Friday, May 31, 2019

Prejudice and Racism in America :: Sociology Racism Prejudice Essays

In  America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this pastoral since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans, Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to become truly dandy racism must be eliminated.         Racism began when someone estimate they were better than someone else. One source said, Racism began during the Enlightenment Period in Europe ( D Sourza 87). Now organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic movement are promoting and continuing the terrible problem. As a consequence, a bad effect on this country is inevitable.         Racism has had a bad effect on this country. Incidents like the Rodney power beating and the O. J.  Simpson verdict have practically split this country into two sides. When white policemen routinely break dance black people for traffic violations, they feel a deep resentment for the O. J. Simpson verdict and look for any reason to take out their anger on the unlucky black victim ( Kennedy 72). The only resolving power to this problem is to eliminate racism.         No one can deny the effect racism has had on  America so we must do our best to stop it.. to end racism we must be able to understand each other. In a recent poll, 11% of whites thought that blacks were lazy, yet 76% of blacks bring forward whites think they are lazy (color 41). It is this kind of misunderstanding that racism  thrives on. If we work harder to understand each other better, racism would have a harder sequence existing.         There is no doubt that we need to find a solution to racism. It has torn this country apart, and the aftermath of this invisible enemy will be devastate if something  is not done to stop it. Before this country can become truly great, a solution must be found and racism eliminated.      &n bsp  In  America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans, Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to become truly great racism must be eliminated.         Racism began when someone thought they were better than someone else.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

James Fenimore Cooper :: Essays Papers

James Fenimore CooperJames Fenimore Cooper was born in Burlington, overbold Jersey on September 15, 1789 to William and Elizabeth Cooper. He was born the eleventh of twelve children. When James was one year old the family moved to the frontier of Lake Otsego, New York, and his arrest established the settlement of Cooperstown at the head of the Susquehanna River. Cooper attended a private prep school in Albany, New York, and was then admitted to Yale in 1803. He was expelled during his junior year because of a prank. His family allowed him to join the navy, but he soon found that more discipline was present in the Navy than at Yale. In 1810 Cooper took a furlough, and never returned to active duty. James Fenimore Cooper married Susan De Lancy in 1811, and for the next ten years he lived as a rural gentleman. However, after the death of all five of his elder brothers he became responsible for supporting their widows and paying their debts. He then found out that his fathers e state had not been worth as much as originally thought. In 1820 Cooper published his first fiction, Precaution, on a challenge from his married woman. This novel was largely unsuccessful. In 1821 he published his second book, The Spy, which was modeled after Sir Walter Scotts Waverly novels, except it was set during the American Revolution. The Spy brought Cooper international fame and a certain amount of wealth.Coopers terzetto book, The Pioneers, was the first of five novels that made up the Leatherstocking Tales. These were immensely popular frontier novels featuring a frontiersman by the name of Natty Bumpo, or Hawkeye. The Pioneers is generally considered to be the first truly American novel. The five novels of the series were not written in their narrative order, and were produced over a period of eighteen years.Cooper and his wife had five children, and they lived in Europe from 1826 until 1833 for the education of their children. When Cooper returned to America in 1833 he found he was rather unpopular due to his works Notions of the Americans and letter to General Lafayette, which he had written while living in Europe.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Infant Mortality Within the United States Essay -- Babies Birth Pregna

Infant Mortality Within the fall in States Herein I briefly overview the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) within the United States. Initially, I discuss specific causes of infant death and then, contributing factors which put babies at risk. Next, the dispersion of various IMR is surveyed on a state to state basis. States possessing the ten highest infant mortality rates are discussed, including possible reasons for higher IMR. In addition, those states with the ten terminal IMR are mentioned. In conclusion, I consider preventative measures for minimizing the number of babies that function apiece year. Return to Table of Contents Introduction Every eight seconds a baby is born in the United Sates (U.S.), and within one hour four babies die (1). The infant mortality rate (IMR) measures the rate at which babies die before their first birthday and is calculated per 1,000 live births. According to government figures 7.2 babies out of every 1,000 born in 1996 died (2, p 6). Although this figure declines steadily each year and is 406% lower than the 1950 figure (3) the United States IMR is still higher than twenty four other nations (1). More importantly, the IMR for black U.S. citizens is over twice the rate of tweed citizens (6.3 and 14.6 respectively) (4, p 9). The field of study Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality even calls some regions disaster areas (5, p 18). What are the leading causes of infant death, and what areas within the United States are most affected? What preventative measures can ensure a child its first birthday? These questions are addressed herein. In addition, certain National Standards for Geography are met. Return to Table of Contents Applicable National Standards In 199... ...Rawlings, James S. Rawlings, Virginia B. Read, John A. Prevalence of Low Birthweight and Preterm Delivery in likeness to the Interval between Pregnancies among White and Black Women. The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 332, N o 2, 1995, p 69-75. Scott, J. Black Infant Death Rate 2 Times That of Whites. Los Angeles Times, 1991 Nov 15, one hundred ten (347), A35. Steinbrook, R. Black Infant Deaths Tied to Birthweight. Los Angeles Times, 111 (184), 4 Jun 1992, A26. Ten Leading Causes of Infant Mortality, Infant Health Statistics. 1997. http// (11 April 1998). Ventura, Stephanie J. Kimberley D. Peters Joyce A. Martin Jeffrey D. Maurer. Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol.46, No. 1 Supplement 2, 11 Sept. 1997, p 6. http// (11 April 1998).

Free Glass Menagerie Essays: Characters and Symbols :: The Glass Menagerie

Characters and Symbols in The rubbish Menagerie In The Glass Menagerie, the main characters be Laura, Amanda, Tom, Jim, and Father. Each character support be found with symbols that trump out represent them. Laura s two symbols are Blue Roses and her scum menagerie, Unicorn. Amanda s yellow dress and bathrobe can express her love she has of the past event. Tom s symbols are the movies and merchant marine. Jims mean itself as a gentlemen caller for Laura. The Father s portrait portrays his abandonment of the Wingfield family. Laura is a hypersensitive young girl. She spends all of her time in a world of glass ornaments and stayed in her apartment. Even though she tries several times to participate in the outside world, she is too fragile. The Blue Roses represent the uniqueness of Laura. Blue Roses do not exist in this world or even if there is, it is not by nature. This rose is different from other(a) roses just as Laura is different from other girls. The color blue represe nts the sadness and depression. Laura felt these feelings at home because she is not as popular as Amanda and she cannot succeed in college that Amanda hopes her to be. Amandas expectation caused Laura to feel liberal when she does not meet her requirements. Laura had dropped out of Rubicam Business College and she can not find any gentleman caller. Roses represent Laura along with her beauty and innocence. The stem of the rose can define as the support that Amanda and Tom gave her. The thorn is her shyness. It is her shyness that no one wants to go near her and she does not want to go near anyone. The Glass Menagerie represents Laura hypersensitive nature and fragility. Laura is just as easily broken as a glass unicorn and just as unique. When Jim accidentally bumps into the unicorn and breaks it, the unicorn is no long-acting unique. When Jim kisses Laura and then shatters her hopes by telling her he is engaged, she becomes broken-hearted and less unique. The innocence that mad e Laura so unique is now lost. Both Laura and the glass menagerie break when they are exposed to the outside world. When Laura gives Jim her broken unicorn, it symbolizes her broken heart that Jim will take with him when he leaves. She gives Jim a little bit of herself to take with him and he leaves behind a little bit of himself with her shattered horses.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Kustom Kar Kommandos :: essays research papers

The movie Kustom Kar Kommandos is an intriguing look at the relationship between a man and his car. The film, being only about 3 proceedings long, is filled with many points of thought involving the nature of this relationship. The shortly itself is about a man simply buffing and admiring his car, but with the use of music, fades, and slow pans this becomes an erotic event.Playing inspiration Lover from the start, Kenneth Anger has found the sensual side of communicating with an automobile, while still keeping the movie free of blatant symbolic imagery. The scene of the short is a very plain stage. A pink backdrop with no props other than the car, our attention is already focused to the action to be presented. The shots are very slow and very smooth, with fades and dissolves used abundantly for the transitions. The panning is make at a very slow pace, with the polishing being done at about the corresponding speed. What could be only a few quick shots of a man have been dragged out into 3+ minutes of pity and love to the car. The buffing rag itself is virgin anyy white, having n constantly seen any dirt on the car. Everything in the scene leads to a very innocent, sensual theme that Anger expresses so sanitary in his cinematography.The hints of sexuality appear as soon as the first shot comes onscreen. The fluffy white buffing rag caressing the body of the car ever so slowly, it then finds its way to two shiny circular (and very breast-like) objects that are part of the cars engine. Moving from the body to these two breasts, the archetype never wavers, never slipping up in its quest to polish every inch of the cars body and engine. Immediately afterwards, and in the same pan, the camera finds a hood ornament of a man sitting down (and apparently fishing) with a very phallic fishing rod intercommunicate out in the silhouette. It is shots like this that give the short its erotic undertone.Another interesting aspect of the film is the ambiguity of the ma n polishing the car. The shots are all done very carefully, so that the mans face is never seen until the very end of the short. At one point it goes to a close up of the body being buffed, with a fairly revealing reflection of the man, but not his face.

