Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Foundation of Society Essay Example for Free

The Foundation of Society Essay Education is one of the most essential aspects of any society or any country as it provides the fundamentals that people need to accomplish things in life. It molds young people into respectable and dignified individuals by teaching them proper conduct and discipline. In addition, in higher levels of learning it cultivates the skills, professions, and careers that a person would like to pursue and use for his or development. The road to being a doctor, architect, engineer, nurse, and lawyer, among others, always begins with getting a good education. In short, education serves as the foundation for society as it teaches various lessons in life. Moreover, education has a variety of implications and can also affect all aspects of society. In terms of economics, education is essential for any country as it helps it attain high levels of economic growth. When more people are educated, there would be more technically-skilled workers that contribute to society and help shape the economy. In addition, In short, the higher the educational rates of a country is, the more it can adapt to the growing trends and policies of the rest of the world. High rates of education would also lead to vast improvement of technology, which is a key factor in the development of any country. In other words, it can then be deduced that education plays a highly essential role in the performance of the economy. Education also plays a crucial role in the fields of health and medicine. In society, if people are educated with the best measures that would ensure their health and safety, they would be able to avoid the most infectious diseases and deadliest illnesses. Research, which is another important part of education, is also crucial because it provides people with new information regarding the latest strain of viruses or bacteria that can cause potential harm to individuals. In short, in the field of science in general, obtaining continuing education is of primary importance because it paves the way for new breakthroughs and innovations. Due to the importance of education in the world, it should then follow that its goals should also be equally important. Every country must ensure that the goals of its educational system is updated and would provide students with more than enough skills and knowledge that can prepare them for the real world. However, before doing so, a nation must first ensure that all children, regardless of economic status, will be able to access high-quality education because it is a right and not simply a privilege. Moreover, aside from being able to teach students skills in Mathematics, Science, History and Languages, an educational institution should also be able to instill a sense of competitiveness among learners. To do this, the curriculum of any school must always be updated and meet educational standards. It should be comprehensive enough and proper for the level of education where is being applied. Furthermore, teaching methods should also be goal-oriented in order for students to know their target objectives. These methods should also be innovative and interactive so that an educator can determine whether or not his or her students have truly learned from him or her. In short, when all these standards are met, educational institutions would not only be of high-quality but would also produce top-caliber, highly competent, and well-rounded graduates who can impart to other people what they have learned.

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