Friday, July 26, 2019

How is genocide defined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

How is genocide defined - Essay Example They are a phenomenon of the plural society, with its marked divisions between racial, ethnic, and/or religious groups. Plural society theory deals with the relations between these groups, and the conditions promoting peaceful cohabitation, integration, or violent polarization leading to genocide. It has no application to the genocides of international war, committed in armed conflict between separate states. The Convention definition of genocide is summarized as the intent to destroy in whole or â€Å"in part a racial, ethnic, religious, or national group as such, by killing members of the group or imposing conditions inimical to survival† (Show and Schott 2005, 34). The inclusion of mental harm among the acts constituting genocide seems incongruous, but it must be read in the overall context of the intent to destroy the victim group. Under Article I of the UN Convention, the contracting â€Å"parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of wa r, is a crime under international law† (Show and Schott 2005, 17). The Convention was adopted in 1948 by the UN General Assembly. The notion â€Å"genocide† was developed by R. Lamkin in 1943. He joined two words â€Å"genos† which means family or tribe and â€Å"occidere† which means massacre and killing. Also, Lamkin developed a draft for the Genocide Convention. The main strength of this Convention is that 137 countries recognize mass killing as a crime against humanity and were obliged to prevent genocide on their territories. The main strength of the Convention is that it recognizes genocide and interprets it as â€Å"the crime against humanity†.

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