Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Assignment 2 - Essay Examplecussion by Timiraos in the journal article is that pile who are not credit defaulters or begin fairly good credit scores below 620 will collect the opportunity to own homes at reduced interest rates as well as reduced percentage required for a down honorarium from 3.5% to 3% in the two leading financial mortgage organizations Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The program by the federal government has ensured that this is possible but not to everybody and not in every financial institutions including banks.What the federal regulation has not shed into light and which if not properly explained might raise hopes of people for nothing is that those qualifying for the 3% down payment are required to not only have perfect credit when it comes to loan payment but are required to have mortgage insurance. Having mortgage insurance is an added cost to the people and hence they are even better off with the 3.5% down payment that was present initially.The banks also ad duce mortgage loans for the people but they do not do so for everybody and are even afraid to implement the federal regulation as a result of the losses they incur with mortgage defaulters. They are left at losses and in order to avoid this, they select very few people to provide the mortgages to.All is not gloomy about the regulations as is evident from the increase in housing contracts by new home buyers. The sales and contracts from the clock the federal regulations were announced have increased by around 0.3% and this is very encouraging. The prices of homes have been increasing which makes buying a house on cash ass very hard for majority of the people. However, with the new regulations, people are bound to construct loans to purchase their houses no matter the price.The federal government is trying its trump out but with the slow reaction and more negative than positive results of the regulations, they are bound to ease the conditions and make better the regulations. The m ortgage is most likely to get cheaper and more

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