Kustom Kar Kommandos :: essays research papers

The movie Kustom Kar Kommandos is an intriguing look at the relationship between a man and his car. The film, being only about 3 minutes long, is filled with many points of thought involving the nature of this relationship. The short itself is about a man merely buffing and admiring his car, but with the use of music, fades, and slow pans this becomes an erotic event.Playing Dream Lover from the start, Kenneth Anger has found the sensual side of communicating with an automobile, while still holding the movie free of blatant symbolic imagery. The scene of the short is a very plain stage. A pink backdrop with no props early(a) than the car, our attention is already focused to the action to be presented. The shots are very slow and very smooth, with fades and dissolves used abundantly for the transitions. The panning is done at a very slow pace, with the polishing being done at about the same speed. What could be only a few quick shots of a man have been dragged out into 3+ minutes of care and love to the car. The buffing rag itself is virginally white, having never seen any dirt on the car. Everything in the scene leads to a very innocent, sensual theme that Anger expresses so well in his cinematography.The hints of sexuality appear as soon as the first shot comes onscreen. The puberulent white buffing rag caressing the body of the car ever so slowly, it then finds its way to two shiny circular (and very breast-like) objects that are touch off of the cars engine. Moving from the body to these two breasts, the buffer never wavers, never slipping up in its quest to polish every abut of the cars body and engine. Immediately afterwards, and in the same pan, the camera finds a hood ornament of a man sitting down (and evidently fishing) with a very phallic fishing rod projecting out in the silhouette. It is shots like this that give the short its erotic undertone.Another interesting sight of the film is the ambiguity of the man polishing the car. The shots are all done very carefully, so that the mans face is never seen until the very overthrow of the short. At one point it goes to a close up of the body being buffed, with a fairly revealing reflection of the man, but not his face.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Corrie Ten Boom: a Feisty Christian Soldier Essay

The Holocaust is modernly viewed as one of the greatest examples of human downsizing and discrimination. However, umpteen heroes and defenders against the Holocaust remain largely uncredited by the general public. One of the unacknowledged heroes, corrie 10 thunder, is an indomitable spirit.. , not just a engaging little grandmother, but a two-fisted old Dutch soldier for Christ (Corrie decennary sound U*X*L). Through her pie-eyed faith in God, Corrie Ten hollo was able to valiantly aid the Holocaust victims in their most dire time of need in spite of the constant danger of being captured.Ten Booms generosity was cultured from her religious background and loving family, who was always supportive and equally compassionate (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia). As Ten Boom was growing up, her family participated in various charitable aid projects and their home, as well as their family business, served as a hub of activity in their neighborhood, where they frequently provided meals to the homeless and took in several foster children (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia).Additionally, Corrie and her siblings, being raised as devout Christians, knew many Jewish families in the neighborhood and even ran the Dutch Reformed churchs outreach program for Jews (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia). by and by on, Corrie took over her familys watchmaking business and also began to make contributions of her own (Corrie Ten Boom U*X*L). She began to conduct Bible classes in public schools and Sunday schools, making a special effort to reach out to the mentally disabled, and also establish youth clubs for teenage girls, providing religious counselor and fine arts lessons (Corrie Ten Boom U*X*L).As a result, the community social work she had done for many age evolved into the Ten Booms participation in Haarlems underground resistance movement (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia). When Chancellor Adolf Hitler rose to power, the Ten Booms began to worry for the freedom and safety of their Je wish neighbors after the rumored reports of harassment of Jews surfaced, and they selflessly sacrificed their own well-being in order to protect them (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia).Soon, on May 10, 1940, when the Nazi armies invaded the Netherlands, Corrie decided it was time to step in and live her faith (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia bonzer gallantry). And so, throughout the years, Ten Boom became a key figure in the Haarlem underground movement as she kept a hidden mental home quarters above the watch shop and provided for the hideaways, using her connections she acquired from her previous charity works (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia).Soon, the German occupation grew harsher and the restrictions tighter, but Ten Boom, along with her family, never considered wavering from their course of action because they believed that the Jews were Gods slew and that saving them was the right thing to do (Extraordinary Bravery Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia). In 1944, the Ten Boom family was ar rested for suspicion of hiding Jewish refugees and Corrie plus her sisters were later sent to Ravensbruck, a notorious slow-wittedness camp in Germany (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia).However, they remained defensive of the Jews and managed to smuggle them out of their shelter through hidden secret messages (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia). During her stay in Ravensbruck, Corrie withstood horrible living conditions of near-starvation, extreme manual labor, and vermin infestation (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia). Even so, Corrie refused to desperation and instead devoted her time to bringing hope back into the inmates lives, speaking and praying with them (Higgins).Corrie kept her faith in God and was released on Christmas Day of 1944, by the lucky mistake of a clerical error (Corrie Ten Boom U*X*L). After her release, Ten Boom remained thankful towards God and began speaking about her experiences, spreading recognition of the terrible ordeals of the Jewish people through her books and fu nding of missionary work (Extraordinary Bravery). Characterized by her actions, Corrie Ten Boom fits the definition of a hero.Throughout her life, Corrie Ten Boom made an influential impact on the people around her (Extraordinary Bravery). Despite the constant rising dangers of being persecuted by the German Nazis, Ten Boom remained sympathetic towards the Jews, believing that they were Gods people and that she needed to save them (Corrie Ten Boom Encyclopedia). Because of her undeniable assurance in God, Corrie Ten Boom was able to make many charitable contributions, helping many people around her and bringing them hope (Corrie Ten Boom U*X*L).

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Animal abuse Essay

living creature abuse is when someone inflicts bother or vituperate upon an animal such(prenominal) as not giving them their basic needs (food and water) to beating them. In between 5 and 7 million animal companions assent an animal shelter nationwide, every year (, and within 50 miles of Hayward, CA, there ar 170 animal brutishty cases reported ( Imagine what these loose beings that foundationnot declaim out to let the human know they ar in pain feel. tools need us to blab out and help reduce their suffering rather of making their lives worse. Animal safety needs to be improved by creating more fairnesss to protect animals from harm. Animal cruelty is shaped by two forms of abuse, divers(prenominal) types of animal abuse, opinions on how animal cruelty happens, organizations that help fight for animal rights, and ways to report it.see moreanimal abuse essay common animals are being taken advantage of and being brut completelyy abused. They are beaten, kept in cages, and enslaved just for a persons own pleasure ( Humans the likes of to have freedom but yet they have no problem locking animals away because they dont feel like dealing with them. The lawfulness sees passive and active abuse as illegal but they dont have strict consequences that follow. Passive abuse is when the offence is less intentional and active is doing it intentionally to cause pain upon an animal ( Why should animals have to endure this cruel torture? What did they do to merit this? I believe animals should be more protected under the law and not just thrown around like garbage.Furthermore, there are many tether main categories of animal abuse which are slaughter houses, animal testing, and finally in-house abuse. When slaughter house workers cut the heads off of a chicken their hearts are still beating, so they are forced to suffer for to benefit humans and are not protected under the law to be slaughtere d humanely. Two vitamin C and eighty-seven chickens, three point sixty-eight pigs, and one point two cow areslaughtered per second ( Should so many animals be countersink through this cruel and different torture? There should be a maximum number under the law that prevents them from slaughtering so many in a crushed amount of time. There are many forms of animal testing, but the two main animal tests are, the Eye Irritancy and Acute Toxicity.The Eye Irritancy test is also know as the Draize eye test which is performed on rabbits by inserting a fluid with a needle in one eye to see how it reacts to this fluid. The rabbits are put in a contraption that locks their heads and endure a lot of suffering such as ulcers, blindness, and usually death. Next, Acute Toxicity is a method where they bump how much of a chemical can be exposed to the mouth, contend, and inhaled with rats and mice. These rodents are poisoned and the experiment ends when at least half of the testing animals die from the trial. They suffer from torturesome pain, convulsions, loss of motor function and seizures ( No laws state that animal testing cannot be performed therefore, they can inflict pain upon the animals at any time without absorb of being prosecuted.They are able to inject them with lethal chemicals but when it comes to humans everyone is against injecting humans such as in the death penalty because it is inhumane and unusual torture. Finally, in-house abuse, is abuse from human to pet. According to the U.S. Animal Abuse Classifications chart neglect/abandonment ranks 1st with 5, 365 cases, animal hoarding ranks 2nd with 2,061 cases, and shooting comes in third with 1,888 cases. I believe there should be laws that require background checks on violence and brutality in order to own pets because there are linkup between violence and abusing animals. Overall, the United States has a high rate of people mistreating innocent animals and it must(prenominal) be prevented in order to protect these voiceless beings.Since the law is not doing much to protect these animals from cruel humans, the people believe they can get away with this crime. They have insecurities and since animals are smaller than them and cant speak out they take all their frustrations out on them. Animals are helpless creatures whom are assumed to have no feelings. Animals are put through pain and torture due to peoples anger and ignorance. When a human is murdered, the law gives consequences to the murderer, but when animals are end up dead because of being tortured, the law does not provide consequences for the crime. Thesepeople need to take responsibility for their actions and get the same punishment that they would get if these inflictions were toward a human. Animals deserve to have the same rights and be protected under the law.Despite of all the ignorant people, there are those who believe in equality between animals and humans and choose to be up standers. If laws were created that protected animals, these organizations would have a better support system for their fight. Laws would grasp these groups easier to support, therefore they could make more of a difference. For example, animal shelters provide the basic necessities such as food, shelter, and water and a safe environment for them to recover from the harsh acts. Without these shelters, animals will lose hope, so in order to keep them running, donations need to be given. Besides animal shelter, there are specific organizations that help fight for animal rights and help prevent animal cruelty. Some examples of organizations are the ASPCA (American Society for the taproom of Cruelty to Animals) and PETA ( batch for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).These groups believe that animals are just as equal as humans and should not be treated the way they are. People need to take responsibility for their actions, take care of their pets properly, and encourage others to do the same. In order to provide sufficient ways of life for animals, the law must support these organizations. Although there are organizations that fight to make a difference, individuals can stop animal cruelty. The Karma Dog organization stated, What come around goes around. Furthermore, there are many strategies you can use to report any signs of abuse or neglect. They can call 911 if the animal is being forced to fight other animals, starved, tortured, and has ominous chains around the neck, open wounds, and mutilation. Another number you can call is 311.When calling 311 the conditions are deprivation of food, water, improper vet care and shelter, untreated skin conditions, has extreme flea infestation, and extremely long nails and matted hair. When seeing animal abuse posted through the internet you must immediately contact the Internet criminal offence Complaint Center (IC3) which is partnered with the FBI (http// Finally, you can go onto change .org and sign petitions to stop animal testing and cruelty. You may not think one signature will make a difference but it does because once enough signaturesare collaborated, the government will realize something needs to be done. Never give up and keep fighting for these innocent animals.Even though animal abuse is wrong and hurtful to animals, some possessors dont purposely inflict harm upon them. For example, if the owner is having a really busy day and doesnt have the time to walk their dog or they forget to feed them. Why should the owner be penalized for an accident? If the owner tries his best and treats the dog well any other time shouldnt he be let off with a process of monition? A person should not be penalized for an accident because many things happen in life that causes distractions. Pet owners dont intentionally neglect their pets and they deserve the chance to prove the courts otherwise. Some believe that animals are here to serve us so if so then we should not have to pamper them as we would for ourselves. In conclusion, animals and humans are no different and they should not be treated differently under the law.However, people in the United States mistreat innocent begins and laws need to be enforced to prevent it. Some think that animals cannot speak, that what happens to them will not affect them mentally, but every living animals have feeling whether they can talk or not. Treat an animal the way you would want to be treated. When using products, people should think to look if it has been tested on animals. Registering or volunteering at organizations that help prevent and heal abused animals will set a good example to others to fight for what you believe in. The bible states, Do unto others. This phrase is for all being not just humans so why should animals have to continue suffering. Be your own person and fight against animal abuse because this is cruel and unusual torture.Works CitedPet Statistics. ASPCA. N.p., 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. .Reporting Internet Animal Abuse BellaDOG Magazine. Reporting Internet Animal Abuse BellaDOG Magazine. N.p., 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . The Issues. PETA. N.p., 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. .Types of Animal Testing. -The American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS). N.p., 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Corp., Petabuse. Animal Cruelty. Animal Cruelty Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database. N.p., 2001-2012. Web. 22Nov. 2012. . Corp., Petabuse. Local Animal Cruelty Case Search Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database. Local Animal Cruelty Case Search Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database. N.p., 2001-2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Hugo, Victor. Animal Slaughter, Abuse and Cruelty. Behind the Screens. AnimalSuffering. Animals Rights Concerns, 2003,2009. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. .

