Friday, November 8, 2019

Todays Driveres Have Dangerous Habits Essays

Todays Driveres Have Dangerous Habits Essays Todays Driveres Have Dangerous Habits Essay Todays Driveres Have Dangerous Habits Essay November. 12, 2013 Todays Drivers Have Dangerous Habits Many of todays drivers have dangerous driving habits. One does not have to travel far to see people driving with risky driving techniques. Bad drivers have dangerous driving habits and they can be observed on highways and in residential streets. In contract, good driving habits. Both affect our lives in different ways. Good drivers always care about the safety rules. Moreover, they follow them. Wearing a safety belts on, Doors locked, headlights on, and make smooth, gradual starts and stops. When driving a motor vehicle there can be many hazards, which all motorists should be ready to respond to in each situation? Some of these hazards include: bad weather, drunk driving, road construction, unaware drivers, car troubles and too many others to mention. A lot of the hazards can be very dangerous to all motorists, but most can be avoided. Dangerous drivers kill people and destroy property every day. Younger drivers can be dangerous drivers simply because they lack experience driving in various environments, such as driving at night, or driving on interstate highways. But there are drivers from all age groups that have dangerous driving habits. Even older drivers are sometimes dangerous because their senses and reflexes are not as good as they were. While driving in town or on the highway, it is rare not to see someone driving while talking on your cell phone. Driving while talking on a cell phone not only takes your concentration away from the road, it also takes your eyes away from the road. Technology has added to dangerous driving habits. Cell phones especially. Theyre now more popular than ever. Im pretty sure half of the wrecks that occur by todays oung people are because of cell phones. Everyone wants to talk and text while driving, not thinking that it could be you or another persons cause of death. Because of this many people have started to use a hands-free device. Hands-free devices will allow you to keep both hands on the wheel. However, it does not change the distractions involved with being on the phone while driving. And it doesnt help at all with text messaging. So to be honest the best way to prevent this situation is to not use the phone while driving at all. Bad drivers Just dont care about time. Theyre acing at incredible speeds tailgating Just to reach the red light. They are always in a hurry to get nowhere. Thus, they create a traffic Jam Just to go to the mall and have a cup of coffee. Most people drive under the influence of alcohol. We hear about kids being killed by drunk driving or eating and driving. There are Just so many that people do while driving that endangers people around them and we might not even realize it until its too late. In Conclusion, there is an old saying Good habits are as hard to break as bad habitslf you have dangerous drinking habits you can change hem by applying good driving skills for a few weeks. After a few weeks, many of these good driving techniques will become your new habits time is very essential for any driver or person intending to drive. Planning it and ensuring that all the required activities of the day are achieved with none at the expense of others is very crucial at all times tnereTore, orlvers must rememoer tnat engaging In otner actlvltles Ilke cell phone, eating, putting make up and having myths on how roads should be used are very dangerous as they end up distracting ones attention hence resulting to accidents.

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