Sunday, June 9, 2019

Prostate Among African American Men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Prostate Among African the Statesn Men - Essay ExampleThe genetic coding of the cells accountable for control of multiplication is interfered with, making the cells to lose control off their multiplication activities (Thompson, 2002).In the case of prostate crabmeat, the cells that multiply uncontrollably be those found in the prostate gland. The danger of the pubic louse is that the cells might migrate to other organs of the body. This is called metastasis (Robbins, 2007). When they get to these other organs, they make the cells here to also multiply. This makes the organ to become malignant also. This form of cancer has some effects on the patient. It might lead to pain and difficulty when passing urine and erectile dysfunction (Rosenberg, 2008).This paper is sledding to look at the issue of prostate cancer among African American hands. This is because it has been noted that there are disparities between the occurrence and effects of prostate cancer between African American men and Caucasian, American men.There is a variation in reported incidences of prostate cancer around the world. Countries from the Asian continent, for manakin china and Japan, report fewer cases than the European or American continent (American Prostate Cancer Association APCA, 2009). America records one of the highest rates of prostate cancer around the world. ... Another important aspect is that it rarely has symptoms (Washburn et al, 2004). It might manifest itself in form of other complications like that of erectile dysfunction, but no take in symptoms. This, coupled with the fact that majority of those inflicted are above sixty years, makes it hard to diagnose. In fact, the patient might die from other diseases (Arterburn, 2006). African American men record the highest incidences of prostate cancer around the globe (National Cancer Institute NCI, 2008). They make up ab off a quarter of all prostate cancer cases (NCI, 2008). They are also more likely to die from it than oth er men. In fact, they are three times more likely to die from it than their white counterparts (NMA, 2008). preponderance of Prostate Cancer amongst African American MenThis cancer is very significant to the African American man. As far as non-skin cancerous conditions are concerned, it tops the list in terms of occurrence amongst this segment (Washburn et al, 2004). It the most diagnosed cancer among these men. The American Prostate Cancer Association estimates that approximately 40,000 cases will be reported this year alone (2009). This is among the African American men. It is fact that the mortality rate from prostate cancer is dropping (APCA, 2009). But still, it occupies the second position as far as cancer mortalities amongst African American men is concerned (APCA, 2009). In 2005, more than five thousand black men in America succumbed to this cancer (Robbins, 2007). This dropped to about four thousand in 2007 (Robbins, 2007). The mortality rate has been in decline though. For instance, between the years 2000 and 2003, approximately sixty men out of 100,000 died.

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