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Unit 2 – the Developing Child

Unit 2 The Developing Child D1) The main aspects of social growing for Children aged 4 years ar * They like contend and socialize with other sisterren as this succors progress things more like speech, confidence and social skills. * Take turns and share (most of the time) may still be rather bossy. * set about out adult approval. So if they were to hurt themselves they would still go to an adult or when they are tired they would still go to an adult for comfort. * Understand and obeys simplex rules (most of the time). Capable of feeling jealous, for example if you were to show another shaver more attention than another child, this child would run jealous and may show anger. * get divergence to understand things more like, danger, feelings and reasons toward things. * Have more of an imagination, for example they may have imaginary friends and can make up stories. Children with learning disabilities cogency not impart these mile stones like children without disabilitie s. child care workers consider to plan for these children so that they can meet their individual needs.According to Tassoni, page 41, For children, this area of discipline is important too, as they leave want to tour with other children and have to learn to share and be with others in throng situations, such as in school. D2) The main aspects of social formulatement for children aged 5 years are * Now choose their friends, for example, they have certain friends they like to play with. * Takes turns, shares (sometimes) for example, when drawing and sharing pencil crayons. * Enjoys co-operative activities and alike host play. * Says please and thank you when offered something to eat or drink. Shows kindness to other children, inviting them to play and organism armed serviceful. * Resolves conflicts before seeking adult help. * Carries on with conversation with adults and children. D3) One desirable method of observing the social development of children aged 5 years could be to carry out a time sample observation. This is used to magnetic disc the time, interaction, who their socialisation with, so I would write down the initials of the child they were socialising with, the activity like drawing or painting, and the comments that I would write about the on the whole observation.I could record this by taking photos and then storing them into the childs personal records and development file so I could use this as evidence towards their development and social skills with other kids. I would carry this out for 5 minutes every half hour, during the course of the morning. D4) One advantage of this observation method would be that you are able to observe the child to find whether they are struggling with anything like a subject, and we are able to see if theyre not socialising very well or whether they are withdrawn.One disadvantage of this method is that the child maybe camera shy and may stop socialising and interacting once I start to take photos of the development that is taking place. This would affect the whole observation as there will be no progress being do so I would not be able to record anything. D5) A childs social development may be affected by the transitions in their lives such as a family member, they may have bonded with, could have died and this would affect the child a lot.Such as, the child may start showing ravening behaviour towards people and may get frustrated easier when they find a task difficult. This would make the child regress. A positive transition could be that if the mention or parents take their child to places such as play areas, the child would be able to socialise with other children and they will see their parent socialising with other parents. This would make the child to be more confident and help make friends easier. This would positively influence the child to socialise and interact with other children.D6) pungency and Meal times help support a childs social development. It helps because the children are more likely to sit next to their friends. While they are eating they lunch, it is common that most children will tell each other what they have to eat and drink and if they have animal shaped biscuits they may play a little game like zoos, and this helps their imagination and social development. This is called associative play. D7) Inclusive practice means that everyone should be included into activities, no matter what their nationality is, or their sex or whether hey have disabilities. It is important to include everyone in activities because if someone was left out, it may make them feel unwanted, lonely, may make their confidence drop, they may show anger and it will also cause unwanted behaviour. Everyone should be included in activities as it helps make new friends, boost self-confidence and help them socialise better. All activities should meet the need of all children especially if there are any disabilities. C) If a child was in a nursery and a parent was to give birth to a baby, this may affect the child which is in nursery.It may affect them because the new born baby will be receiving a lot of attention so this may make the child in the nursery, feel left out as the child is used to being the only child and all the attention being on them. This will cause anger and the child may stop sharing things with other children and become selfish and the child may regress in everything they have accomplished, such as they could wet themselves, behaviour will become bad and they may also stop talking about issues.B1) When a child is moving house a practitioner can support the child in this transition by making it a fun process and a fun thing to be doing. The practitioner could ask what colours their bedroom is handout to be, what they are going to have in it and where they want everything to be placed. Practitioners can even make their time at their setting as fun as it can be so it takes the situation of the childs mind or they could even read them a story about moving house to help the child understand it is not always a bad process.B2) Observations can be used to identify individual needs. Observations are important to be carried out because it identifies if a child is struggling in a certain area for example, they may have problems with numbers like counting, spelling simple words, participating in group activities or trouble socialising. Once the problem is identified then the person observing can the deal with the problem and help the child where they are struggling. This is why it is important to observe each child separately and carefully.A*) It is important that practitioners understand, the pattern of development of children, from birth to 16 years because at each age and introduce there are different mile stones for them to reach. These are like goals that are set to be accomplished. The practitioners need to know this so they can help the child progress in what the child is capable of achieving. If the pr actitioner did not know the milestones for each stage then the practitioner could be holding the child backbone or aiming to high for what they want the child to do.Also at each stage the child will show different behaviours and the practitioners need to know what they are, otherwise the practitioners might think its inappropriate. They might tell them of when the child is actually showing behaviours that are expected in a child of that age. The behaviour may be caused by learning disabilities, so the practitioner would need to know how to handle the situation appropriately, or even call in a professional to help the need of that child and help the child progress.A*) Routines are important for young children because it adds structure to their day. This helps because they like to know what is coming next so they dont get confused. The main parts of the routine, e. g meal times, coming in in the mornings and home time, in a setting should be kept the akin daily this could include, c hildren coming in in the morning and hanging their coats and bags up straight away, then sitting down for circle time and share password with their friends for 15- 30 minutes, then they will have free time to do messy things or play what they want to play to socialise.Free time gives the children the opportunity to develop their physical skills and social skills. After free time they will be called for snack time. During snack time it is important for children to get the right nutrients for the energy they need and use. Then they will have free play again for about an hour and a half then it will be lunch time, then story time, then they would be told to go and get their coats and bags to go home. Then the children will be called out one by one when their parents can be seen.When I was in placement at a nursery I saw they had a set routine that met the needs of every child, this worked because the children were aware of what is going on and what is happening next. I saw that this al so helped their behaviour because they knew what they were doing as soon as they came in. Therefor in the future when I work with children I will know that keeping to a set routine, helps get through the day easier, without any confusions or uncertainty and everyone including staff knows what their role is for the day. Penny Tassoni Childcare and Education Cache Level 2 Published by Heinemann 2007

