivation suggest that benefits had a positive but weak relationship with the work motivation. Benefits include allowances and reimbursements for miscellaneous expenses, company housing and company conveyance. The previous researches in this regard refer benefits as not an ingredient, which motivates employees, Jacques and Roussel, (1999). Our findings relate with these findings because of the weaker relationship of benefits with work motivation. We might also find an explanation f or the inefficiency of benefits, in research by Hills, Bergmann and Scarpello (1994). Referring to surveys concerning employees, they formulate the proposition that benefits are generally perceived as a right in United States society, so they have no incentive character.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Communication Competencies in Selling Socialization Process

Communication Competencies in Selling Socialization Process Introduction The topic of this assignment is to study Communication competencies in the socialization process in the direct selling business. Objectives There are many objectives of doing this assignment. So, the objectives of this assignment is to let us understand the following: Definition of communication competencies, socialization process and direct selling business. The influence of communication competencies to the socialization process in the direct selling business. The relationship of communication competencies in the socialization process in the direct selling business. Communication competencies Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between different individuals through a common system of interaction by using symbols, signs, or behaviours. Communication is the ability to listen to others and also can communicate in an effective manner at the same time. For most people, communication can be defined as simply talk and it is a natural event that occurs in daily life. Communication competency is the ability for someone who is able to communicate with another person in order to reach their goals through interactive and suitable interactions. Besides, communication competency also means the ability to achieve communication goals in a manner which can maintain the relationship on terms acceptable to those who are involved. Particularly, it is a type of skill level that human resources professionals should practises and it is responsible for managing others which must be attained and possessed. In order to achieve competency in communication, there are six c riteria which a communicator must meet which include flexibility, involvement, management, empathy, effectiveness and appropriateness. For the flexibility, the communicator needs to be very flexible to adapt different kind of situations and willing to change the behaviours of others in order to achieve goals. Adaptability may require a person who is communicating with other people always be sensitive to both the goals itself and also the people who is responsible for achieving the goals.The other skill that required to achievecommunication competency is involvement in the conversation. This requires the communicator to interact directly with the other parties and the interaction includes listening to the needs and concerns of others.Secondly, the other skill required to achieve communication competency is involvement in the conversation. This requires the communicator to interact directly with the other parties. Interaction includes listening to the needs and concerning of others. Thirdly, being able to manage the conversation requires the communicator to adjust how they interact with each other, control the convers ation and social interactions. It also requires the communicator to control the direction of the conversation takes. Fourthly, empathy means the ability of communicator to show that they understand where the others are coming from and understand their problems to share their own emotions. Fifthly, effectiveness is the ability of communicator to reach the goal of the conversation and the ability to meet both the requirements of the communicator and the other parties who are involved. Lastly, appropriateness is the ability to adhere the expectations of the situation on hand. One of the primary measurements for attaining communication competency is depends on how appropriate the conversation is in achieving the goals. Socialization process Socialization is a learning process which begins shortly after birth. Early childhood is the period of the most crucial and the most intense socialization. It is then which we acquire language and learn the basics of our culture. Besides, it is also a process when much of our personalities take shape. During socialization, we learn the language of the culture which we are born into as well as the roles we are to play in life.However, we continue to be socialized throughout our lives. Socialization can also be defined as a process which may lead to acceptable, or moral, outcomes in the opinion of society said. Individual views on certain issues, such as economies or race, are deeply influenced by the view of the society and at last, it became a normal and acceptable outlook or value to have within the society. For example, human infants are born without any culture. Then, they must be transformed by their parents, teachers, friends and others into cultural and socially skilled animals . The general process of acquiring this culture is referred to as socialization. Besides, socialization can also be defined as the process by which children and adults learn from others through daily activities. We begin our learning from others during the early days of lifeand most people can continue their social learning all through life.Socialization is important in the process of personality formation. While much of human personality is the result of our genes, the socialization process can imitate it in particular directions by encouraging specific beliefs and attitudes as well as selectively providing experiences. Direct selling business Direct selling is the marketing and selling of products