Sunday, December 22, 2019

Friendship Essay My Best Friend - 684 Words

She doesn’t know this, but she changed my life. She was there for me when it seemed like no one else was. When most of my friends were dissolving around me and I just didn’t feel like I could do anything right, she was there, and she made everything seem okay. It didn’t matter that I was inevitably going to graduate with a GPA a tenth of a point lower than I wanted, or that my director told me that he was disappointed in me because I just didn’t seem focused lately, or that my other friends just weren’t talking to me anymore. It didn’t matter because she was there and she made me feel safe. She’s my best friend, and I love her and admire her for so many different reasons. It seems that, no matter the situation, she knows exactly what will†¦show more content†¦We’ve gone swimming in November, rolled down the car windows and barked at pedestrians, and stayed up until 6 am playing cards. We’ve known each other so long that we don’t even have to finish our entire sentence before the other one knows what we’re trying to say and responds. She knows what I’m thinking before I say it, and she knows how I feel before I do. In some ways we’re polar opposites, but at the same time, we almost seem to share a brain. In fact, most of our conversations are peppered with exclamations of, â€Å"I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does that,† and, â€Å"That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to say!† I am constantly amazed by her ability to stay strong through situations in which most people would crumble. When everything in her life was going wrong, instead of collapsing under the stress and the fear, she opened herself up to learn from it, and to become a better person. Through these experiences, she has learned not to waste her time worrying. She doesn’t hesitate to do what makes her happy, doesn’t worry about pleasing everyone, and doesn’t let small setbacks bother her, and I hope that I can be as strong and high-spirited as I have seen her be. I must confess that this essay isn’t about anyone I know; it’s about everyone I know. I have always had the support of my parents, and am lucky enough to have a wide circle of friends, so I find it hard to choose any one person over the other. Lately,Show MoreRelatedFriendship Essay : My Best Friend785 Words   |  4 Pageselementary school in Ankeny. My school only had two hallways. I enjoyed elementary school because everyone was friends with everyone. I always had someone to play with at recess and to sit with at lunch. When I began middle school I had a large group of friends whom I had known from elementary school. My group of friends consisted of my best friend, Laura, and four other girls. After a couple years Laura and I realized that our friends were nothing like us. 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