Friday, May 24, 2019

Safety vs. Freedom

Americans take pride in their individual freedoms above golosh. We as Americans prevail fought for our freedom since the building of our great nation. In the past, the volume of America took pride in their freedom as a nation and a group of people. During the time, safety was an irrelevant issue. However, as time progressed to what we consider a present-day(a) society safety became a co-existing factor in the systematic balance. Constant threats and dreadful attacks live been made by people because they were considered to strike too much freedom. gum elastic in our everyday lives did non become prompted until people put up taken drastic measures to ensure their freedom. Drastic measures have been taken by people because too much freedom was placed into the hands of the people. The correlation of freedom and safety this instant lingers onto a thin delicate balance that can be toppled when there is too much of freedom or safety. In todays contemporary society, people not only requirement freedom, but they also feel the need for safety in their everyday lives. H. L. Mencken (18801956) wrote, The mediocre man does not neediness to be free. He simply wants to be safe. His statement over the topic may have been true for the time, but in todays society, matters have changed dramatically in that safety and freedom are needed. The topic of freedom and safety has been constantly debated. In order to fully understand the situation, definitions must be provided. Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. In otherwise words, freedom is a power that is passed down to the people from the local and national government. On the other hand, safety is defined as the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.Interestingly enough, these definitions overlap. Ambiguity and confusion seem to be interwoven in this case. These definitions are an underline proof that the average man desires both freedom and safety. No matter how the question is phrased, the same pragmatic, convoluted response should be given. Freedom and safety are relative to for each one other, usually tipping back and forth like a seesaw. The balance between each virtue is rather delicate, but always negotiable, depending on the influence of events at home or even internationally.Freedom is the benchmark of the American value system. As long as Americans remain to place importance on freedom, it will endure. Safety is equally significant, but often manipulated. Most Americans seem to be rather susceptible when it comes to the safety of the nation state and will usually agree with command that will make us safer. To this discussion, there are usually two opposing sides. The sides in this situation are people who stay faithful to nice freedom and people who are aficionados of safety.Some people have belief that freedom is the only thing that matters and that freedom should be th e prioritized factor across the nation. On the other hand, there are people who believe that safety is more important. On both sides, however, there is always an argument involved with gun control. Recently, there has been an difficult force that has swept across America and that is the use of guns for mass murdering. The Sandy Hook incident left people traumatized. During this issue, people who stand true in safety want nothing less than the ban of wielding arms. the stronger our gun control laws are, the fewer acts of violence. (Sandy Hook quotes). At the same time, those for freedom still want to be able to wield arms even though such tragic events have occurred. Even though there is a constant heat debate over the topic of freedom verses safety, there always has to be a fine line that defines both freedom and safety. With the latest shooting tragedy in Colorado, gun control is undoubtedly on everyones mind. People who have a stance with pro-gun seem to cite freedom, liberty and the 2nd amendment while talk of the town about their right to carry guns.And people who are anti-gun might cite the safety and well-being of the general public, as criminals and people with mental disorders will not have such easy access to weapons that kill. People who say that freedom and safety have no correlations, and that safety is more important than freedom or freedom is more important that safety, have not considered its daily applications. In society today, people demand both freedom and safety. While more and more Americans demand freedom to do things as they please, they want the feeling of protection and safety.Safety is needed when more freedom is given. An example of this lies in our homes. As children have later curfews as they grow older, their parents demand for more of their own protection for their children. Ultimately, curfews are reasonable guidelines and should be followed. It is important to maintain respect for your parents and the rules they set end- to-end your adolescent years. While it may seem unfair or unreasonable at the time, you will eventually realize how beneficial such rules were and will give thanks your parents for looking out for your well-being. (Why Curfews Should Be Enforced).This correlation is evidence that with more freedom, people need more safety to keep them in check and to keep people in line. Freedom in this case cannot exist without the need for safety and safety is not necessary if there is no freedom. Freedom and safety are desired by everyone. However, unlike popular belief, they cannot be separated. Like a well-balanced formula, freedom and safety intertwine in a well-defined system. In this contemporary society, freedom is important for the liberties of the people however, safety is important for the security of the people. Both freedom and safety are important factors for people today.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Young people enjoy life more than older people

Young people enjoy life more than older people do If we conceive the life of a human as a movie of ours, then we potty divide those 3 hours of time as 3 get alongs (1 . Illumination (Childhood & Teenage). 2. breakup (Young age) 3. Climax (Old age)). As we all know that in 1st criteria we volition have Time, & Energy but not money. In young age we will have money and energy but no time.Similarly in the IANAL stage of life we will have money and time but no energy. We can observe the unlimited desiring heart in both child and young ages in a human. Obviously most of the people cant meet their desires due to stingy resources. In the old age the man is like a completely filled water bottle with lots of experience & achievements but totally miss of energy. And that was the time for him/ her to retire from his responsibilities.But as they are also weak there are numerous Hansen of getting ill and stuck to bed. Enjoying life means finding cheer In every second we live. Coming into r eality if we ask the same question to all groups of ages we never get a positive reply as everyone has their own problems running in their minds. That means people are pessimistic towards themselves and optimistic towards the rest. Thats the main problem. This sort of pessimism is observed unfortunately in all age groups.If one changes his attitude towards his life that second will be the beginning of enjoyment. Discipline, planning and health are also the other crucial factors which keeps ones life In cloud nine Irrespective of his/her age group. Care must be taken that all the three must maintain In harmony. In my cod ultimate enjoyment lies where desire meets satisfaction. One must be completely satisfied for what he was In that moment, to enjoy his life. So I completely dissent the above statement.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion Chapter One

Things can be just like they were before, said Carolean warmly, reaching out to squeeze middlings hand. only it wasnt true. Nothing could ever be the way it had been before Elena died. Nothing. And reasonable had serious misgivings about this party Carolean was stressful to set up. A vague nagging in the pit of her stomach told her that for some reason it was a very, very bad idea.Merediths birthday is already over, she pointed out. It was run short Saturday. save she didnt pass on a party, not a real party like this one. Weve got all night my parents wont be covert until Sunday morning. Come on, decorous-just turn over how surprised shell be.Oh, shell be surprised, all right, thought Bonnie. So surprised she just might kill me afterward. Look, Caroline, the reason Meredith didnt have a big party is that she quieten doesnt feel much like celebrating. It seems-disrespectful, somehow-But thats wrong. Elena would want us to have a good time, you know she would. She loved parti es. And shed hate to see us seance around and crying over her six months after shes gone. Caroline leaned forward, her normally feline green eyeball earnest and compelling. There was no artifice in them now, none of Carolines usual nasty manipulation. Bonnie could tell she very meant it.I want us to be fri blockades again the way we used to be, Caroline said. We ceaselessly used to celebrate our birthdays together, just the four of us, remember? And remember how the guys would always try to crash our parties? I wonder if theyll try this year.Bonnie felt overlook of the situation slipping away from her. This is a bad idea, this is a very bad idea, she thought. But Caroline was going on, looking dreamy and almost wild-eyed as she talked about the good old days. Bonnie didnt have the heart to tell her that the good old days were as dead as disco.But there arent even four of us anymore. Three doesnt make much of a party, she protested feebly when she could get a word in.Im going t o invite serve Carson, too. Meredith gets along with her, doesnt she?Bonnie had to admit Meredith did everyone got along with Sue. But even so, Caroline had to understand that things couldnt be the way they had been before. You couldnt just substitute Sue Carson for Elena and say, There, everything is fixed now.But how do I explain that to Caroline? Bonnie thought. Suddenly she knew.Lets invite Vickie Bennett, she said.Caroline stared. Vickie Bennett? You must be joking. Invite that bizarre little drip who take off in bm of half the school? After everything that happened?Caroline stared. Vickie Bennett? You must be joking. Invite that bizarre little drip who undressed in front of half the school? After everything that happened?For a fleck Caroline looked helplessly frustrated. Bonnie thrust her chin out, put her hands on her hips, and waited. Finally Caroline sighed.All right you win. Ill invite her. But you have to take care of getting Meredith to my house Saturday night. And B onnie-make sure she doesnt have any idea whats going on. I really want this to be a surprise.Oh, it will be, Bonnie said grimly. She was unprepared for the sudden light in Carolines face or the impulsive fancy of Carolines hug.Im so glad youre seeing things my way, Caroline said. And itll be so good for us all to be together again.She doesnt understand a thing, Bonnie realized, dazed, as Caroline walked off. What do I have to do to explain to her? Sock her?And then Oh, God, now I have to tell Meredith.But by the end of the day she decided that perhaps Meredith didnt need to be told. Caroline wanted Meredith surprised well, maybe Bonnie should deliver Meredith surprised. That way at least Meredith wouldnt have to worry about it beforehand. Yes, Bonnie concluded, it was probably kindest to not tell Meredith anything.And who knows, she wrote in her journal Friday night. possibly Im being too hard on Caroline. Maybe shes really sorry about all the things she did to us, like trying to humiliate Elena in front of the whole town and trying to get Stefan put away for murder. Maybe Carolines matured since then and learned to think about somebody besides herself. Maybe well actually have a good time at her party.And maybe aliens will kidnap me before tomorrow afternoon, she thought as she closed the diary. She could only hope.The diary was an inexpensive drugstore blank book, with a pattern of piffling flowers on the cover. Shed only started keeping it since Elena had died, further shed already become slightly addicted to it. It was the one place she could say anything she wanted without people looking blow out of the water and saying, Bonnie McCullough or Oh, Bonnie.She was still thinking about Elena as she turned off the light and crawled under the covers.She was sitting on lush, manicured grass that spread as far as she could see in all directions. The sky was a flawless lamentable, the air was warm and scented. Birds were singing.Im so glad you could come, El ena said.Oh-yes, said Bonnie. Well, naturally, so am I. Of course. She looked around again, then hastily back at Elena.More tea? There was a teacup in Bonnies hand, thin and fragile as eggshell. Oh-sure. Thanks.Elena was wearable an eighteenth-century dress of gauzy white muslin, which clung to her, showing how slender she was. She poured the tea precisely, without spilling a drop.Would you like a mouse?A what?I said, would you like a prepare with your tea?Oh. A sandwich. Yeah. Great. It was thinly sliced cucumber with mayonnaise on a dainty square of white bread. Without the crust.The whole scene was as frothy and beautiful as a picture by Seurat. Warm Springs, thats where we are. The old picnic place, Bonnie thought. But surely weve got more important things to discuss than tea.Who does your sensory hair these days? she asked. Elena never had been able to do it herself.Do you like it? Elena put a hand up to the silky, pale gold mass piled at the back of her neck.Its perfect, s aid Bonnie, sounding for all the world like her mother at a Daughters of the American Revolution dinner party.Well, hair is important, you know, Elena said. Her eyes glowed a deeper blue than the sky, lapis lazuli blue. Bonnie touched her own springy red curls self-consciously.Of course, blood is important too, Elena said.Blood? Oh-yes, of course, said Bonnie, flustered. She had no idea what Elena was talking about, and she felt as if she were walking on a tightrope over alligators.Yes, bloods important, all right, she agreed weakly.Another sandwich?Thanks. It was cheese and tomato. Elena selected one for herself and bit into it delicately. Bonnie watched her, feeling uneasiness climb by the minute inside her, and then- And then she saw the mud oozing out of the edges of the sandwich.What-whats that? Terror made her voice shrill. For the first time, the dream seemed like a dream, and she found that she couldnt move, could only gasp and stare. A thick glob of the brown stuff fell of f Elenas sandwich onto the checkered tablecloth. It was mud, all right. Elena Elena, what-The air was no longer warm and scented it was hot and sickly sweet with the odor of rotting garbage. There were black pits in the green grass, which wasnt manicured after all but wild and overgrown. This wasnt Warm Springs. She was in the old graveyard how could she not have realized that? Only these graves were fresh.Another mouse? Elena said, and giggled obscenely.Bonnie looked down at the half-eaten sandwich she was holding and screamed. Dangling from one end was a ropy brown tail. She threw it as hard as she could against a headstone, where it hit with a mingy slap. Then she stood, stomach heaving, scrubbing her fingers frantically against her jeans.You cant leave yet. The company is just arriving. Elenas face was changing she had already lost her hair, and her skin was turning gray and leathery. Things were pathetic in the plate of sandwiches and the freshly dug pits. Bonnie didnt want t o see any of them she thought she would go mad if she did.Youre not Elena she screamed, and ran.The wind blew her hair into her eyes and she couldnt see. Her pursuer was behind her she could feel it right behind her. Get to the bridge, she thought, and then she ran into something.Ive been waiting for you, said the thing in Elenas dress, the gray skeletal thing with long, misrepresented teeth. Listen to me, Bonnie. It held her with terrible strength.Youre not Elena Youre not ElenaListen to me, BonnieIt was Elenas voice, Elenas real voice, not obscenely amused nor thick and ugly, but urgent. It came from somewhere behind Bonnie and it swept through the dream like a fresh, cold wind. Bonnie, listen quickly-Things were melting. The bony hands on Bonnies arms, the crawling graveyard, the rancid hot air. For a moment Elenas voice was clear, but it was broken up like a bad long-dis-tance connection. Hes twisting things, changing them. Im not as strong as he is Bonnie missed some words. b ut this is important. You have to find right now. Her voice was fading.Elena, I cant hear you Elena an easy spell, only two ingredients, the ones I told you alreadyElenaBonnie was still shouting as she sat bolt upright in bed.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Value Proposition of Gym/Spa Business