directly to consumers which are away from fixed retail location. It is marketed through the independent sales representatives who are also referred to as consultants or distributors. A very small percentage of direct sellers are employees from the companies whose products they sell. It is a type of sales channel where the products are marketed directly to customers while eliminating the need for middlemen such as wholesalers, advertisers and also retailers. They are independent contractors who market and sell the products or services of the company and in return for a commission from those sales.Direct sellers do not necessarily have to sell door-to-door even though that is usually how they get started out. Many of them sell their products through the phone or even through the mail or via a personal website. Direct selling can be conducted as one-on-one, in a group, as a party format or selling online. There are many benefits of online selling. The factor that makes direct selling such an attractive career option is the flexibility which it offers. Those who are engage in direct selling are known as independent contractors who determine how much time and energy they want to invest in their businesses. They can set their own hours, define and control their work-family life balance. An Independent sales representative is they become their own boss. Besides, direct selling is also a way to own a business with the most minimal capital investment. The other strengths of direct selling isdue to its tradition of independence, service provide to consumers, and commitment to entrepreneurial growth in a free market system. Direct selling provides accessible business opportunities to people who are looking for other alternative sources of income, and the entry for direct selling is generally not restricted by gender, age, education, or any other previous experiences. Around the world there is a substantial majority o f direct sellers are women and most work in their direct selling businesses are based on a part-time basis. The influence of communication competencies to the socialization process in the direct selling business As we know, direct selling business is emphasize to the â€Å"inheritance† rather than closing deals, with provide different seminars or courses for different level to independent distributors. Mostly courses are major in how to recruit the potential customers with the communication and social skills. So, socialization is the process by which whether children and adults learn from others. Therefore there are differences in outcomes for teenagers and adults due to socialization process after they attend the courses which organize by direct selling companies and apply when selling products or recruit new members. This is because the mentality and needs in the between of teenagers and adults are different. So, it is very important to choose to the proper ways in communicating with others in order to reach communication effectiveness in communication competencies and to reach the communication’s objectives. The common definition of direct selling business for a customers an d fulfil their materialism but for adults they are more preferable to sustain with consistent income in order to have more time with their families. â€Å"Zero Attitude â€Å"is another point which is emphasize by the direct selling companies, they are require the new independent distributors to learn and manage in communication competency, the ability for them to communicate with potential clients to reach their goals through interactive and appropriate interaction. Therefore, a good interaction between each other is very important in the socialization process. The interaction includes listening to the needs and concerns of others. It also requires the independent distributors to be aware of how potential clients perceive them and to know what to say in response to all of this. Direct selling business normally are being misunderstood by the public which they are applying impropriate way to â€Å"brain wash† new incomers but practically they are â€Å"cloning† or â⠂¬Å"inheriting† their culture of communication and social skills to become a mature distributors which can lead them to be able to expand their business and recruit new incomers independently. Direct selling business also requires a good communication competency in order to develop the messages which the sellers want to deliver to the targeted customers about the products selling. The relationship of communication competencies in the socialization process in the direct selling business In conclusion, there is a strong relationship between communication competencies and socialization process in the direct selling business. It is very important to have a good communication competency in the socialization process in order to bring out good outcomes in the organization through the socialization process. This is very important as the communication competency is about communicating with other in order to reach their goals through interactive interactions and socialization process is the process when much of our personalities take shape and adapting the culture which affected by the surrounding environment. Without a good socialization process in the process of communication in an organization, there will never have a good communication competency to produce good outcomes from the communication process. With a good communication competency, a person who has good communication and promoting skills when selling the products through direct selling method can makes the target ed customers to have a more understanding about the descriptions and usages of the certain products. So, with a good communication competency, this will lead to successful in most of the trading process especially for the direct selling business. Besides, a good communication competency will also can prevent the misunderstanding of the products’ information to happen or cases such as customers feeling blur about the marketing products to occur. References COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE DEFINED. (29 Jan, 2000). Retrieved 6 April, 2014, from What is Direct Selling. (2014). Retrieved 8 April, 2014, from What is the socialization process. (July, 2001). Retrieved 8 April, 2014, from

