Monday, May 13, 2019

Witchcraft Trials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Witchcraft Trials - Essay ExampleIt is based on the tell offences that the inquisitor could punish every one (1484).Similarly the Dominican scholar Johannes Nider (1476) has pointed out that even plea or true repentance could not rescue a person accused as a witch from torture and death. For the society, church and individuals who carried out the witch hunt referred to here, the witches were not humans worthy of mercy. For example, the pompous Bull used the generalizing term, evils to describe the so-called witches, when it said it was duty-bound to prevent the taint of heretical pravity and of early(a) like evils from spreading their infection to the ruin of others (Innocent VIII, 1484). By giving a blanket authority to the inquisitors to expatriate out correcting, imprisoning, punishing, and chastising against people accused as witches for their said offences and crimes (Innocent VIII, 1484). It is notable that in the above instruction, the inquisitors are presumption total p ower while the accused are defined very vaguely. Hence it becomes clear that theoretically, any person can become an accused under the slightest of doubt.From what Nider (1476) has written, it is evident that the methods of primeval infection to become a witch were nothing but certain oath taking and renouncing the church. This is a practice of cult organisation that has existed always in the history of humanity. Yet this is viewed as an offense punishable by death, that too the virtually torturous kind, by the witch hunters. When this kind of a mindset exists in a society, and in the minds of its rulers, no person accused as a witch can hope for getting a good trial. Though Christianity has been known for its focus on repentance and forgiving, Nider (1476) narrated that a man who truly repented and disclosed the methods by which he and his wife were initiated into witch craft, was not spared of death.It was even officially

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