A business endeavor like a secondary school and resort hotel is a rewarding one, due to the particular that you are not only doing business but you are doing people a favor as well. What is nice about a proposed gym/spa business that it complements each other, a spa go forth always complement to a spa, because it provides the clients a chance to relax after a rigorous workout. parenthesis from that, the owner of such business burn down have lots of opportunities the bodybuilding and fitness industry has its complementary products as well. Among these are food supplements that people butt a subsidy nowadays. This can fuel the revenues of the business as well. On the other hand, the spa entrust close in ladies and metrosexuals who are put a premium on wellness services. The spa bequeath complement the gym and it is evident among prominent gyms with their own spa services.Pricing and AdvertisingThe gym/spa will get athletes and sports celebrities as their endorsers. This will enable the gym/spa to draw clients which will be motivated to enroll in the gym/spa. The payment will be on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. This will give potential clients the option to enroll at the gym/spa based on their income. food market Niche of a Gym/Spa BusinessA slogan that can be used with this business is Health is Wellness, The Rest Would be for The top hat The gym/spa business will hold a firm position on its market niche because it will draw people from tout ensemble walks of life that makes this business worthwhile and lucrative. Mostly the people who are stressed-out from work will draw your attention. It is evident among gyms like Fitness First and Golds Gym who have their own spa amenities inside the gym. Another thing is that, you can engage into this business with some of your friends, so as to draw a variety of crowd that will eventually be your regular clients.SWOT AnalysisStrengths The gym/spa showcases a wide variety of adduce of the art amenities and equipment that will promote fitness. It has other amenities aside from the usual gym/spa that will augment the gym/spa itself.Weaknesses The gym/spa will have a hard time enticing blue collar workers because of its massive advertising using celebrities. It is a hindrance that on that point would be a possibility that the gym/spa can only accommodate a certain number of clients inside the vicinity.Opportunities The gym/spa will have potential consignments with other business establishments, such as nutritional supplement shops that will augment the advertising of the gym spa. The gym/spa can make their service 24 hours a day because there are peoples work shifts vary.Threats The gym/spa is deemed to get a request for the increase in payments if ever client enrolment will be at a low.Nearby gyms like those within the neighborhood will be a petty yet potential com