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay on the Use of Profanity by William Shakespeare :: Biography Biographies Essays

Use of Profanity by Shakespeare      Ã‚  Ã‚   The evolution of written profanity began roughly in the sixteenth century, and continues to change with each generation that it sees.   Profanity is recognized in many Shakespearean works, and has continually evolved into the profane language used today.   Some cuss words have somehow maintained their original meanings throughout hundreds of years, while many others have completely changed meaning or simply fallen out of use.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare, though it is not widely taught, was not a very clean writer.   In fact, he was somewhat of a potty mouth.   His works encompassed a lot of things that some people wish he had not.   "That includes a fair helping of sex, violence, crime, horror, politics, religion, anti-authoritarianism, anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia, sexism, jealousy, profanity, satire, and controversy of all kinds" (Macrone 6).   In his time, religious and moral curses were more offensive than biological curses.   Most all original (before being censored) Shakespearean works contain very offensive profanity, mostly religious, which is probably one of many reasons that his works were and are so popular.   "Shakespeare pushed a lot of buttons in his day- which is one reason he was so phenomenally popular.   Despite what they tell you, people like having their buttons pushed" (Macrone 6).   Because his works contained so many of these profane words or phrases, they were censored to protect the innocent minds of the teenagers who are required to read them, and also because they were blasphemous and offensive.   Almost all of the profanity was removed, and that that was not had just reason for being there. Some of the Bard's censored oaths are;      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "God's blessing on your beard"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Love's Labors Lost, II.i.203      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This was a very rude curse because a man's facial hair was a point of pride for him. and "to play with someone's beard" was to insult him.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "God's body"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1 Henry IV,II.i.26   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Swearing by Christ's body, (or any part thereof,) was off limits in civil discourse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "God's Bod(y)kins, man"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet, II.ii.529         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The word bod(y)kin means "little body" or "dear body," but adding the cute little suffix does not make this curse any more acceptable.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "By God's [blest] mother!"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2 Henry VI, II.i;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3 Henry VI, III.ii;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Henry VIII, V.i      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Swearing by the virgin was almost as rude as swearing by her son, especially when addressing a catholic cathedral as Gloucester did in 2 Henry VI, II.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Separation of Life :: essays research papers

Water, the median of life. Growing up in a small town nestled tightly in the arms of the wasatch front, I learned early the importance of nature. There was a fine line drawn between religion and the outdoors, and the quest of my life was to determine an appropriate balance. Water, signifying the line between the spiritual and physical, played an important role in my secular teachings. Cutting through the center of town it was the very phenomenon that I had grown to love, the river. Soul restored and imagination stirred, the words of the river echoed the marks of God. Although by nature I stood alone, untutored and untouched, the waters of life left me free to understand the natural side of God’s order. With its flowing properties and unbridled passion to move forward, the water was my spirit. An old weathered palm tree emerged from the seemingly impenetrable sandy beach. I leaned back against its rough surface as the waves of the emerald blue ocean slowly crawled to my feet. They lapped relentlessly against the shore as if trying to take me back with them. The wind blew gently over the top of the distant incoming waves as they mirrored back the competing rays of sun. With each reflection, I narrowly squinted my eyes and continued to marvel at this picturesque interaction of color and beauty. I raised my hand to my brow, wiping off the beads of sweat that saturated my face. As my fingers moved across my sensitive skin, I could tell the sun had left its mark. I felt their was no escaping the blanket of rays only the clouds above seemed to be able to control. The pain was uncomfortable, but disappeared quickly as I scooped up the cool water and splashed it on my face. I knew that I could not drink the seemingly infinite volume of water which surrounded me, so I headed for a nearby stream. Kneeling down, I penetrated the stream with cupped hands and raised the fresh water to my dry lips. I was unable to control the water as it sifted through my fingers and ran down my arms, as if trying to escape back to the stream. I licked my salty lips and drank. I had never before tasted a more refreshing drink of water. This euphoric experience was one that I savored, as I reached for a second handful. There have been few experiences throughout my life that I remember more vividly than of that day on the beach. I often think about where the water would flow, and who would be the recipient of its aqueous forgiveness.

