Thursday, August 15, 2019

Prose coursework Essay

London being the most powerful city of its vast British empire had become the central point of the world. In the Victorian period, Britain owned the majority of the world and science was taking major jumps in history with discoveries, inventions and theories, for example the Darwin theory of evolution and the inventions of much revolutionary technology, such as the light bulb, the telephone etc. London was filled with life; it was a city where gas powered lamps lit the squalid streets covered with eerie shadows. Carriages clattered day and night delivering the rich and wealthy, but London was slowly deteriorating through wicked serial murders, drug misuse and frightened prostitutes. The city was famous for poverty: people who were stricken by ill health, cramped living conditions and high risk of sewerage water contamination. Soot rained over the city as the industrial revolution was at its peak, which was the cause of the covering of layers of black pollution creating a dark, dreary place. Public executions were frequency and Victorian people lived from day to day fearing crime, as renowned murderers walking the streets of London caused widespread fear across London, for example the likes of Jack the Ripper, infamous for ruthless murders of prostitutes and taunts he sent to the irresponsible police force, evidently many officers were publicly exposed as corrupt. Victorians had lost their respect for the police as they were thought to be unreliable in their protection of the desperate civilians of London. Arthur Conan Doyle’s character, Sherlock Holmes, surfaced in 1887. The people had found their savior, many immediately fell for the fictional character, and Holmes was seen as the super human detective like a cake with many layers, where each layer was revealed slowly throughout the fiction. He was a detective able to solve every mystery; he seemed to be a superhero always seeking justice to overcome evil. This fantasy became such a reality that when it’s creator tried to kill him off in 1893, many fans protested and even the author received death threats warning him to keep them supplied with the drug that feed their addiction for Holmes. This super sleuth had become famous in every province of the world. Many films, TV production, websites, museums and even organizations of secret police based in Eastern Europe were dedicated to him. Conan Doyle based his idea for Holmes on the traditional guide, but devised and invented the use of the scientific approach to solving mystery: observation, analysis of data observed, formation of theory based only on the facts. The traditional detective story is based on sudden adventitious circumstances; Doyle believed these circumstances didn’t occur in reality. Doyle’s mastery of the six rules of detective story allowed him to use the extra-ordinary. His concept was to reveal the mystery at the opening of the story followed by the development which explores detail of the story and at the conclusion Holmes explains and elaborates how the crime was committed. Holmes role and character is reveals throughout the story this is where we gain knowledge of his personality and mannerism, for example; -In the Red Headed league the case seem to be a joke but Holmes is still determined to work out the mystery, this show Holmes doesn’t fail to attempt even if it seem unworthy task. -In the Speckled Band Holmes pick up the smallest detail like the nonworking bell, the vent that leads into another room instead of outside, the bed that was bolted to the floor, a safe which had two holes, milk on a small plate not used for any animal a their home and the impression on the chair which had feet impression that was directly under the vent, these deduction prove Holmes superhuman ability and why he became so successful. Dr. Watson is the story teller, his relationship with Holmes seems to be strict controlling and ordered towards Dr. Watson but during their breaks Holmes becomes joyful and friendly towards Dr. Watson, for example; -In the Red Headed League Holmes tells Dr. Watson to leave him for 50 minutes to smoke his pipe and think, this order show Holmes superior over Dr. Watson. During many cases Dr. Watson seem to be the plot device as he develops the plot. The Speckled band is mystery where Holmes faces Dr. Roylett, throughout this story a lot of tension is built. Holmes conversation with Helen Stoner is calmer as Holmes gives her sympathy; here Holmes is presented as her knight in shining armor. 1 Sherlock Holmes Coursework Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

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