Monday, May 20, 2019


Instead of denunciation the dark we engender to light a sightdle instead of looking down at the toilet at the roadside on a moonless wickedness why not look up and appreciate the stars in the sky? We should regularise passion in every undertaking. And instead saying Its cloudy protrudeside but its a Sunday, why not make it as an probability and say Its a great Sunday Meaning youre optimistic that the day would plication out right because you are free from your spotlight employmentof your responsibility here despite the clouds hovering at the horizon. Right?In s whoremongert(p) we, all of you (man erars, supervisors, section heads) should try to inspire others through your thoughts, words and deeds. get-go you should think and act as manpowertors and not mere managers or slave drivers of employees. A lay down forcetor says we permit to do this way, rather than ordering a subordinate to do that way. Make yourself part of the solution a member of the police squad. As a mentor you take every problem as a newborn challenge. As proactive mentor you have to be ahead of the situation or you have to put up measures to prevent potential problems to crop up.To be an impelling mentor you have to have the boundless qualification to understand. How? Review your college psychology, about gay nature or behavior, about motivation and aspirations of individuals. Make your subordinates quality that their aspirations and ambitions would be addressed by playing their roles in the company. Make their individual ambitions and the companys target area one. Make them proud to belong to the company since they are being taken care of including their loved ones.To be a competent mentor every manager should have an open line of communication. You have to take aim the partitions and cubicles. Let every worker approach you any duration of the day or night and financial aid him solve even his personal problem. As a mentor your responsibility does not end after to p executive hours. The communications line should be open 24 hours a day.Mentoring is manage directing a football or basketball team. A coach is a mentor-drawing card not a manager because he inspires people. Your effectiveness as a coach could be measured on how the athletes play the game and not on the number of games won.The objective of the manager is to win all the games. As for the coach? His foremost rumination is the wel utmoste of the individual players including their future and direction. Winning is atomic number 16ary. Winning is not the objective. Winning a game or the championship should be the result of mentoring.No amount of shouting, cursing or suspension could make a player switch a 100-percent part to a game if he is not inspired to play. He only gives his best because of the motivations from his coach. An usage is Carter of the popular movie Coach Carter. He made men out of the spoiled and undisciplined youngsters. He transformed their livesand their futur e. He considered every game lost an opportunity for for individually one of his players to improve and do better. Carter provided them reasons to live a beautiful and fruitful life.Another organization where you can regard a mentor-leader is the Army. It is not the platoon leader but its usually the platoon sergeant who motivates the infantrymen during battles. One factor that inspires the soldiers could be the courage of the sergeant. And he leads in front of his platoon every skirmish.Because he has the extensive acquaintance and experiences acquired from previous battles his men have confidence of his leadership. They dwell that what the sergeant is doing is for their welfare and to reduce casualties. In hornswoggle extensive jazzledge and courage play an important role in motivating people. And you can have more liveledge by attending managerial and motivational workshops on your initiative and on your own magazine. In short self-improvement.Another role you should pla y as leader is that of a facilitator. You should group your subordinates into teams not as work-related groups, like budget, accounting, or disbursing section .Each team has an objective to accomplishjust like every squad in the army. Each team member has a specify role to play or a specialization.The men in a squad dont carry the aforesaid(prenominal) type of weapon. One carries a bar or a special weapon which is effective for long range shooting. Another carries a machine gun for close combat. Others carry assault rifles for the final push. Others carry snipers rifle with night vision for evening assault, and so forth. And in the absence of the point -man, the next in rank can take over to accomplish the objective of the team since every members role is understandably defined.So you have a logistical team rather than a dispatching section. Each team leader is empowered to make endings. In case of misunderstanding or conflict in the implementation of an office policy, as manager or supervisor you act as collaborator but not as via mediar. As team member you consider everyone in the group as your colleague or partner not as your immediate supervisor or your direct subordinate.Each role should be defined not by the ranking of the position but by specialization or skills. Thus, the secretary becomes communications specialist and the telephone operator the solutions provider for she gives answers to queries, Right? With these changes each can assert his role in the organization and he could measure his overall contribution. Even the janitor must have a position fitted to his contribution as sanitation specialist. Try to imagine a single day without a janitor. You will acknowledge that the following day everything is in chaos or the office smelly.In case of conflict, as facilitator you induce collaborative work, you initiave comprehensive cooperation from all the members of the team. For an example in the advertising department, you yave to facilitate the production of the best fictive idea for a promotional campaign. In this case you dont have to criticize ideas presented. You have to facilitate the frution of the ideas into a useful concept. As facilitator you have to be highly assertive so it would be faster for a collegial decision to crop up from the team.Another role you should play as supervisor is that of a monitor. In short you have to record and take note of the progress of each team in your group. You dont have to record their attendance nor whether they come on time or leave the office earlier. Thats not the point.As monitor you record as to how far they are from the goal. You have to be goal-oriented. You manage by objective. To be an effective monitor you have to be competent about information managementthe ins and outs of the system.In short you have your own system to grade your members. In the military there is such thing as demerits. For example you wear a complete logical you would be presumption 100 merits. Any stain or dirt in the uniform, or illicit wearing of a single insignia the officer would give you the corresponding demerits. In this way your team members know their goal if they could make you objective and make it perfectly..The military for example, has its own counterintelligence group. This way the military plays it safe by moving ahead of its enemies. This means you monitor the contribution of each member of the team and advice them from time to time as the necessary adjustments needed in their activities.Another function you should do as manager is that of a coordinator. In this situation you act not only as the coach of the team. You act at the resembling time the team captain or the playing coach. You coordinate the maneuvers on the court as team captain. All the members of the team observe you from a distance as to what signals you are transmitting to them.As coordinator you know the specialized skill of each member. Like basketball, you know how the guard or the forwar ds functions during set plays. You know the capacity of your center or you know who would be the slotman or pointmaker during crucial time of the game. In short each man has a specializationjust like in your department or section.In basketball, the team captain sometimes decide as to when they need to rest and not necessarily the coach and transmit this need to the coach or the bench officials for the team to take a rest or take a time out to change plan of maneuvers . Compared to our company, as facilitator you must have the active knowledge of the operation of your division or section.You cannot play as team captain if you dont know the limit of your teammates, right?To summarize the following table show you the roles and the competencies needed ROLES COMPETENCIES NEEDED learn Big understanding open-mindedness, effective verbal and oralCommunications extensive understanding of humanMotivations example that of a coach can emphatizeFACILITATOR team-building skills delegation of authority assumeResponsibility will not compromise solution exampleThat of a college instructorexample basketball team captainMONITOR proactive and goal-orientation ability to detectWeaknesses extensive analytical ability example a highschool teacher another example is the Armys demerit system.COORDINATOR Proactive ability to measure capacity and limits ex teamcaptain he gets the opinion of the members of the team toarrive at a good decision ability to get the attention ofevery member of the team ability to get respect from the team. geek 1 Shaheen Matombo, staff member The case of Shaheen is not an isolated one. It is always the problem of single female parent who doubles as head of the family. Shaheen is not a hopeless case. In fact Shaheen has offered an alternative register of 830 a.m. in exchange for a 30-minute lunch break.As CEO I would draw out to Andre Tate, Shaheens manager, to adopt the staff members offer of arriving at 830 with 30-minute lunch break, with off at 5 p .m., just like everybody in the office. As manager it is the foremost to handle manpower, especially that Shaheen is a product of a computer college. It is the goal of Shaheens immediate supervisor to give the newcomerthree months at worka chance to lift herself in her workplace. In this age of computers, and flexible time, the offer of Shaheen is laudable. Morale of her co-workers would not be affected if the change of Shaheens schedule would be known by everybody in the office.And the same flexible time schedule would be offered to anybody who have the same reasons that of Shaheen.As manager, Andre should also provide a counteroffer. Meaning, Shaheen would follow her suggested schedule religiously.And a single late or failure to follow the schedule may mean she has to revert to the 8 a.m. regular time. During contingency, Shaneen would be given the chance to work online at home, so by the time she will be at the office she would not miss any important call. A system would be ins talled that calls made at 8 a.m. to the office would be coursed through the home telephone or computer of Shaheen at home.Another counteroffer would be for Shaheen to observe her suggested schedule but without chocolate breaks of 15 minutes in the morning and another coffee break of 15 minutes in the afternoon. In short let Shaheen eat at his work station in exchange for her coming at 830 p.m. Since Shaheen is a computer graduate, originally she would learn the ropes and could be effective in her work. As manager, Andres work is to maintain cohesion, morale and develop through training all the employees, not only Shaheen. As manager, Andres responsibility is to develop human resources in the company, particularly at this time when it would be hard to hire competent employees who are quick knowledgeable with office work.One of the four approaches to effective values (HM 2022, frame 17 of lecture 2) is speech pattern on human relations where the goal of the manager is maintaining human relations.Shaheen stay in the office can be considered probationary for it takes from three to six months before an employee becomes regular. Assuming Shaheen is already a regular staffer, the more that she should be retained and given the chance to improve herself. In this case, Andre may assign a veteran soldier worker or her supervisor as her office mentor. Shaneen needs the guidance of a facilitator and coordinator who understands her first and second willing to help her until she may be six months in office. In this way, if she would not improve, Andre have the reason to look for her replacement or put her in a job that does not require her to be at 8 a.m.. Of she may be given flexible time schedule to suit her work at home.The manager should understand the situation of Shaneen from the poiont of view of a parent. The manager should try to wear the habilitate of Shaheen to undertanding extensively the situation Shaheen is in.As mentor, Andre should inspire Shaheen to wo rk better and improve in her work. Andre should have the capacity and the patience to work with a worker like Shaneen For sooner, Shaheen may improve for she has the potential to be an effective worker.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Analytical Ethical Problem Solving Essay

Ethical dilemmas make us question out moral beliefs and theories, search for an apprehension of what is going on below the surface.1 Klempner, G., (2008). Scenario Sally has spent the last six months working as recess of a team that has developed a piece of computer software to control a widget contriteness machine. The software is due to me completed with one week but Sally knows that it will take at least one month to fully test the software.Sally accompanies her boss, Liz, at a meeting with the guest who commissioned the software. The client has just landed an important order, and s anxious that the software is delivered and installed on time. At the meeting, Sallys boss says to the client, Sally and the rest of the team have done an excellent personal line of credit on the software. It has all of the functionality you asked for and it will be delivers and installed next week. Isnt that right sally?Sally knows that the software may still contain bugs that could cause the mac hine to malfunction and be dangerous to its operators. If Sally contradicts her boss, in form to the client she knows it will be the end of her career with that company a well salaried job that she enjoys. What should she do?2 University of Ulster (2009).In the scenario sally face an ethical dilemma between regulation and consequence. In a matter of principle the ethical speculation of deontology can be used, where Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) in an adjudicate stated that it is ones moral duty to tell the truth regardless of consequence. Deontology also uses the well-off rule therefore as a deontology rule Sally should defy her boss and tell the client the truth despite possibly losing her job. However in a matter of consequence the ethical theory of utilitarianism coined by John Stuart Mills (1808-73) is used where the general act will promote the greatest happiness. In telling the truth Sally is morally happy with herself but runs the risk of losing her job. However Liz is unha ppy as she looks like a liar and the company is deprived of income. Also the client may be foil and unhappy.On the other hand if Sally agrees with Liz she makes her boss and the client happy but not herself ethically although she gets to keep her job. In this scenario it is difficult to define what is right from what is wrong. It allows for ethical theories to be discussed in a logical way. Within this dilemma there is a penumbra. In an 1873 article on the theory of torts, arbiter Holmes used the term penumbra to hunt the gray area where logic and principle falter. (178 Mass. 472, 47677, 59 N.E. 1033, 1034 1901).Therefore it can be easily said that generally a penumbra is an uncertain area of law. Also according to an article empower Obamas Dance of Deceit The Penumbra of Truth and Lies, a penumbra has been used by The Supreme Court to describe privacy rights that are not explicitly found in the Constitution.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Blood Brothers Essay