Team Decision Making Essay -- Organizational Development, Teams

The given case asks for one team decision-making structure that is most effective for the following creative project: Eight administrators are given one afternoon to generate as many creative ideas as possible and to decide which one of these is the best. To solve this question we first need to determine which kind of team is involved. McShane and Von Glinow state that â€Å"Teams are groups of two or more people who interact and influence each other, are mutually accountable for achieving common goals associated with organizational objectives, and perceive themselves as a social entity within the organization† (234). Furthermore we can say that this group can be called a â€Å"Task force (project) team† because these eight administrators are a temporary team â€Å"whose assignment is to realize an opportunity† (McShane and Von Glinow 235). Now, that we know these people can be called a team, the next step is to look at the constraints on team decision-makin g because this will enable us to choose the most suitable decision-making structure. Therefore, I will first give a brief overview of the existing structures and then decide for one method which I will explain in depth. Finally I will provide a brief conclusion and recommendation. Constraints on Team Decision Making There are plenty problems within team decision-making. According to McShane and Von Glinow the four most common problems in team decision-making are: time constraints, evaluation apprehension, pressure to conform, and groupthink (256). Time Constraints refers to the fact that a team requires more time to come to a conclusion than an individual. That is because team members have to communicate with each other about their ideas, and also have to debate about these i... ... (Time Constraints). Second, NGT reduces conflicts in the team. The case already predicted that some administrators in the group often disagree with each other and might criticize each other's ideas. Because NGT does not allow debating and criticism, conflicts won’t be a problem. Third, NGT includes silent and independent development of the individual ideas which minimizes the other decision making constraints like evaluation apprehension, pressure to conform, and groupthink. My statement is also supported by Mitchell and Danielson who carried out a study that also indicates that the Nominal Group Technique is most effective for creative projects (19). Therefore, I recommend choosing the Nominal Group Technique for the eight administrators to identify new revenue-generating uses of classrooms and related facilities between teaching semesters in one afternoon.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Shell Oil Company Case Study

Shell Oil Company is a worldwide group of petrochemicals and energy companies and a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell that was created in 1907. It is a  multinational gas and oil company that has its origins from Anglo-Dutch and their headquarters is in The Hague, Netherlands. Shell is one of the biggest oil and gas companies worldwide and one of the most profitable. 3% of the world’s natural gas and 2.5 of its oil is insured by Shell. The company is employing more than 80.000 people in more than 80 countries around the world and 22.000 of these employees are based in the US where they have approximately 25.000 branded gas stations. According to its revenue in 2010, (285 129 million dollars) Shell is the second largest company in the world.Shell Oil company has a wide range of activities by operating in regions such as America especially and also in the rest of the world. The activities of the company consist in exploring for and extracting crude oil and natural gas most of th e time in collaboration with international and national oil companies. They provide liquefied natural gas to customers all around the world by cooling it and also convert natural gas into liquids in order to provide cleaner burning fuels. The multinational sells daily a quantity of petrol and diesel sufficient to fuel more than 16 million cars and to furnish electricity for 34 million home globally. Shell also converts bitumen, a thick and heavy oil extracted from mined oil sands into synthetic crude oil and develops wind power with the goal of generating electricity.These activities are all part of the company’s Upstream businesses and it has interests in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Russia, Africa and Oceania. Shell also has a Downstream organization that is made up of a large number of businesses. These activities principally consist in turning crude oil into refined products, which are transported and sold worldwide for domestic, industrial, and transport purpose, fuels, bi tumen and lubricants included. Refining, Distribution and Supply are the main activities of their Manufacturing business. Shell trades crude oil, oil products, and petrochemicals first to optimize raw materials for their Manufacturing business and to supply their Marketing business. The company also has a CO2 organization in charge of coordinating the activities of the CO2 management within the company. Shell Trading’s global network includes its activities in every important energy market around the world.MANAGEMENT TEAM OF SHELLPETER VOSER:He joined Shell in 1982 after his graduation in Business Administration from the Applied Science University in Zurich. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Shell since July 2009. He had occupied many positions such as Chief Financial Officer and had also been an Executive Director of Royal Dutch Shell before being CEO and has a lot of years of experience. He has also served in other companies such as the Asea Brown Boveri. He has been CFO of Shell Europe Oil Products as well from 1999 to 2001.SIMON HENRY:He is the Chief Financial Officer of the company and at the same time a member of the board of Royal Dutch Shell. He has joined it in 1982 after his graduation in Mathematics from Cambridge University. He is also very experimented for having held several positions before his appointment as CFO. From 2004 until his appointment he was occupying the position of Executive Vice President Finance for Exploration and Production.2.0 How Shell is affected by its environment The environment in business is considered as the forces that may affect the current or coming activities of an organization. The environment in an organization includes the specific environment also known as task environment and the general environment.2.1 SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENT The specific environment or internal environment is the one that can be controlled by the business. Its components that include the customers, the suppliers, the competitors and the pressure group can directly affect the business. 