Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Introduction Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods that are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Genetically modified organisms (GMOS) are defined as organisms in which the genetic material i.e. DNA has been altered in a way that doesn’t occur naturally. Genetically modified foods or genetically modified organisms are most commonly referred to crop plants that are made for human and or animal consumption using molecular biology techniques. When these plants are modified they are done in the laboratory to enhance traits that are desirable , for example, improving the nutritional content of foods and increased resistance to herbicides. When developing genetically modified plants, one or more genes are usually added to the plants genome in the lab, the plant can then be tested for other desirable traits like the delayed ripening of tomatoes which in turn is helpful for the transportation and storage of tomatoes. GM foods are produced for many reasons, the main one being the advantages to the producer or to the customer. Initially the objective of developing plants using GM organisms was to improve the protection of crops. Currently the crops that are in the market are mainly aimed at increasing the level of protection given to crops by introducing resistance against plant disease that can be cause by insects or viruses or herbicides. What is food security? The World food summit have defined food security as existing â€Å"when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life.† The concept of food security is defined as when both the economic and physical access to foods that meet the people’s needs and for fill their dietary needs. In many developing cou... ...pesticides. As discussed earlier, the use of less pesticides can have a big positive impact on human health. There is a chance when using GM foods to be able to increase the nutritional value of a food as I discussed earlier with â€Å"golden† rice. This is a big step for developing countries as rice is their main staple diet, so in being able to enhance the rice with the appropriate nutrients that they will need in everyday life is a big advantage. In relation to food security, GM foods have the possibilities to enhance food sustainability. However, there are a number of issues that will still need to be discussed if GM labelling becomes mandatory such as; who will be responsible for educating the public about GM food labels. The biggest issue will be educating the public with correct information without damaging the public trust and causing fear of GM food products.

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