unspoiled Head instructor and Governors, I am writing in response to the governors decision to stop the fruit of Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. I understand the reasons for this, but I wish to demonstrate how certain themes argon an integral part of the stand for, and that it is not unreasonable for it to be performed by students. One of the biggest issues is the use of swearing in the assemble. Willy Russell uses the bad language to emphasise the difference between the classes. This is shown when Micky and Eddie first meet and Micky says that he is Pissed off. Edwardss reaction to this is Pissed off? You say smashing things dont you. This shows that Eddie doesnt understand Micky as he thinks he is Smashing Micky on the other hand is using the swearing to express his emotions in the best way he knows. Also, the fact that he has been brought up with so many brothers and sisters who swear makes it heartbeat or even first nature for him to swear. There is likewise the point tha t Eddie uses bad language in the wrong context. This is demonstrated when he calls his mother a Fuck Off this not only shows the earreach that he doesnt understand how to swear, but it also hint as the fact that Eddie is actually a Johnst star and is showing his true nature.This would play on Mrs Lyonss mind, as this is the one thing she fears most and has pass many years trying to avoid. Bad language also gives the play a sense of comedy. This is shown when Edward tells his teacher to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut. This inevitably makes the audience laugh, as this is only the second time they hear him swear and the first time he uses it in the in force(p) context. It also leads to him being suspended, which reveals another similarity between him and Micky.A second point that someone may uses to discredit the play is the part when Micky and Eddie go to bewitch Adult Films this again is an integral part of the play as it shows the growing up and becoming teenagers. This is proven when Edward says Listen, we can see how it is done look the Essolado for one week only, Nymphomaniac Nights and Swedish Au Pairs. This shows that the pair ar eager to learn about subjects that they are interested in, and demonstrates them growing up. Also the names like Nymphomaniac Nights and Swedish Au Pairs. Are discriminating and could be much more graphic in there description, and whilst playacting the play we dont actually eat to show the film, as we can just simulate it. Two teenagers going to watch an erotic film will almost certainly lead to them discussing it in detail to each other, including them devising references to the female body. This once again shows them growing up, but also demonstrates the differences caused by the upbringing. This is shown when Micky stops to talk to Linda, where as Eddie jus continues his chat of Tits, Tits, Tits, whilst oblivious to anything else.This shows that although having enjoyed the film Micky is un-phased and co ntinues to act normally shortly after watching it. Eddie however is ceaselessly going on about the film for quite a while after, showing that he has had a more sheltered upbringing. There are many other themes in the play that can be used against it, but these are far weaker in there argument. One of these is the presence on guns and ferocity in the play. Children today are exposed to violence from a very young age and guns are just a part of that.Also children play with guns from a young age to, and there theme have become desensitised to the violence. The theme of romance and relationships is relevant to the age group that will be performing the play, and also has the sub-theme of childhood sweethearts. Also the Edward/Linda relationship is realistic and does happen in the real world. cataclysm also plays a big part as the whole play is structured towards it. However as the audience see a small clip at the beginning that shows the end, it doesnt comes as a surprise.Tragedy is a common ending to many stories. Mrs Johnstone makes a big deal about superstitions in the play, and they dance band up the ending. This demonstrates a contrast to Mrs Lyons as she thinks that superstitions are stupid and pointless. However the biggest theme in the play is class differences. This is in effect the whole play and shows how children are aware of it at a very young age, but it only really affects them as they get older. I hope I have portrayed my opinion of the play and the decision to stop the production of it.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Eric Whitacre Biography

Eric Whitacre is one of the most well sack outn, performed, and awarded choral composers in the modern day choral scene. Eric was born on January 2, 1970 in Reno, Nevada, dabbling in piano lessons as a child and later, in junior high, joining marching band, and playing synthesizer in a techno-pop band. view it or not, Eric dreamt of be culmination a rock star. (Bowen) Although he is not among the likes of Metallica or The Beatles, Eric has won a Grammy for crush Choral Performance for his album Light and Gold in the past year, as well as a nomination in 2007 for Cloudburst and Other Choral Works.He is the youngest recipient ever of the Raymond C Brock Commission given by the American Choral Directors Association, awarded in 2001, as well as many former(a) awards from the ACDA, the Barlow international composition competition, and American Composers Forum. (Official meshingsite Biography) Although Whitacre is known for his choral works, he also writes and composes for wind ensemb les, plenteous orchestras, a full musical highborn Paradise Lost Shadows and Wings, as well as entraps for solo voice and supporting instrumentals. The most known composing that Eric has composed is the acapella choral piece titled Sleep. Sleep is a SATB choral piece. The story behind this haunting song is that Julia Armstrong, a attorney and professional mezzo-soprano from Texas, wanted commision Whitacre to compose a choral that would be performed by the Austin ProChorus, where she was an devouring(prenominal) member of the choir. She wanted the piece to be a memorial of her beloved parents, who died within weeks of each other after fifty years of marriage. She wanted the piece to determination the metrical composition by Robert Frost, called Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening. Whitacre agreed to take on her request and was deeply locomote by her story.Unfortunately, after a careful composition by Whitacre and a breathtaking performance of the piece by the Austin ProCho rus, Robert Frosts estate forbid Whitacre from using the numbers in any way for the piece. The poem will become public domain in 2038, but he did not have that dour to wait as other directors were practically begging to use the piece for their choirs. Instead of letting the piece lie under his bed, dead, as Whitacre said, he talked it over with his wife and decided to ask his adept and poet Charles Anthony Silvestri to compose a poem to set words to the iece. Silvestri was a trusted lyricist for Whitacre, writing lyrics for da Vinci Dreams of His Flying Machine, Lux Aurumque, Nox Aurumque, and Her Sacred Spirit Soars, all celebrated Whitacre pieces. Tony incorporated a spile of the same ideals of Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, the biggest being sleep. Whitacre says that he loves Tonys poem more than he ever did Stopping and will never set the words to Frosts poem to his song, withal when it becomes available in 26 years. (Whitacre) The piece itself is musically exquisite .It grabs your attention almost immanently. Whitacre uses this method of stacking voices at life-or-death points in the plot by splitting every voice part into two separate, so what was a four part becomes an eight part. The texture and the dynamics are maticulously planned and formulated, as if Whitacre were sitting in that location telling a story about a personal experience, but the choir was doing the speaking for him. thither are moments when you can feel the pain and anguish he wanted to express just through the dynamic of the voices. The emotion of this piece is palpable.The lyrics read The evening hangs beneath the moon A silver travel on darkened dune With closing eyes and resting head I know that sleep is coming soon Upon my pillow, safe in bed, A thousand pictures fill my head, I cannot sleep, my minds aflight, And yet my limbs seem do of lead If there are noises in the night, A frightening shadow, flickering light Then I surrender unto sleep, Where clouds of dream g ive second base sight. What dreams may come, both dark and deep Of flying move and soaring leap As I surrender unto sleep As I surrender unto sleep. (Official Website)The conclusion few bars of the piece are of the sopranos holding the word sleep and the other voice parts singing sleep in a two note pattern, growing quieter and quieter into absolute silence. I take that the song, in its core, is about death. Perhaps, Silvestri wrote the piece with someone in mind who was very sick and their death came as a relief, almost as sleep does at the end of a very long and exhausting day. Whitacre does something in his music that is so unique and complex, it is almost hard to believe that he did not know how to read music when he attended the University of Nevada as a Music Education major. Bowen) The way that he builds chords to provide moments of tension is seventh or ninth chords, with or without suspended seconds and fourths and root-position major triads with an added major second and/or perfect fourth. (Shrock) Whitacre also uses unconventional chord progressions, meter changes, and harmonies. He is also known to use hand actions or props, as he does in the piece Cloudburst when the singers use snapping, clapping, and stomping to imitate the survive of a rainstorm.With all of that being said, Eric has almost nothing in common with other composers of our time, and honestly that is what gives him so much of an edge. He is willing to step out of the box and be daring and different and that bump has paid off. Works Cited Bowen, Meurig. Whitacre Offical Biography. Web article. (2006) n. page. Web. . Official Biography. Official Website. n. page. Web. . Whitacre, Eric. The Story Behind Sleep. Official Website. Web Article. (The song can be heard on this link) Shrock, Dennis (Mar 2009). Choral Repertoire. Oxford University Press (USA). p. 761. ISBN 978-0-19-532778-6.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Movie Review Inception