2.1.1 Customers:Customer is the main point of any business. The success of any business depends on the importance given to the customers. The impact customers have on Shell vary according to the area. In some countries where people have low income the increase of the oil price that occur most of the time can be a  major problem. Most of the people can’t continually afford the gas needed for their cars because of its high price. In some countries the quality of the service that leaves to be desired is part of the main complains of Shell customers. These factors resulted in a loss of trust of the customers and had an impact on the company’s image profit.2.1.2 Suppliers:A number of various suppliers are needed in any business enterprise. Suppliers provide raw materials and components to the company. Shell suppliers are also its internal stakeholders and partners in the chain of production. Bringing petrol from the oil we ll to the petrol pump is their main duty. A lack of reliability or efficiency in this task can result in a succession of problems affecting directly the company well-being because suppliers are part of the organization’s internal environment.Shell has always been in good terms with it suppliers, but the company is nevertheless preventive concerning its supply chain. Shell has various core values that are important in the way that the company runs. Its suppliers must adapt to these values for a continuous good partnership because any lack in the supply chain could be defective to the company’s good running.2.1.3 Competitors:For a business competitors are the companies that are in the same industry and deliver same products or services to customers. Shell main competitors include Exxon Mobil, PETRONAS, Chevron and CITGO, Total. These companies represent a danger for Shell because they provide the same services and products and often with substantial discount on their pri ce. In the early 90’s Shell was the most profitable company in Europe but it had been in the process of restructuring.The main reason was that the R.O.C (Return of Capital of the company) was lagging behind Exxon the company’s main competitor. Shell had approximately 117,000 employees in 1993 and it decreased to 106,000 in 1994. The net income of the company also decreased to 36% from 1993 to 1994. All these facts occurred because of competition.2.2 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTThe general environment is also known as nonmarket environment, it is composed of the Economic, socio-cultural, political, demographic,  technologic and sometimes global factors that can affect the business performance. It includes the interactions between the firm and the government or global entities.2.2.1 Political factorsPolitical factors include the legislations of a government businesses are obliged to respect.. Government policies on Shell have a big impact on Shell Oil Company, because the produ ction’s rate in Oil business is affected by these policies. Taxes on petroleum applied in the countries where refineries are built also affect the business. Political instability of countries where Shell has its refinery can also be a factor that affects the business. In Nigeria Shell’s profit were higher than elsewhere, but the political instability that occurred in that country in the past years has really impacted the business and its profit in that particular area.2.2.2 Economic factorsFor a business the economic environment refers to the economic factors that can have an effect on the business well-being. These factors include economic systems, policies, resources, nature of economy and the economic legislation. The high unemployment rate in countries where Shell operates is an unfavorable factor. The Gross National Product Trend and the inflation rate are also factors that affect Shell Oil Company. In the last five years the joint venture of the Shell Oil Company in Nigeria has participated about more than $38million to the economy of the country, tax and royalty included and is receiving annually 95% of the profit from the company’s onshore production in the Niger Delta. This is economically affecting the business in terms of income. The corruption pertaining in Nigeria which is one of the most corrupted countries in Africa has its impacts and is preventing the company to do its business ethically.2.2.3 Socio-Cultural factorsShell is operating in almost all the parts of the world, so the company has to deal with the cultural and societal differences. Society and culture influence all the aspects of an overseas business, the business has to be aware of the opinions, feelings and attitudes in the local environment. In Nigeria most of the young people living in the delta where Shell is operating are uneducated and are living in the misery.In 1999 military  youths hijacked sixty four Shell staff and blocked all access roads. This viol ent culture of Nigerians isn’t a good factor for the company that made of this country one of its more important areas of operation. The military youths spilled the oil near the SPDC; Shell Petroleum Development Company areas. The company has been obliged to pay compensation for spoiling the environment and prevent the crash of local social infrastructure. This is one of the multiple socio-cultural factors faced by the Shell worldwide.2.2.4 Technological factorsA business enterprise in order to have competitive advantage over others has to make action plans on time to adjust with technological advancements. Aware of that Shell has over the years tried to accommodate his services according to the technological advancements. They have introduced the Shell Oil Card for payment at Shell station and this was a great innovation. But since technology isn’t available in all the regions of the world there were some drawbacks with the use of the card, for example it is not accep ted in some countries or worst people don’t have access to it. Shell is providing his services in a lot of African countries and most of the time it is in that part of the world that a consequent technological lack is noticeable.2.2.5 Environmental factorsOil companies like Shell have to take particularly care of the environment because they are using substances that can damage the environment. Shell has been accused in the recent years of pollution by farmers in the Nigerian delta where it has one of its most important operations. Even if the court has acquitted the company in that case, that event made people doubting of the social responsibility of the company.Farmer in the Nigerian Delta .3.0 How Shell adapted to the changes in its environment? 