Monday, October 7, 2019

Structure and Functions of the United Nations Organization Research Paper - 1

Structure and Functions of the United Nations Organization - Research Paper Example It also has an Economic and Social Council which has 54 members and an international court of justice consisting of fifteen judges. It has a Trusteeship council and a secretariat which are discussed subsequently. The United Nations through its five bodies is helping to maintain international politics in such a way that the whole world remains in peace and harmony. It is basically acting as a judge of politics so that countries do not fight or the populations of the countries do not suffer either financially or physically because of any threat. In order to develop a norm for all the countries, international laws are laid down by the United Nations which have to be followed by all the member countries. These international laws are regulated by treaties between the UN and the countries. These treaties are broad as they consider many aspects of the society such as human rights, refugees and border restrictions (United Nations 2010) Rwanda Genocide is cited to be one of the failures by the United Nations organization which shows that the UN has not been very successful in achieving its objectives. On the contrary, many other successful scenarios of UN can also be analyzed all over the world which shows that they have regulated international politics in such a way that many wars have been avoided. An example of Indo Pak can be cited here which was stopped with the help of UN intervention. It can clearly be seen that the UN Security Council after the genocide got more particular about warnings. It sought out its policies in such a way that future incidents occurring all over the world could be avoided. The policies which were taken by UN regarding the war on Afghanistan can be cited here which have served to be purposeful in decreasing the terrorism rate in the world. The UN Security Council urged all its member countries to follow the rules as laid down by Resolution 1267.

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