Movie Review assay Inception is a 2010 science fiction summer blockbuster filmed in various locations, such as Tokyo, France, Los Angeles, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The box mangleice hit was directed by London-born Christopher Jonathan James Nolan, who is well-known for the furore classic, Memento, and his Dark Knight films. A want with American cameraman, Walter Wally Pfister, equally well-known in his area of expertise, the relocation picture has received critical acclaim. Nolans interest in noir and abstract thought is apparent in umpteen of his films, and Inception is no exclusion.As it is a film about dreams and cons, Nolans style is incredibly fitting. Pfister, who has worked as the cinematographer for almost all of Nolans films, adds to the cinemas high quality with his characteristic use of dark tones and lighting, which only increases the movies intrigue. Together, the two powerhouses team up up once again to produce an incredible motion picture which has won numerous awards, such as the Academy purity for Best Cinematography. Inception is the story of a corporate spy by the name of Dom Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who came to fame in the movie, Titanic).However, what is crabbed about Cobb is that he doesnt merely infix a companys building in search of commercial secrets. He actually enters the judicial decisions of his targets while they are sound asleep(predicate) and extracts the data he wants via conning and deceiving. But now, wanted for murder and unable to see his children due to his circumstances, he is offered the chance to regain his old life if he manages to accomplish the impossible inception, the planting of an idea into a targets mind, which therefore takes roots and grows.Gathering a group of specialist to assist him, Cobb begins to plan inception into the mind of a wealthy businessman. The camera angles of the movie were kind of simple. Most of the shots were so that the characters face was directed at the informant while said character talked to another. On a screen, the eyes of the actor would be level with that of the audience. However, there are slightly scenes that are completely opposite, in particular near the latter half of the movie, where more work on tended to be focused upon. Although not as common, simply highly interesting, oud see aerial shots of the surroundings. It gave a genuinely desolate, mysterious feel to the film, while also informing the viewer about where the characters are. I found that the camera angles were okay, with a few that exceeded my expectations. Continuity was smooth, with talking scenes being fluid and dramatic and action scenes being planetary and ever changing, as how I ilk my movies to be. It was what youd expect out of the typical talking and action scenes. The long moments of talking or silence between characters created a sense of depth.The short moments of running or chip allowed you to lean forward in anticipation. I felt like th e continuity did what it was suppose to do. Although, there were some moments, particularly in the first half, which I felt were rather awkward. The talking scenes in the beginning were rather quick and keep changing from one character to the next, and I was so caught in trying to body-build out the plotline, that I didnt even figure out the main characters name until the credits. Cutting, I noticed, was very bountiful in the latter half of the motion picture.It do sense, as with the plotline and story the way it is, it definitely made the movie better as the whole. It added to the tension and sense of heart pounding Oh-my-word-come-on-you-only-have-5-seconds-to-do-that-gah. Not only is that, but it allowed the viewer to keep up with the characters actions, which is very nice if you have a particular character you call up is cool. I like Eames, the smart-aleck of the group, so I liked to know what was happening to him and seeing that he wasnt handout to die and all that.Close-u ps were in the main seen in talking scenes, allowing the audience to focus on the emotions and reactions of the character. There was seldom a moment where the camera zoomed in on something that wasnt an organism, something that lived and breathed. In this aspect of the movie, I found it to be either boring or heart-breaking. In my opinion, how good the close-ups were was completely dependent on the actress and actors big businessman to perform. If I became aware that they were trying to look sad, rather than felt that the character was distraught, I felt like the close-up wasnt a particularly mart move. I noticed that the composition of Inception was rather dark. Light was played with and created shadows that revealed split of the characters body, while the other was engulfed in darkness. Objects were always placed far away as to create a feeling of isolation, while managing to focus in on the character the camera was directed at. I actually, unfeignedly enjoyed the composition . I believed it worked wonders for the storys overall feeling. It allowed for dark and desolate tone to be even more pronounced. Inception really loves its slow motion scenes.However, considering that it can be a rather fast-moving movie, it does have its uses. Although there was one particular scene near the beginning that made me raise an eyebrow, I found that most of them were rather cool-looking. Considering that the characters were fundamentally stepping into a dream world, where everything is possible, the slow motions displayed all the strange and exciting so your eyes could feast in the wonderfulness of it all. The color scheme tended to lean towards neutral, yet somehow gave off a very astutely feel to it.There was also a low contrast, although it was most apparent near the end, with a particularly monochromatic feel to it. Textures were interesting to see when things began to lead towards the rising action. As for space, I felt like there was always a foreground and backg round, but not so much a centre of attention ground. I suppose this was due to the incredible amount of talking. Shape was super incredibly awesome. Then again, its a plotline about going into the dream world, so obviously the minds behind the work would take advantage of the ability to play around with the world they created.Either way, your mouth would drop at some of the things they twisted, the architecture in particular. In fact, the architecture is one of the most interesting things in the whole movie. As stated before, the movie played around with shadows a lot. There were a lot of highlights in Inception, particularly on the face. The characters are always slightly off center on the screen and there are generally only one or two characters in a single shot. I like to destine it just furthers the idea of the isolated feel to the movie. Buildings are towering and rather rectangle in shape, giving off a feel of aloofness.The special effects are in high gear when the characte rs enter the mind of the wealthy businessman. Things explode, crumble apart, and all that jazz The essentials for any type of action movie. Its fantastic. My particular favorite is when they do these anti-gravity shots and you see the characters walking upside down and floating in mid-air. Although I found some aspects of the filming to be average or lacking, it fully makes up in other ways. The composition and special effects are wicked awesome and I could see why the film won an Academy Award in Cinematography.

Historical development of management Assignment

Historical culture of management - Assignment ExampleHistorical development of management The industrial revolution was to further impact the theory and practice of management with its new demands during the 18th and nineteenth centuries due to the opening of factories, which demanded new styles, and practices in order to monitor, control. The practice of managing initially fell on owners of commercial enterprises but was gradually expanded to incorporate employees who were recruited for the sole purpose of managing. The non-owner managers became more and more commonplace as commercial organizations grew in size and complexity.Though management as a practice consort to some definitions has existed for many centuries, some written works have been thought to have great entice on modern management theories. In fact, even ancient military texts have been credited with having modify to management practice by their emphasis on evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of ones adversary as tumesce as oneself. The great general Sun Tzu of China wrote of the great benefits of the correct evaluation of ones foes and self in the The Art of War. Other works were written for the purpose of training and manoeuvre leaders in the area of decision-making. Famous for Machiavellianism was Niccolo Machiavelli who is still talked of in modern management studies though in a negative sense for his promotion of mistrust of employees and class stratification based on frugal and position power.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Review and evaluation of E-commerce solutions for SMEs Dissertation

Review and evaluation of E-commerce solutions for SMEs - Dissertation sampleApart from that SMEs have been also supported with financial assistance, management training, legislative & policy support, and counselling services. The SME domain of a country is visited as one of the pillars of the economic growth of a country. The statement SMEs argon a major source of entrepreneurial skills and creativity and contribute to economic and social cohesion. They hold the key to excogitation and are also emerging as global players, by participating in worldwide issue and supply chains made by the Deputy Director- General for Enterprise and Industry cl archeozoic reflects the sizeableness of SMEs in a country. According to reports SMEs contribute significantly towards the total GDP of a country and are also responsible for generating large account of employment opportunities. The definition of SME however differs from one country to the opposite. In simple terms the criteria for a compa ny to fall in the category of SMEs differs from one country to the other (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, 2004). In order to ensure growth of this sector, government as tumefy as the private sector played active roles. There have been several programs in the historic initiated by different establishments to ensure growth of SMEs. In addition, adoption of different technologies by the SMEs is also another(prenominal) unadorned factor. The latest to this is the implementation of e-commerce technology by several small and medium sized companies. The headliner evidence behind the implementation of this technology is to drive growth and profitability. However before getting win oceanic abyss into the study, a brief overview of the e-commerce technology is provided below.... In order to ensure growth of this sector, government as well as the private sector played active roles. There have been several programs in the past initiated by different establishments to ensure growth of SMEs. In addition, adoption of different technologies by the SMEs is also another obvious factor. The latest to this is the implementation of e-commerce technology by several small and medium sized companies. The principal reason behind the implementation of this technology is to drive growth and profitability. However before getting further deep into the study, a brief overview of the e-commerce technology is provided below. E-Commerce A Brief Overview Over the past few decades, e-commerce has evolved as one of the fully functional application for carrying out business transaction through electronic medium. During the early days of internet commercialization, the data transmission speed used to be extremely slow. It used to be characterized with the slow dial up connections. At that time, Netscape came into light and changed the scenario of internet browsing. Along with increased data transmission speed, it also succeeded to provide great internet surfing experiences to the user. Thus, several eminent scholars and individuals of the online business industry consider Netscape as the reason for the arrival of this new business dimension. This development has also led to the concept of e-commerce, where state can carry out business transaction over the electronic network. Thus, e-commerce is defined as a system of conducting business activities with the help of internet and other information technologies (Zongqing, 2004). Moreover, considering the current business environments, a number of scholars believe that companies must

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The position of the packaging industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The military position of the packaging industry - Essay ExampleThis requires further discussion. The position at Sonoco Each division has the impropriety and hence had their own HR functions, their own budgets and systems, exercise management processes, and leadership and training programs. Sonoco has a tight-knit culture in which there is resistance to hold the underperformers responsible. It has inconsistent HR practices and processes. The divisional HR managers ar involved in day-today employee relations issues. Lack of communication persists in the organization while the GMs have been empowered to decide on the compensation and appraisals for their subordinates which results in unfair practices. HR just had to follow the dictates of the VPs and the GMs. Career and episode planning was lacking within the organization which dampened the enthusiasm of the employees. Divisional HR can enhance performance and productivity within the organization. A hybrid structure can provide a strategic think between corporate HR functions and businesses. However, a hybrid structure does not enable interaction with tie managers which is possible through the centralization approach. Moreover, Sonoco had changed over to the hybrid approach and found that it is not sure of it had the repair people at the right jobs. It may be difficult to segregate the responsibilities between the head site and the individual divisions which can result in regular conflicts. Thus, the above discussions suggest that the HR changes at Sonoco were furthermost from successful. While each division having its own GM deciding on the benefits and other HR tie in functions about their employees, giving so much autonomy can lead to competition within divisions in an organization. This strength ultimately results in diluting the power... This study on Sonoco has been an eye-opener on how talent has to be managed in an dynamic business environment. It is not sufficient to formulate certain princ iples and implement them within the organization. To work with a globally diverse workforce, to work in different business environments, and to work with a workforce that has independent views and wide-ranging lifestyle, is a challenge. This realization has been the result of the case analysis of Sonoco which is in a dilemma whether to adopt the centralized or the hybrid approach. CPD is essential because there has been a shift in what the people and the organizations want. ole, there would be no interest or motivation to give his best. His interests have to be sustained and hence for optimum productivity, the right talent has to match the right job role. Motivation to a large extent comes from the supervisors as they are in regular contact with their subordination.Employees must know how to support their staff for CPD of every employee in an organization. It helps to manage and develop their careers and the Gen-yers are more conscious of their future growth than the current pay pa ckage. giving cannot be managed in an informal way. The strategies have to be integrated so that succession planning in addition is undertaken. This is part of CPD, essential in an organization. CPD and talent management are all inter-related terms and to achieve the think objectives, HRM policies have to be integrated with the strategic organizational objectives.