Monday, November 18, 2019

Self-Introductory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-Introductory - Essay Example Some days, I feel that all people are the same. They have the same expressions, same fashion sense, and same body language. But at other times, I feel that my world is filled with so many extreme people. They are all different many ways: their dressing sense, their cultures, their races and their religion. If all of them were to observe me as I observe them, I wonder what they would feel. Would they see an Asian or would they see a person with observant eyes and a passion to discover the world and the people within? Most of the times, I feel that they see only an Asian and stereotype me as a hardworking and business minded person. But how wrong they would be! Sometimes, I imagine myself to be the character of a book by Haruki Murakami. Coming to America in some ways was a journey into one of the books of Murakami. I saw a world quite unlike my own with people having different ideas and different opinions. I like to myself as a character that could change people and their surroundings through his thoughts. If I had such a power, what would I not do? Sitting in this cafà ©, drinking my coffee, I am getting so many ideas. I would make the roadside beggar find a diamond in his hat that the lady who gave him five cents accidentally dropped. But would this make him happy or eventually sad when he gambled it all away? Or I would unleash the barking dog on the old lady who is barely able to walk. Would the dog bite her or would she gain a new energy that she never knew was there all along? On a more global platform, I would become the assistant of Larry Page. Working alongside Larry, I would learn a lot and later apply it to my father’s business that I intend to make as strong as that of Larry Page, Steve Jobs or Bill Clinton. As I sit near the cafà ©, making my coffee last longer, I realize that what I just wrote was typical me. I let my world run on imagination; I do not get up to change my world. This alas is the tragedy of my life.

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