Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assigment #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assigment #1 - Assignment Example In line with this, I find the English colonists as someone who is more superior as compared to the American Indians. Even though the English colonists acknowledged the fact that the American Indians were highly competitive in terms of their progress in economic activities particularly when it comes to hunting and agriculture, there were quite a lot of situational events wherein the English colonists were treating the American Indians badly. In most cases, the English colonists viewed the American Indians as a group of weak individuals who can be easily manipulated through the use of religious activities. I believe that the familiarity between the captive people and the colonists can be explained with the use of frontiers of inclusion or exclusion. Specifically the English colonists adopted the frontiers of exclusion when they settled in North America. Since frontier of exclusion means that they distance themselves from other culture and race, the English colonists never had the opportunity to become more acquainted with the American Indians (Mancall, 1995, p. 2). For this reasons, the English colonists failed to have a better understanding with regards to the strength and weaknesses of the American Indians. This gives the American Indians the benefit of not being able to become strongly manipulated by the English colonists. The same applied on the part of the American Indians. Because of the use of frontier of exclusion, the American Indians do not clearly know the real reasons why the English colonists chose to colonize their country. In fact, the American Indians were not able to have the opportunity to know more about the English culture. The only thing that the American Indians know is that the English colonists were abusive to their tribe. With regards to this perception, the American Indians became more familiar with the English colonists. The benefits and liabilities behind invading another country is not always clear

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