3.1 Adaptation to the changes in the specific environment3.1.1 CustomersFor customer satisfaction, speed of service is an important value that needs to be taken in account by organizations. Technology has made it easy for  busine sses to meet the customer needs in a very quick way which is connectivity. Aware of that Shell has set up the Shell Customer Lounge that is a website which makes easy the business between Shell and its customers. This service according to Peter Voser has brought a lot of satisfactions to Shell’s customers and allowed the company to handle some problems that occurred in recent years due to a lack of promptness and speed by the company. Shell is trying somehow to make the price of their services meet the income of their customers according to the area by trying to make it affordable.3.1.2 CompetitorsRelative to its competitors Shell’s performance was very weak and in order to avoid what happened in the 90’s when the company’s return on capital lagged behind Exxon the former head of the company decided to change the strategies. The company realized that the real purpose of effective planning is to change the way the decision makers think. Shell, in order to gain competitive advantage over its main competitors is implementing a strategy that others can hardly repeat. The company came up in the last years with unique skills in terms of technology and integration, and a worldwide set of opportunities for future investments. According to Peter Voser the CEO of the company, Shell’s efforts to expand its pipeline of possible energy projects are already successful and this can be a real way to get competitive advantage over the company’s competitors.3.1.3 SuppliersFor a business it is of a capital importance to develop long term and quality relationships with those taking part in the business process such as suppliers. Shell forces its suppliers to be in accordance with its business principles and core values for a good relationship and good terms of work. The company has made clear in its code of conducts report that they will stop all activities with any supplier that does not match all these qualifications. This is a way to s hift any potential changes relative to its supply chain.3.2 Adaptation to the changes in the general environment3.2.1 Adaptation to the political factorsTo face the political factors that affect its business Shell has revised its business strategies in hostile and turbulent environment particularly in Nigeria. The company made planning to be able to face any identical scenario that could occur in the future by focusing on medium term planning instead of long term planning. Shell has set up a discussion with workshops for a better interaction with the local communities in Nigeria and also pressurized their workers for radical changes in turbulent environment.3.2.2 Adaptation to the economic factorsTo adapt to the economic problems faced in certain of their operating areas, Shell has set up a lot of strategies particularly in Nigeria. The company is facing a lot of problems in that area due to the difficulty of the economy such as the taxes imposed on their business and the corruption . The head of the company said that they have to keep on making huge profit every year because the taxes and government regulations on the company are unavoidable. Shell identifies its own core values as honesty and respect for people to fight against the corruption which is affecting its activities in Nigeria. Shell communicated its anti-corruption principles by providing training programs and also made its workers aware of the importance of having legal and non-corruptive activities. The company has implemented various policies and initiatives to do its business properly without any kind of corruption, illegal or unethical practices.3.2.3 Adaptation to the socio-cultural and technologic factorsFor a company it is of a capital importance to know how to deal with the social and cultural factors in the area of operations. Shell faced a lot of socio cultural factors that affected its business in the past years. These factors had a negative impact on Shell running but the company aimin g to cover a bigger area to implement its activities is still continuing to adapt itself in hostile and violent environment like Nigeria. Since the world knows a fast technological advance businesses must know how to adapt to these changes. This can help to get a competitive advantage on others. Shell is trying to make its oil card available in regions where there is a technological backwardness such as certain parts of Africa.4.0 CONCLUSION4.1 ObjectivesKnowing that without customers a business can’t run in the long term Shell major objectives is to win and maintain customers by providing to them products and services that offer value in terms of price and quality. The company is also aiming to meet customers want value for money that is to provide the highest quality of services at competitive prices. Shell’s people knowing that this can give a quick stop to the achievement of the company’s goals are trying to find solutions to allow the use of the card everyw here in the world. Shell has various core values that are important in the way that the company runs. Its suppliers must adapt to these values for a continuous good partnership because any lack in the supply chain could be defective to the company’s good running. Shell’s main objectives are to extract and deliver oil profitably by respecting the social and environmental norms. The company is looking forward to get a bigger standard of performance and maintain their position in terms of competition in the areas they operate.4.2 RecommendationsThe company should work closer with its customers its partners and its policymakers to proceed to more sustainable use of energy. In Nigeria Shell should go further in their strategies to fight the bad impact the political and economic factors have on the company because the general environment is as important as the specific and all these factors can be really harmful to the good running of the company. Shell Group must engage res ponsibly and profitably in oil and other businesses of their choices, participate in the research of other sources of energy to keep on satisfying customer needs.